新奢侈品,New luxury
1)New luxury新奢侈品

1.Analysis of the New Iuxuries Consumers in Chinese Market;新奢侈品在中国市场的消费群体研究
2.And what were the effect of the new demand for luxuries?对于奢侈品的新型需求的效果是什么?
3.Luxuries are - ties.奢侈品是非必需品。
4.Luxuries are superfluity.奢侈品都是非必需品。
5.Developing Chinese Luxury Industry Making Chinese Luxury Brand;发展中国奢侈品产业 打造中国奢侈品品牌
6.We are surrounded by luxuries.我们置身于奢侈品中。
7.luxury import restrictionism奢侈品进口限制主义
8.The quota on luxury item have is revoke.奢侈品限额已被撤消。
9.I do not regard books as extravagances.我认为书不是侈奢品.
10.In the United States the automobile is a necessity and not a luxury.在美国,汽车为必需品而非奢侈品。
11.As Schor puts it, "Luxuries become necessities."正如斯科尔所说:“奢侈品变成了必需品。”
12.Gold is luxury goods, but grain is essential goods.黄金是奢侈品,谷物是必需品。
13.He lacks necessaries, let alone luxuries.他缺乏必需品,更不用说奢侈品了。
14.Food is a necessity, but wine is an extravagance.食物是必需品,而酒则是奢侈品。
15.High vaulted rooms with cool uncarpeted floors, great dogs upon the hearths for the burning of wood in winter time, and all luxuries befitting the state of a marquis in a luxurious age and country.壁炉上有堆放冬季劈柴的薪架,还有适合于一个奢侈时代中奢侈国家的侯爵身份的一切奢侈品。
16.Luxury Goods in Luxurious Life--A Romantic Marketing;奢华生活里的奢侈品——一场风花雪月的营销
17.She lists Abercrombie and Finch among her favorite luxury brands.最奢侈的牌子:衣服鞋子木有奢侈品,香水有一堆,不分国籍地。
18.Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.奢侈品使人愉快、舒服但非必需的东西

Luxury Goods奢侈品
1.Study on the Application of 4R Theory in Luxury Goods Marketing;4R理论在奢侈品营销中的应用及启示
2.China is a booming luxury goods market,in which few research has delved.亚洲特别是中国正成为世界奢侈品的主要市场,但是受文化的影响,东西方消费者的奢侈品消费动机是不同的。
3.The luxury goods is a kind of consumer goods beyond people s existence and development scope,which is special,sparse and rare.奢侈品是一种超出人们生存与发展需要范围的、具有独特、稀缺、珍奇等特点的消费品,又称为非生活必需品。
1.On the concept of luxury and its function;关于奢侈品概念及其功能的思考
2.Have you already prepared for luxury?;对奢侈品消费的心理分析与探讨
3.Comparative Analysis of Consumer Behavior on Luxury Goods between Chinese and French;中法奢侈品消费者行为比较分析与实证研究
1.Research on Online Luxuries Consumption in China;我国奢侈品网上消费研究
2.The Development,Comparison and Prospect of Luxuries-Perceived Value Theory消费者奢侈品感知价值理论的发展、比较及展望
3.When all of products enter and seize the Chinese mainland,ambitious luxuries brand manufacturers are taking advantage of accessing to the Chinese mainland market in the early stage as foreshadowing and taking the emerging middle class of Chinese mainland as significant target.如今中国大陆的经济迅速崛起,成为世界市场十分具有潜力的重要部分,在各个产品的纷纷进军和抢滩中国大陆的同时,雄心勃勃的奢侈品品牌厂商正以利用前期进入中国大陆市场做为铺垫,将新兴的中国大陆中产阶层做为他们的重要目标对象。
5)luxury tax奢侈品税
1.However,through the analysis on the existing luxury tax effect,it will be difficult for the luxury tax to narrow the gap between rich and poor and may also restrain emerging domestic ind.然而,通过对现行奢侈品税的政策效应的分析,在中国当前的现实状况下,奢侈品税不仅难以缩小贫富差距,还很可能遏制国内新兴产业的发展。
2.It is said that the target of luxury tax is fair income distribution.因此,本文主要从经济学理论方面进行分析和探讨,预期在中国当前的现实状况下,奢侈品税不仅难以缩小贫富差距,相反,还很有可能遏制国内新兴产业的发展。
6)luxury brand奢侈品牌
1.From early 1990’s first came into China market to 2004 boomed in China market after releasing open retailing policy, foreign luxury brands strengthened their focus in China market.从二十世纪九十年代初部分国际奢侈品牌进入中国市场到2004年中国放宽零售业态的政策使得国际品牌在中国市场的发展更加的宽松。
2.According to Reference Group Influence Theory,this study tests the differences in reference group influence between publicly and privately consumed products and luxury brand and mass-market brand.基于参照群体影响理论,本次研究目标是考察消费者在奢侈品牌和大众品牌购买决策中,参照群体影响程度的差异。

奢侈品  在英文字典里,奢侈是Luxury、Luxus,形象点,就是“力士”品牌的英文名。其实,Luxus是一个拉丁词,原意指“极强的繁殖力”,后演变为浪费、无节制。大部分欧洲语言都吸收了这个概念,确切地说,该词用以描述在各种商品的生产和使用过程中超出必要程度的费用支出及生活方式的某些方面。沃尔冈·拉茨勒在畅销书《奢侈带来富足》这样定义奢侈:“奢侈是一种整体或部分地被各自的社会认为是奢华的生活方式,大多由产品或服务决定。”现在,奢侈品在国际上的概念是“一种超出人们生存与发展需要范围的,具有独特、稀缺、珍奇等特点的消费品”,又称为非生活必需品。在中国人的概念里,奢侈品几乎等同于贪欲、挥霍、浪费。其实,从经济意义上看,奢侈品实质是一种高档消费行为,本身并无褒贬之分。从社会意义上看,是一种个人品位和生活品质的提升。