1.Research on mass-decentralization dissemination strategy of Chinese television entertainment program;中国电视娱乐节目分众化传播策略研究

1.On the popular culture in the multi-dimensional contexts多维视阈下大众文化分众化成因及趋势分析
2.Audience s Orienation and the Brand Management of Focus Media;受众取向与分众化电视媒体的品牌经营
3.Classical "Audience-Division" in Context of Literary Industrialization论文学产业化语境下经典的“分众化
4.Chinese Composite Channel in the Age of Mass-decentralized Communication;分众化传播时代的中国电视综合频道
5.On the Individuality of TV Anchorperson in the Times of Different TV Audience;分众化时代电视节目主持人个性化浅议
6.Chinese Television Entertainment Program Mass-decentralization Dissemination Strategy Research;中国电视娱乐节目分众化传播策略研究
7.Classification Epoch:Popular Culture Phenomenon and Research in the Tendency of Minority Communication分众时代:小众传播趋势下大众文化现象与研究
8.The Difference Analysis of the Public Attitude to the Information Divide;关于公众对信息分化的态度差异分析
9.Public opinion has polarized on this issue.在这个问题上公众的意见已两极分化.
10.The Ecological Analysis of the Popular Culture IMPRESSION SANJIE LIU;《印象·刘三姐》中的大众文化生态性分析
11.Dilemma in Science for All:A Sociological Analysis;“科学大众化”的困境:社会学的分析
12.Interpreting ‘Super Girl’--A Sociological Analysis of Pop Culture;解读“超级女声”——大众文化的社会学分析
13.Popular Culture, “the Culture Created by People" and “the Popularity of Culture";大众文化与“大众的文化”、“文化的大众化”
14.The US Muckraking Movement: Popular Magazines,Progressive Intellectuals and Public Opinion;美国黑幕揭发运动:大众化杂志、进步知识分子与公众舆论
15.The division of colleges and universities in the American higher education popularization;美国高等教育大众化过程中的院校分化
16.An Improved Information Retrieval Method Based on Search Topic and Folksonomy一种基于主题和分众分类的信息检索优化方法
17.Differentiating and Analyzing Some Problems of Academic Credit System at Institutions of Higher Learning in the Process of Popularizing Higher Education大众化进程中高校实施学分制的若干问题辨析
18.Under Being Commercialized, TV Summons a Matchmaker Accepting the Ethics Analysis that the Masses Affects Face to Face;商业化下电视传媒对受众影响的伦理分析

audience classification受众分化
1.To achieve a better e ffect in publicity, a more profound understanding of audience classification is required.为了达到更好的传播效果 ,需要对受众分化有一个更深刻的认识 ,根据受众的文化背景、专业层次和个性倾向 ,对频道重新进行更有针对性的定位 ,从而凸显军事特色 ,成为大众的军事资讯平台。
4)Demassify Communication分众化传播
5)little mass strategy分众化策略
6)The media focus传媒分众化

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