悦志悦神,Pleasing to the Will and Soul
1)Pleasing to the Will and Soul悦志悦神
1.The analysis of these questions educes a substantive question:Is aesthetic appreciation an alternative to religion? More specifically, does the aesthetic state of "pleasing to the will and soul" has enough power to integrate and to redempt.前两部分主要是对“悦志悦神”的境界的阐发,即李泽厚是怎样形成关于这个境界的观点的,这个境界的特征是怎样的;最后一部分展开评论,这也是论文的核心部分,集中讨论“审美代宗教”的问题以及“与宇宙共在
2)Joy of Spiritual Attainment-Pleasure of The Soul and Spirit畅神性的愉快-悦志悦神
1.As a matter of fact,this is the emotional experiencing process from Yue(delight) to Le(Pleasure) to Gentleman s character.其实,这也是从悦到乐到君子人格的情感体验过程。

1.Try to please everyone and you please no one"欲取于众人,终无一"
2.said Hurstwood blandly."赫斯渥和地说。
3.be sweet [ harsh ] to the ear+[ 1 ][刺]耳, 好[不好]听
4.a feast of colours, sounds, etc赏心目的颜色、 耳动听的声音.
5.Delight yourself and you delight the world.使自己愉,你将愉整个世界。
6.I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.我喜你的法度,如同喜一切的财物。
7.Preface:World at please me, but I, please the oneself only.引言:世界在取我,而我,只取自己。
8.Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.哦,这是安慰与喜的消息,安慰与喜
9.Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.欢欣,喜,高兴强烈的喜,尤指狂喜或欢腾的喜
10.She be glad to embosom his affection .她喜地珍重他的爱情。
11.experienced indescriBaBle delight.经受了难以形容的喜
12.ineffable joy, beauty, etc难以形容的喜、 美丽等.
13.douBle deliciousness, douBle pleasantness双重美味,双重愉
14.a frisson of delight, horror, fear, etc喜、 恐怖、 惧怕等的战栗.
15.She's got a good voice.她的嗓子好,声音耳。
16.She speaks with a silvery voice.她的声音如银铃般耳。
17.the liveliness and pleasingness of dark eyes- T.N. Carver.黑眼睛的活泼和愉
18.She flushed with gratification.她因喜而脸红了。

Joy of Spiritual Attainment-Pleasure of The Soul and Spirit畅神性的愉快-悦志悦神
1.As a matter of fact,this is the emotional experiencing process from Yue(delight) to Le(Pleasure) to Gentleman s character.其实,这也是从悦到乐到君子人格的情感体验过程。
4)pleasure 精神愉悦
5)spiritual pleasure精神愉悦性
1.It is of the features of the spiritual pleasure and strong mainstay and fresh perceptual.它具有精神愉悦性、强烈的主体性和鲜活的感性等特征。
6)bright eyes流露喜悦的眼神

荀悦(148~209)  中国东汉末政论家、思想家、史学家。字仲豫,颍川郡颖阴县(今河南许昌)人。祖、父两辈先后参加过反外戚、宦官的斗争,遭"党锢之祸"。荀悦少年好学,喜著述。灵帝时因宦官当权,托病隐居。献帝建安(196~220)初年,被辟召到曹操府,迁黄门侍郎,在献帝宫中侍讲,累迁秘书监、侍中。建安十四年卒。《后汉书》有传。著有《申鉴》5卷, 表述了他的政治、伦理、哲学思想。又奉献帝之命,删取《汉书》材料,仿《左传》体例,撰成《汉纪》30卷,按年叙述西汉历史,为史家所重。二书今存,其他单篇著作均散佚。    荀悦认为仁与义是"道之本",体现在政治上即是礼教与法治,故法与教是"政之大经"。主张汉代"以霸王道杂之"的传统政治思想。针对汉末土地高度集中、阶级矛盾激化的现实,荀悦抨击"富人民田逾限",提出了一种"耕而勿有"的理想,即土地只许耕种而不许私有和买卖。强调"足寒伤心,民寒伤国",主张"兴农桑以养其生","先丰民财以定其志";不应在法令规定的范围以外私自增加赋役;"慎庶狱",反对"峻刑害民"。这些都具有一定进步意义。在人性论上,荀悦发挥刘向"性不独善,情不独恶"的论点,提出了一种和董仲舒有所不同的性三品说,认为上品君子性善,下品小人性恶,中人则善恶混。"礼教"施于君子,"桎梏鞭扑"加于小人,对中人则"刑礼兼焉"。他对当时流行的宗教迷信如谶纬、神仙方术等都提出了怀疑,加以否定,认为卜筮无益,"德斯益,否斯损"。提出"生之谓性也,形神是也","凡言神者,莫近于气,有气斯有形,有神斯有好恶喜怒之情",肉体、精神都根源于气的观点。他继承了扬雄、桓谭等人的无神论思想,但理论上缺少新的建树,对后世影响不大。他的性三品思想对唐代的韩愈有一定影响。