1.After analyzed RFID and NFC technology, they are considered as radio frequency communication and listed up some examples of other radio frequency.本文在分析射频识别和近场通信的基础上,指出它们同属射频通信,而且列举了射频通信的其他技术。

1.Security Research of Bind Near Field Communication 3GCOS绑定式近场通信3GCOS安全性研究
2.fire ground network火场指挥网无线通信网
3.Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics《通信电子学中的场与波》
4.Communication protocol of PROFIBUS-DPPROFIBUS-DP现场总线通信协议
5.The latest wrongdoing happened at the huge communications company WorldCom.最近一起发生在大型通信公司??世界通信身上。
6.The controlled air traffic space near an airport.机场附近受控制的空中交通空间
7.Near-field Imaging Medical Signal Collection and Transfer Based on UWB;基于UWB的近场医学信号获取与传输
8."The Financial Unrest Caused by the Excess of Trust Companies and Stock Exchanges" In 1921 And The Securities Market In Morden Shanghai;1921年“信交风潮”与近代上海证券市场
9.The Research about China Unicom Corporation Gansu Branch Develops the Countryside Mobile Communication Market;甘肃联通拓展农村移动通信市场研究
10.These last two months and a half, when it was forbidden to write or receive a letter, have been very hard on me.最近这两个半月禁止通信,真是难熬。
11.Simulation Research of Near Space Communication Network Based on OPNET基于OPNET的临近空间通信网仿真研究
12.Research on Communication Qulity of F1 Stadium in Mobile Communication System;移动通信系统赛车场馆通信质量的研究
13."The Financial Unrest Caused by the Excess of Trust Companies and Stock Exchanges" and the Changes of the Securities Market in Morden Shanghai;“民十信交风潮”与近代上海证券市场的变化
14.Opening a New Battle Field of Air-defense in Near-earth Space;开辟信息化条件下防空新战场——近地空间
15.Analysis of near-field light and its application to data storage;近场光的分析及其在信息存储技术中的应用
16."The Financial Unrest Caused by the Excess of Trust Companies and Stock Exchanges"and the Management of the Chinese Stock Market in Latter-day Shanghai;“信交风潮”与近代上海华商证券市场的管理
17.Intrasite communications导弹发射场内部通信设备
18.The Research of GPON Technology Applied in the Airport s Communication;GPON技术在机场通信中的应用研究

nearfield signal近场信号
3)proximity communication邻近通信
1.Design and Research of the Key Technique in Proximity Communication;邻近通信关键技术研究与设计
4)short distance communication近距通信
5)near-field signal sources近场信号源
6)telecommunication market通信市场

《通信电子学中的场与波》  关于电子学中场与波的著名专著,1944年在美国纽约首次出版,书名为《现代无线电中的场与波》,S.雷莫和J.R.惠纳瑞著。1965年第三版改为现名。著者除雷莫和惠纳瑞外,还有T.范杜泽。全书共分12章,分别论述振荡和波的基础理论、恒定电场和磁场方程、静止场解、麦克斯韦方程、电路原理和阻抗、平面波在各向同性介质中的传播和反射、定向电磁波、普通波导和传输线的特性、波在各向异性介质中的传播、谐振腔、微波网络和辐射等。本书对50年代以来电子学方面的新进展和变化也有所反映。例如,采用磁场中的各向异性媒质(铁氧体或等离子体非互易器件);使用计算机求解场的问题;不依赖频率的天线、相控阵天线以及透镜辐射器的使用;材料与波的相互作用;电子技术同光学原理的相互交叉等。