讨价还价博弈模型,Two-person Bargaining Model
1)Two-person Bargaining Model讨价还价博弈模型

1.The Bargain Game Model on Electric Power Price in a Bilateral Electricity Market;电力市场中关于直购电力价格的讨价还价博弈模型
2.Game Analysis on the Basis of Bargaining Model in the Supply Chain;基于讨价还价模型的供应链博弈分析
3.To Analyse on Auction of Asset of Country with Game Theory;国有资产拍卖中的讨价还价博弈分析
4.Equilibrium analysis of supply chain inventory game:Bargaining供应链库存博弈的均衡分析:讨价还价
5.Brand Approach to the Innovation of Chinese Equipment Manufacturing Industry--Analysis on the Dynamic Bargain Game Model;中国装备制造业自主创新的品牌研究——基于讨价还价动态博弈模型的分析
6.Study on Game Model of Project Offering Based on Winning the Bid with Low-priced低价中标下的投标报价博弈模型研究
7.Bargaining Game Analysis of Stakeholders in State-owned Enterprises ESOP;国有企业ESOP中利益相关者讨价还价博弈分析
8.Analysis on Bargaining between an Upstream and a Downstream Firm in SC;供应链中上下游企业间讨价还价的博弈分析
9.Research on the Dynamic Game Decision-making of Enterprise M&A;企业并购讨价还价的动态博弈决策研究
10.Game Analysis on Collective-Choice Problem and Bargaining Problem of Virtual Organization;虚拟组织集体选择与讨价还价问题博弈分析
11.The Strategy of Argy-bargy and Its Analysis with Game Theory in One Trade;一次交易中的讨价还价策略及其博弈分析
12.Research on Supply Chain Buyback Contracts Based on Bargaining Game基于讨价还价博弈下的供应链回购合同研究
13.Open System Game Pricing Model for Enterprises with Different Cost;开放系统不同成本企业博弈定价模型
14.Game-based time-of-use electricity price models and relevant simulations;基于博弈论的分时电价模型及其仿真
15.A Model of Bidding Strategy for Power Generating Enterprises Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的发电企业竞价策略模型
16.Game Pricing Model for Enterprises with Open System of Identical Cost;开放系统成本相同企业博弈定价模型
17.Analyzing the Bargain Model of Game Theory in International Commercial Negotiation;国际商务谈判的博弈论议价模型分析

infinite alternating-offer bargaining g ame model无限期轮流出价讨价还价博弈模型
3)bargaining game讨价还价博弈
1.Based on supply chain cooperation between coal and electricity power enterprises,we use the infinite stage bargaining game to model the distribution of cooperation benefits,with the profit allocation factor taken into consideration.根据煤电企业供应链合作实际,运用无限阶段讨价还价博弈方法建立了基于利润分配因子的合作利益分配模型,该模型适合一方向另一方投资的合作利益分配;运用Shapley值法和风险期望原理,建立了基于合作贡献和风险补偿原则确定的合作利益分配模型,该模型适合对长期合同、战略合作等合作利益分配。
2.This thesis analyzes the bargaining game among the government,the enterprises,and the employees.本文对国有企业ESOP过程中利益相关者——政府、企业、员工之间的讨价还价博弈进行了分析,提出了实施ESOP政府应采取有效率的监管措施,弱化权力强势方的权力,促进利益公平分配;政府、企业应采取适当的策略,以降低交易成本,促使改革顺利进行。
4)Nash Bargain GameNash讨价还价博弈
1.A Method of Allocating the Fixed Cost Based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Nash Bargain Game;一种基于DEA与Nash讨价还价博弈的固定成本分摊方法
5)Bargaining model讨价还价模型
1.Research on the Bargaining Model of the Price of International Technology Transfer;国际技术转让价格讨价还价模型研究
2.Game theory and bargaining ability factors are employed to set up a bargaining model for alternate bid for the order transfer under capital-control mode.运用博弈论知识,通过引入讨价还价能力因子,构建了资本控制型下订单在成员企业间转移时确定订单转移价格的轮流出价的讨价还价模型,并通过对该模型的求解得出了成员企业间的订单转移价格。
3.This paper uses methods of game gheory,analyzing bargaining model under complete information dynamic game between multi-national corporations and government of developing countries.本文用博弈论方法分析在完全信息动态博弈下跨国公司与发展中国家政府之间的讨价还价模型,其基本结论是:跨国公司在与东道国政府的非合作性博弈中,是否实施绿色管理以及实施的程度取决于博弈双方的讨价还价能力,合作式竞争将是有关各方最优的策略选择,而政府政策的特征决定了其对跨国公司行为的诱导作用。
6)bargain model讨价还价模型
1.Ruhinstein set up a bargain model for offer-counteroffer.罗宾斯泰英建立了一个轮流出价的讨价还价模型。
2.This article analyzes the tactics of the participant action in the financial cross-border M&A and discusses the main reasons which affects the success or failure of the M&A,using the bargain model.本文运用讨价还价模型,分析金融业跨国并购中各方的行为策略,探讨了影响并购成败的主要原因,从理论上分析了实际操作中影响并购的因素如何对并购的未来收益分配产生影响。

讨价还价1.指在商品成交过程中﹐买卖双方对价格要求的一增一减。 2.比喻接受任务或举行谈判时﹐双方对所提条件斤斤计较﹐反复争论。