1.On the Necessity of Opening the Course of Persuasion in China s Universities;呼吁中国大学开设劝服学课程
2.Its study is conducive to our better understanding of its function of persuasion,which in turn facilitates such reports in framing the mainstream publicity.深刻认识解释性报道的释疑解惑、进行劝服、增强认知、促进整合等作用,对有效地发挥这一新闻报道形式在构建和谐社会、和谐世界的传播活动中的特殊功能,促进主流舆论的形成具有积极的作用。

1.advised the suspect to level with the authorities.劝服嫌疑犯对当局坦白
2.It was all I could do to persuade him.我好不容易才劝服他。
3.persuade someone through flattery.通过奉承来劝服某人。
4.persuade through constant efforts.通过不断的努力来劝服
5.The elder brother having thus managed me, his next business was to manage his mother.这个大哥既然将我劝服,第二步就要劝服他的母亲。
6.guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion.例如用劝服的行为来指引或指导。
7.Our method will be that of persuasion, not coercion.我们的做法是劝服,而不是强制。
8.She's artful and knows how to get round her parents.她很机灵,知道如何劝服她的父母。
9.I can be enticed step by step.我能够被人一步一步地劝服
10.persuade somebody to accept something.劝服一些人来接受一些事。
11.He countered with some very persuasive arguments.他用一些非常有劝服力的言论来回答。
12.You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!你不能劝服我买这个丑陋的花瓶!
13.He also converted some leading Danes into Christians.他还劝服一些丹麦首领成为基督教徒。
14.The government persuaded its people to purchase more domestic produce.政府劝服老百姓多买国内的农产品。
15.6. Rational persuasion: using logical arguments and facts to persuade others.6. 理性的劝服:使用逻辑论辩和事实说服他人。
16.She advised me to wear my best clothes.她劝我穿上最好的衣服。
17.Can I persuade you to take his advice?我能否说服您接受他的劝告?
18.argue sb into/out of doing sth ;persuade sb to do/not to do sth by giving reasons说服,劝说某人做[不做]某事

persuasion tactics劝服技巧
1.Based on empirical observations and the existing literature, we used advertising informativeness, entertainment, social motivation, and advertising persuasion tactics as the four antecedents of advertising value, with purchase intention as the c.0建立结构方程模型对研究假设进行检验,结果表明:(1)青少年对广告价值的评价直接影响到他们的决策意图;(2)在探讨广告价值的影响因素时发现,对广告的知觉因素(信息性和娱乐性)和青少年对广告以及广告商的社会认知(观看广告的社会动机和对广告劝服技巧的认识)对广告价值的影响作用也十分显著,信息性、娱乐性与社会动机都对广告价值产生积极影响,而对广告劝服技巧的认识则对广告价值产生显著的负面影响。
3)course of persuasion劝服学
1.It is necessary to open the course of persuasion in China s universities.劝服学是一门研究怎样利用信息传播以使对方接受我们的观点、要求和产品的学问 ,它是我们从事市场营销、广告、公关、谈判、游说、舆论宣传以及进行竞选活动的理论基础。
4)Advertising & Persuading Info广告劝服
5)persuasive role劝服作用
6)declarative indirect persuasion陈述性间接劝服
