1.Treatment of High-voltage Cylinder Crack and Measure ofRepair Welding in QiaoTou Thermal Power Plant;桥头电厂高压汽缸裂纹的处理及补焊工艺措施
2.Probe and analysis to cylinder oil-pipe in marine main engine;某轮主机汽缸油管理探析
3.Using copper mesh gaskets to fill gaps of steam turbine cylinder joins;铜网垫片在汽轮机汽缸接合面上的应用实践

1.An eight-cylinder engine or motor vehicle.八汽缸发动机或八汽缸汽车
2.Position the cylinder heads onto head gaskets and cylinder block.将汽缸盖安置到汽缸盖罩垫和汽缸体上。
3.Steam cylinder oiGB/T447-1994蒸汽汽缸
4.steam-refined cylinder stock汽炼汽缸油,重(润滑)油
5.SR cylinder oil直接蒸汽拔头汽缸
6.Remove the crankshaft from the cylinder block (refer to Cylinder Block Disassemble).从汽缸体上卸去曲轴(参看“汽缸体-拆卸”)。
7.cylinder lubrication cock汽缸润滑旋塞,汽缸滑油开关
8.Remove the engine cylinder head from the cylinder block (refer to cylinder head removal in this section).从汽缸体拆下引擎汽缸盖(请参阅本部分之汽缸盖拆卸)。
9.chromium-plated thin-walled steel cylinder liner钢质薄壁镀铬汽缸衬套
10.Remove sensor from cylinder hea从汽缸盖拆下感知器。
11.pneumatic cylinder cock valve风动汽缸排水阀阀门
12.cylinder power equalizing test汽缸工作均匀性试验
13.vertical tandem engine直立排列汽缸发动机
14.cylinder wall surface temperature transducer汽缸壁表面温度发送器
15.alignment of bottom casing and bearing seating下汽缸和轴承座找正
16.cylinder block, for internal combustion aircraft engines汽缸座,航空内燃机用
17.a bank of cylinders in an engine发动机中的一排汽缸
18.New cylinder head bolts should be use应使用新的汽缸头螺栓。

1.The calculations of the strength,stiffness and steamtight are very importang when high pressure and intermediate pressure casing of 300 MW steam turbine are designed.本文采用三维弹性接触理论,建立300M W汽轮机高中压外缸的有限元模型,进而计算了汽缸的温度场、应力和变形。
2.Distortions of the joints of turbine casings have happened after more than ten years operation.华能南通电厂一期工程两台350MW机组运行10多年后,汽轮机汽缸结合面存在较大程度的变形,介绍一种先进的采用激光控制自找正机处理汽缸结合面变形的方法,以及GE公司在现场对1号汽轮机汽缸结合面进行处理的实施过程和修后效果。
3.A method for calculating the heat transfer coefficient of steam turbine casings is being presented.提出了汽轮机汽缸传热系数的计算方法。
4)steam cylinder汽缸
5)steam cylinder蒸汽汽缸
6)automobile cylinder汽车汽缸
