1.Study on Technique and Effect of Vetiver for Trapping and Killing Rice Borer;利用香根草诱杀水稻螟虫的技术及效果研究
2.The trapping technology used for controlling adults of Grape Leafhopper(GLA)(Erythroneura apicalis Nawa) by yellow sticky traps in the grapery was studied;the trap efficiency of different kinds of yellow sticky traps was tested.采用粘虫板对葡萄园内的葡萄斑叶蝉成虫黄板诱杀技术进行了研究,并对不同黄板的诱杀效果做了比较。
3.The trapping effect of daubing insect with blue is better than that of daubing insect with grease.利用黄板诱杀葡萄斑叶蝉,涂粘虫胶和涂黄油的黄板对该虫均具有一定的诱杀效果,涂粘虫胶黄板的诱杀效果好于涂黄油,两者诱杀效果分别为37。

1.booby-trapped (explosive device)诱杀装置(爆炸装置)
2.Study on the Trapping Effect of LED Insect-trapping Lamp on Greenhouse PestsLED杀虫灯对温室害虫的诱杀效应
3.The experiment and observation of Jiaduo frequency trembler grid lamps to induce and kill orange insect pests佳多频振式杀虫灯诱杀柑桔害虫试验观察
4.Discussion on Controlling Meaning of "Ammonium Acid Carbonate-Double Insect Killing" Trap and Killing Stuff to Ceracris Kiangsu Tsai“碳铵—杀虫双”新型诱杀剂对黄脊竹蝗的防治意义
5.The attraction effect of fruitfly food lure to Chinese citrus fly.大实蝇食物诱剂对柑橘大实蝇的诱杀作用
6.Effect of Trap Lamp on Vegetable Pests and their Natural Enemies诱虫灯对蔬菜害虫的诱杀效果及对天敌的影响
7.The Study of New Emulsifiable Concentrate and Poison Bait to Control Cockroaches;新型蟑螂防治乳油及诱杀毒饵的研制
8.Effects of trapping and killing of Bemisia tabaci using yellow boards in the sunshine greenhouses日光温室内黄板对烟粉虱的诱杀作用
9.Experiment on Snare Fruit-Absorbin Noctuid in Peach Garden With Mixed Liquid of Honey and Dipterex蜜糖与敌百虫混合液诱杀桃园吸果夜蛾试验
10.Studies of a Wild Crucifer Barbarea Vulgaris G-type as a Dead-end Trap Crop for the Diamondback Moth;欧洲山芥对小菜蛾的诱杀效应及其机理
11.Biological Characteristics and Mechanism of Killing Tumor of Cytokine-Induced Killer Cells细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞生物活性及杀瘤机制
12.Shooting and trapping are expensive.射杀或诱捕的代价是高的。
13.To hunt, trap, or shoot wildfowl.猎鸟猎捕、诱捕或射杀野禽
14.Her suicide was motivated by desperation.她自杀的诱因是自暴自弃。
15.This was a case of sly, evil seduction as well as murder.这是一件狡猾、恶毒的诱奸案和谋杀案。
16.Inducement, Prevention &Intervenient Countermeasure of Student Suicide;大学生自杀的诱因与预防和干预对策
17.Mutagenic Effects of MNNG Treatment on the Spinosad Producing StrainsMNNG对多杀菌素产生菌的诱变效应
18.Study on Male Sterility of Rape Induced by New Chemical Hybridization Agents Huashaling WP;新型化学杀雄剂—化杀灵WP诱导油菜雄性不育研究

trap and kill诱杀
1.A study on techniques to trap and kill the cotton boll worm adults with high-voltage mercuric lamps;高压汞灯诱杀棉铃虫成虫技术的研究
2.Objective:Study on the effect of poison bait to trap and kill Musca domestica vicina; Methods:Laboratory experiment,analogous site experiment and field experiment.目的:报告灭蝇净毒饵对家蝇诱杀效果;方法:试验室、模拟现场及现场灭蝇试验;结果:不同地点的试验,家蝇48h诱杀率均达100%;结论:灭蝇净毒饵诱杀效果较好,使用方便,值得推广应用。
3.DDVP was used to trap and kill Liposcelis bostrychophilus L.在我库进行了敌敌畏对书虱的诱杀试验。
1.Based on the behavior of Ceracris kiangsu attracted by salt taste and urine,experiments indicated that with the trap of urine mixed with DDVP(1∶100),489 C.利用黄脊竹蝗嗜好咸味和人尿的习性,用人尿加敌敌畏100倍液的药尿诱杀,24h2m2平均诱杀到竹蝗489头,最多的样点有656头,竹蝗死亡率98%,每5kg人尿加50g敌敌畏能防治0。
2.Of which, trap is the best measure for termite control in economic forest because of easy operation, low cost and high effi.白蚁防治措施包括物理措施和化学措施,其中诱杀法不仅简便易行,而且成本低、效果好。
3.Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps could trap all the phototactic pest insects within their action area.应用佳多频振式杀虫灯诱杀林果害虫结果表明 ,该灯能够诱集到区域内发生的所有具有趋光性的害虫 ,以鳞翅目、鞘翅目为主。
1.The main results were as follows: The compound traps combining two different lamps with sex pheromone or poplar branches bundle show obvious control effect on CBW moths.不同灯光与性诱剂或杨树枝把的复合配置处理对棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera成虫均具有较明显的诱杀作用,其各自的田间控制效果各不相同,且明显与棉铃虫田间实际发生的相对程度有关。
2.The compound traps combining two different lamps with sex pheromone or poplarbranches-bundle show obvious control effect on CBW moths.灯光与性诱剂或杨树枝把的复合配置处理对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera 成虫均具有较明显的诱杀作用,且明显与棉铃虫田间实际发生的相对程度有关。
5)lure and kill诱杀
1.Based on the analysis of the test in the planting site of Xinming county,Liaoning Province,the method that green vegetable is soaked by fipronil to lure and kill weevil is proved to be effective,thus it is worth to use widely in production.笔者通过在辽宁省新民地区造林地中的试验,认为使用锐劲特浸泡青菜诱杀象鼻虫效果较好,可以在生产中推广使用。
6)sex pheromone trap性诱剂诱杀
1.Agriculture, Forestry and Southern Mountain member of the Research Task Force Juzhu , mainly carried out chemical control technology research, sex pheromone trap technology research, agronomic measures and physics research and南岳农林局属课题组研究成员之一,主要开展了化学防治技术研究、性诱剂诱杀技术研究、农艺措施与物理防控技术调研及行政管理措施调研,本文在学习外地综合防治经验和了解柑桔小实蝇生物学特性和生态学特性的基础上,运用收集资料与分析、野外观察与分析、田间试验设计与统计分析、综合研究与分析的方法,开展柑桔小实蝇的综合防控技术研究,得出的结果如下:1。
