1.Analysis of classification and organization of network information resources by use of Sohu classification engine;从搜狐分类引擎分析网络信息资源的分类组织
2.A View of Brand Modification of Internet from Sohu-com s Success;从搜狐的成功看互联网品牌塑造

1.IDG Hopes to Create another Sohu MiracleIDG 冀再造「搜狐」神话
2.Great! I've got a new free e-mail address at sohu.com.好极了!我在搜狐网站有一个新的免费电邮地址:
3.A: Many websites, such as Sina, Sohu, ect. They are all excellent.很多网站啊,象新浪、搜狐等,他们都很不错。
4.Sohu's portal is growing as strongly as Sina and only Netease can compare to Shanda in gaming.搜狐的门户与新浪的相当,而只有网易的游戏能够比较盛大。
5.Integrated report of Internet media in Doha Asian Games多哈亚运会网络媒体整合报道分析——以搜狐网络报道为例
6.On the Competion Stategy of the Main Websites in the Beijing Olympic Reporting--Taking Sohu,Sina and Tecent for Example北京奥运报道中门户网站的竞争策略分析——以搜狐、新浪、腾讯为例
7.IDG once created a miracle of Sohu.com from US 22 cents per share to US $40.IDG 早年协助内地网站「搜狐」,创造了由低位每股 22 美分升至 40 美元的神话。
8.The Female Channels of Comprehensive Chinese Web-station and The Development of Young Women;综合性中文门户网站女性频道与青年女性发展——以新浪、搜狐、网易为例
9.The Compound Presence of Chinese Cultural Landscape in Cyberspace--The cultural channels in GuoXue,China and Sohu websites as the example网络空间中中华文化图景的拼贴式呈现——以国学网及中国网、搜狐网的文化频道为例
10.Firefox keeps itself up-to-date. Smart Update searches for updates in the background and informs the user about available updates.火狐可以自动更新。精巧的自动更新系统可以在后台搜索更新,并提示用户所需要的更新。
11.Of, resembling, or characteristic of a fox.狐狸的狐狸的,象狐狸的,有狐狸特征的
12.Any of various lemurs, especially the species Lemur macaco.狐猴任一种狐猴,特别是马卡罗狐猴
13.Inspiration of lnvestigate Raise Fox in Finland考察芬兰养狐业的启迪——养狐专家谈芬兰养狐业
14.a rabid dog, fox, etc发疯的狗、 狐狸等.
15.Hello, black bird, @ the fox says,“你好,乌鸦 ,” 狐狸说
16.In deed it is hard to take hare with fox.使狐捕兔,难上难。
17.Can I import the bookmarks from Firefox to lolifox?我可以把书签从火狐搬到萝莉狐吗?
18.A siren. So you are.一个狐狸精。你真是个狐狸精。

Sohu Inc搜狐公司
1.Study on Knowledge Sharing at Sohu Inc.;搜狐公司实现知识共享问题研究
1.Research progress on the disease of Gardneralla vaginalis of fox;狐阴道加德纳氏菌病研究进展
2.Research Progress on Fox Distemper,Parvovirus Enteritis and Encephalitis Immunity;狐犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑炎免疫研究进展
4)The Fox《狐》
1.Tragic Position after the Awakening from Sexual Consciousness——On the Irony of March in The Fox;性意识觉醒后的悲剧困境——论《狐》中玛奇形象的反讽意蕴
5)Fox skin狐皮
6)Vulpes corsac沙狐
1.Spring Habitat Selection of Dens by Vulpes corsac in Hulunbeir Grassland;呼伦贝尔草原中蒙边境地带春季沙狐洞穴生境选择
