1.Creation and Curb——On Eco s Hermeneutic Thoughts;创造与约束——论艾柯的阐释观
2.Umberto Eco is one of respresentative characters of western semiology in the half of 20th century.安贝托·艾柯是二十世纪后半期西方符号学领域最为重要的代表人物之一。

1.Talking Straight实话实说:美国超级企业家艾柯卡自述
2.Automatic Coal Cutting Test and Analysis of EKF Coal Cutter艾柯夫采煤机自动化割煤试验及分析
3.On the Self-Demonstration of Eco Hermeneutics and Hermeneutic Entropy in Foucault’s Pendulum;论《傅科摆》的艾柯诠释学回证与诠释熵情
4."Yes, Aleck, it's certainly so."“是,艾莱柯,没错。”
5.It's a grand catch, Aleck.艾莱柯,你抓得太准了。
6.but Aleck kept her head and would not allow it.可是艾莱柯头脑清醒,没有批准。
7.It's wisdom, Aleck, solid wisdom, and sound as a nut.艾莱柯,这就叫聪明,实在聪明,绝顶聪明。
8."By George, but it sounds good, Aleck!“老天,听起来真不错,艾莱柯!
9.But Aleck went down and put it out.可艾莱柯还是下床去把蜡烛熄了。
10.Aleck had ignored the hints.可是艾莱柯对这种暗示视而不见。
11."True as you live, Aleck--and bear scepters, too;“千真万确,艾莱柯——还得手握权杖;
12.It was awfully discouraging, Aleck!艾莱柯,这可太让人扫兴了!
13.Aleck built a university or two per Sunday;艾莱柯每个周日都要建一到两所大学;
14.Aleck glowed; she was profoundly happy.艾莱柯心潮澎湃,她高兴极了。
15.Aleck responded with decision and composure--艾莱柯的回答既果断又冷静:
16.Aleck fetched a long purr of soft delight, and said:艾莱柯轻松愉快地吐了一口长气说:
17.Whereat Aleck, with a prideful toss of her happy head, said:艾莱柯听了,得意洋洋地晃着脑袋,高兴地说:
18."Why, Aleck, I could do it and not be found out--I'm certain of it."“嗨,艾莱柯,我能做得神不知鬼不觉——我保证。”

Lee Iacocca艾柯卡
1.Media Experience and Management Idea of Lee Iacocca;艾柯卡的传媒经历与管理理念
6)ECHO virusECHO病毒,艾柯病毒

艾加柯利907CAS:71868-10-5分子式:C15H21NO2S分子质量:279.00熔点:74-76℃中文名称:2-甲基-1-[4-(甲基硫代)苯基]-2-(4-吗啉基)-1-丙酮;艾加柯利907;2-甲基-1-(4-甲硫基苯基)-2-吗啉基-1-丙酮英文名称:2-methyl-1-[4-(methylthio)phenyl]-2-(4-morpholinyl)-1-Propanone; 2-methyl-1-[4-(methylthio)phenyl]-2-(4-morpholinyl)-1-propanon; 2-methyl-4'-(methylthio)-2-morpholino-propiopheno; 2-Methyl-1-[4-(methylthio)-phenyl]-2-morpholinopropan-1-one; photoinitiator 907性状描述:熔点72-75℃。用途:高效光引发剂用于紫外固化体系,能使其长期不泛黄和延长储存。