连锁经营权,the right of chain operation
1)the right of chain operation连锁经营权
2)chain operation连锁经营
1.Effects of chain operation on cigarette sales and the countermeasures;连锁经营对我国卷烟销售的影响分析及对策探讨
2.Optimization design of the distribution route of chain operation taking account of reverse logistics;考虑反向物流的连锁经营配送路径的优化设计
3.Application of group decision in chain operation;群决策在连锁经营中的应用

1.The Marketing Superiority of Chain Operation and the Practicing in China;连锁经营的营销优势及在我国的实践
2.The Core Competence Sharing in Privately Operated Enterprise of Chain Operation;民营企业连锁经营中的核心能力共享
3.Whichever entity or individual intends to establish an enterprise engaging in chained operation of publications or any enterprise engaging in other chained operation that intends to engage in chained operation of publications,设立出版物连锁经营企业或者其他连锁经营企业从事出版物连锁经营业务,
4.Analysis on the Countermeasures to Global Economy and China s Chain - Store Management;经济全球化与中国连锁经营对策探析
5.Developing chain management and pushing on the reformation of commercial administration form in Zhengzhou发展连锁经营 推进郑州商业经营形式改革
6.The Catena Management Development Trend and Management Strategy Analysis of the Net Cafe;网吧连锁经营发展趋势及经营策略分析
7.Developing chain management and pushing on the reformation of commercial administration form in Zhengzhou;发展连锁经营 推进郑州商业经营形式改革
8.Chain Business:the Most Vigorous Mode in China s Tertiary Sector;论我国第三产业最具活力经营模式:连锁经营
9.Develop the Franchised Chain-store Business,To Provide More Jobs发展特许连锁经营,促进城乡居民就业
10.Develop Chain-store Operation, Promote the Modernization of Merchandise Circulation积极发展连锁经营 促进流通现代化
11.The Discuss of Some Problems for The Pharmacy Retail Chain Business对药品零售连锁经营几个问题的探讨
12.The Optimal Decision of Distribution Network for Chain Management Enterprise;连锁经营企业物流配送网络优化决策
13.Research on the Development Strategy of Chinese Mall s Chain Marketing;中国百货企业连锁经营发展战略研究
14.Study on China National Postal and Telecommunications Appliances Corporate Mobilephone Rtail Chain-sale Pattern;中邮普泰公司手机连锁经营模式研究
15.A Study on the Franchising Format of Chinese Articles for Mother and Infant;中国孕婴用品加盟连锁经营模式研究
16.Research on the Integrative Optimization about Inventory & Routing Problem during Chain Management;连锁经营中库存/配送一体化控制研究
17.The Study of ABC Household Appliance Sales Corporation s Chain Operation Strategy;ABC家电销售公司连锁经营战略研究
18."Fontaineblean" Silk Textile Catena Management Plan Project;“枫丹白露”丝绸织品连锁经营企划方案

chain operation连锁经营
1.Effects of chain operation on cigarette sales and the countermeasures;连锁经营对我国卷烟销售的影响分析及对策探讨
2.Optimization design of the distribution route of chain operation taking account of reverse logistics;考虑反向物流的连锁经营配送路径的优化设计
3.Application of group decision in chain operation;群决策在连锁经营中的应用
3)chain management连锁经营
1.The research chain management development Beijing;北京市连锁经营发展研究
2.Developing chain management and pushing on the reformation of commercial administration form in Zhengzhou;发展连锁经营 推进郑州商业经营形式改革
3.Probe into the chain management of Dalian Tianbai Group;大连天百集团连锁经营之路的探索
1.Discussion and Analysis on Community Health Service Chain;社区卫生服务连锁经营组织模式探析
2.This paper provides suggestions of laws and regulations construction in the management of retail pharmacy chain on the basis of collection and analysis of the current chain management law and rules of Chinese pharmaceutical retail commerce.对药品零售业连锁经营现行的法律法规进行汇总和分析。
3.Although it is not long since chain management emerges in China market , it has made achievements.连锁经营是一种追求规模经营和效益的经营方式,是目前国际上最具有活力的一种经营方式。
5)chain business连锁经营
1.Discussing on the contribution of the development of chain business to the commercial economy in China;论连锁经营的发展对中国商业经济的贡献
2.Discussion on logistics control in chain business;商业连锁经营物流控制探讨
3.According to the analysis of present situation and expected barriers faced by domestic retailer,this article makes a clear description about how to develop domestic chain business.连锁经营作为世界零售业发展新业态,在中国的发展仍不完善。
6)chain store连锁经营
1.Confronted with the great changes brought by internet, the key to success for chain store operating is to establish an internet-based business model.对于连锁经营这种未来主要的 商业资本组织形式来说,面对Internet所带来的巨大变革,制胜的关键就在于建立具有网络时代特征的运 营方式,发展适应的经济模式。
2.The chain store is a product of Modern commercial chain revolution, and it is also an inevitable result of contradictions of social production and consumption.连锁经营正是近代商业革命所带来的产物,是社会化生产和社会化消费矛盾发展的必然产物。
3.Chain store has more than one hundred years history in the world.连锁经营在国外发展已有一百多年的历史了。

电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度  电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度中国通信主管部门根据国家规定,对放开经营的电信业务实行经营许可证制度和经营申报制度实行经营许可证制度的电信业务有:无线电寻呼;80OMHZ集群电话;45OMHz无线电移动通信;国内VSAT(甚小天线地球站)通信;邮电部批准实行经营许可证制度的其他电信业务。实行经营申报制度的电信业务有:电话信息服务;计算机信息眼务;电子信箱;电子数据交换;可视图文;邮电部批准实行申报制度的其他电信业务。 申办经营许可证和申报批文的程序是:通信主管部门在收到全部申请材料后,按照经营电信业务的基本条件进行审核,对符合基本条件的单位进行综合评述,择优确定经营单位,核发经营许可证和申报批文,并分批向社会公布。电信业务经营许可证由邮电部统一印制。申办经营无线电通信业务的单位,须按照规定的审批权限到邮电部或当地邮电管理局申请办理经营许可证,并凭经营许可证到无线电管理部门申请使用频率,再到工商行政管理部门办理工商注册登记或经营范围变更手续。对实行经营许可证制度的电信业务,通信主管部门可根据通信资源及市场情况,确定发放经营许可证的数量或作出暂停审批的决定。