1.However, Luyou,the great poet and writer in Southern Song Dynasty, respected Wanganshi very much.南宋诗文大家陆游却十分尊敬王安石,在他的心目中,王安石是一个富于人格魅力、学养深厚的诗人,陆游对王安石的情感认同,一方面渊源于家庭影响,另一方面也与他自身的人格和艺术追求有关。

1.feeling or manifesting veneration.感觉尊敬或表现出尊敬
2.feel reverence for...对…怀尊敬的心,尊敬
3.To respect or honor greatly;revere.崇敬,尊敬,极端恭敬
4.An attitude of deference or homage.尊重,尊敬尊重或尊敬的态度
5.Fear God and honour the Queen.敬畏上帝,尊敬女王。
6.Fear God and honor the King [Queen].敬畏神,尊敬国小女尸。
7.Respect is given where respect is due.尊敬只给予值得尊敬的人。
8.Conferring or showing respect or honor.尊敬的授予或表示尊敬或荣誉的
9.Lack of reverence or due respect.不虔诚,不尊敬缺乏虔诚或应有的尊敬
10.Respect other people, and they will do the same to you.-Rene Descartes尊敬别人,才能让人尊敬。--笛卡尔
11.To bare the head in respect or reverence.脱帽致敬脱帽子以示尊敬或敬重
12.To remove the hat from, as in respect or reverence.脱帽致敬脱去…的帽子以示尊敬或敬重
13.The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect.尊贵值得尊重或尊敬的品德或地位
14.To regard with respect, reverence, or heartfelt deference.尊敬,崇拜带着敬重、敬畏或诚挚的崇敬对待
15.respected captain受尊敬的船长/队长/上尉
16.it is held in esteem; a man who has earned high regard.倍受人们尊敬的领导。
17.Your Excellency, Mr B.J. Habibie, President of Indonesia,尊敬的印尼总统阁下:
18.a respectable married couple一对值得尊敬的夫妻

look up to尊敬,敬仰
3)To hold in respect; esteem.尊敬;尊重
4)pay reverence to尊敬;向¥致敬
5)Favorable regard; esteem.尊重尊敬;尊重
1.KeiGo is composed of SongKeiGo,KenSongGo,TeiJiuGo and BiKaGo.:敬语由尊敬语、自谦语、郑重语和美化语四种形式组成;准确使用敬语的某种形式是与谈话内容相关的上下级关系、亲疏关系、场所等要素密不可分的;敬语的难点在于能否于瞬间正确把握人际关系等要素;可运用卡片制作各种场景进行有效教
