1.Study on the index which express mixing condition of concrete;评价混凝土拌和状态指标研究
2.The control measure of bitumen mixture mixing quality;沥青混合料拌和质量的控制措施
3.During the construction of cement and stone crushing,the quality control of raw material and the whole mixing process is the important part of the whole quality control process.在二灰结碎石基层施工过程中,原材料和整个拌和过程中的质量控制是整个质量控制过程中的重要环节,结合秦赵高速公路I标段的施工经验,具体阐述了以上两个关键环节的质量控制问题。

1.steamer mixer蒸煮拌和器, 蒸煮混和器
2.tilting drum concrete mixer倾筒式混凝土拌和
3.portable electric driving stirrer移动式电力驱动拌和
4.mixing plant for bituminous mixture沥青混合料拌和基地
5.multiple-pass rotary mixer多行程转轴式拌和
6.Energy and environmental gains of warm and half - warm asphalt mix温拌和半温拌沥青混合料的能耗计算和环境评价(编译)
7.nontilting-drum concrete mixer非倾侧式筒形混凝土拌和
8.portable diesel driving stirrer移动式柴油机驱动拌和
9.domestic-type food blender with self-contained electric motor家用型仪器拌和机,配有自备电动机
10.tar-macadam batch mixer焦油沥青碎石分批拌和
11.He dressed the salad with oil and vinegar.他在沙拉中拌上油和醋。
12.toss the salad in oil and vinegar把油和醋拌入色拉.
13.The Effect of Mixing Bit Dynamics and Structure on Uniformity of CDM Pile's Body深层搅拌桩搅拌头结构和动力特性对桩体搅拌均匀性的影响
14.We mix oil and vinegar to put on salad.我们把油和醋搀和在一起,用来拌色拉。
15.In a food processor, liquefy the tomato, tomato paste and cucumber.食物搅拌器中,加入西红柿,西红柿酱膏和黄瓜,搅拌,直到成液体.
16.Blend the oil and hot water together and add in the egg mixture.热水和沙拉有混合后加入蛋液,混合搅拌均匀后,筛入粉类拌匀。
17.Fold in1/3 of the melted marshmallow mixture, then quickly fold in remaining marshmallow until no streaks remain.然后把1/的棉花糖拌匀,然后再和剩下的棉花糖迅速拌匀。
18.the agitation system design includes agitator design and agitation drive design.搅拌系统设计包括搅拌器的结构设计和所需动力设计

1.Production quality control of forced-mixing asphalt plant;沥青拌和设备混合料生产的质量控制
2.Mixing of bituminous mixtures and mix proportion adjustment;沥青混合料的拌和控制与配合比调试
3.How to mix modified asphalt at asphalt mixing plant沥青搅拌站如何使用改性沥青拌和
1.The writer passes to face the under construction fulfillment experiencebacklog in the road through the years,the point elaborated that the bituminous concrete blend the control request of each link,provide to go together the reference only.笔者通过历年在路面施工中的实践经验积累,重点阐述了沥青砼拌和时各环节的控制要求,仅供同行参考。
1.In this paper, the author has conducted the initial studies of construction craft and skill for the superpave mixture and noted the main points and cautions of construction process of its blending, paving and compressing.结合试验路段和工程实体实际情况,对Superpave混合料的施工工艺进行了初步探索,阐明了拌和、摊铺、压实等施工工艺的技术要点和注意事项。
5)premixing method拌和方法
6)Mixing test拌和试验
