美学史,history of aesthetics
1)history of aesthetics美学史

1.Attention Should Be Paid to "Narrate Clearly" When Studying Western Aesthetics History: the Postscript of A Study of Western Aesthetics History;研究西方美学史要注意“说清楚”——《西方美学史》后记
2.Researches in Aesthetic History and Current Situation of Chinese Aesthetics;美学史研究与美学的当代状况——从《西方美学通史》谈起
3.The Rising of Theory of Sense of Beauty美感理论的发轫——论洛克美感理论的美学史意义
4.History of Western Music Aesthetics and Problem Consciousness of Chinese--Thoughts on "History of Western Music Aesthetics" Teaching;西方音乐美学史与中国问题意识——“西方音乐美学史”教学随想
5.Teaching the History of Western Aesthetics As a General Elective Course;西方美学史课程公选课教学方法初探
6.Pan-American Institute of Geography and History泛美地理历史学会(泛美史地学会)
7.History and Politics: An Brief Analysis of American Consensus History;史学与政治——美国"共识"史学初探
8.You've studied the US history well.美国历史你学得不错。
9.Aesthetics of the Evil" : A Study of the Aesthetics of Wallace Stevens Poetry;“恶之美学”:史蒂文斯诗歌美学探析
10.Hollinger, David. In the American Province: Studies in the History and Historiography of Ideas. 1985.《美国的行政区:历史和史学概念研究》1985.
11.The Rise of Area Studies in American Sinology;美国汉学界区域史、地方史研究的兴起
12.The American Historical Review: The First Scientific American Historical Journal;《美国历史评论》:第一份科学的美国历史杂志
13.Perfect Unification of the Historiography and Art Characters: Value of Art s Historiography of The History of Chinese Painting;史学品格和艺术品格的完美统一——《中国绘画通史》的美术史学价值
14.A Brief History of Ceramic Art Education in China Academy of Art(1960-2008)中国美术学院陶瓷美术教育简史(1960-2008)
15.A Study on Application of Historical Sources in Middle Schools in the United States;试论史料在美国中学历史教学中的运用
16.Historical Standard and Moral Standard--Teaching Difficulties in the History of European-American Literature;历史尺度与道德尺度——欧美文学史教学难点透析
17.A historical perspective of the evolution of school mathematics curriculum in the United States of America (1900-2006)美国学校数学课程演化的历史观(1900—2006)
18.Studying on the Wisconsin School of American Diplomatic History;美国外交史学中的“威斯康星学派”研究

History of art historiography美术史学史
3)Historiography in the West欧美史学史
4)art historiography美术史学
1.” It is the same way as to art historiography.”美术史学也并不例外。
5)American historiography美国史学
1.During the 60 years after WWII, American historiography has revealed its pluralistic characteristics in four aspects including the pluralism of research subject, research object, research theory, and research method.第二次世界大战结束迄今的六十年来 ,美国史学的多元性发展引人瞩目 ,大体可以概括为研究主体多元化、研究客体多元化、研究理论多元化和研究方法多元化等四大表征。
2.Spawned by the professionalization of Western historiography at the end of the 19~(th) century,AHR could be demonstrated as the signal of scientization and professionalization of American historiography.它是19世纪末西方史学职业化的产物,也是美国史学科学化、职业化的标志。
6)concept of aesthetics history美学史观
