小白牛肉,white veal
1)white veal小白牛肉
1.52kg) were fed with whole milk to produce white veal in group pen for 120 days.52kg的荷斯坦公犊牛,群养模式下,全乳饲喂生产小白牛肉,实验期120d。
2.17 kg)were fed with whole milk to produce white veal.17 kg的荷斯坦公犊牛生产小白牛肉,研究公犊牛从出生至100 d的体尺、体重变化规律及100日龄时屠宰指标、肉质指标和获得的经济效益。

1.Overview on the Production State of Young White Beef at Home and Abroad国内外小白牛肉的生产研究现状综述
2.Study of Producting White Veal with Holstain Bull Calves Using Whole Milk利用全乳饲喂奶公犊牛生产小白牛肉的研究
3.Study on Promoting Rumen Development and Productive Technology of White Veal of Holstein Calves;荷斯坦犊牛的促瘤胃发育研究和小白牛肉生产技术的研究
4.white meat( poultry,veal or pork)白色肉(家禽肉、小牛肉或猪肉).
5.Marinate the veal in white wine for two hours.把小牛肉用白葡萄酒浸泡两小时.
6.veal Marsala.加了马沙拉白葡萄酒的小牛肉
7.a cut of meat (beef or veal or mutton or lamb) from the upper part of the leg.腿的上部的肉块(牛肉、小牛肉、羊肉、小羊肉)。
8.Of, relating to, or resembling veal or a calf.小牛的,小牛肉的属于、关于或像小牛或牛肉的
9.Butcher : Do you want beef or lamb ?肉商:你想要牛肉还是要小羊肉?
10.A small round piece of meat, especially loin or fillet of lamb, veal, or pork.小块瘦肉小块圆形肉,尤指腰肉或四肢上的肉,小牛肉或猪肉
11.clear soup usually of beef or veal or chicken.清澈的汤,通常是炖牛肉、小牛肉或鸡肉的汤。
12.large smooth-textured smoked sausage of beef and veal and pork.大个的平滑织纹的牛肉、小牛肉、猪肉熏制香肠。
13.Veal is young beef and lamb is a baby sheep.小牛肉是小牛犊身上的肉,小羊肉是羔羊身上的肉。
14.the brain of a calf eaten as meat.用作肉食的小牛的脑。
15.a fillet of veal mutton ]小牛羊]肉片, 里脊片
16.Chutney veal curry French style法国查尼酱小牛肉咖喱
17.A: Well, I would like to have a fillet mignon.甲:嗯,我想要小牛肉丝。
18.That is number one western steer beef.那是头等的四方小牛肉。

Fricasseed Veal白烩小牛肉
3)beef protein牛肉蛋白
4)Small-type beef breed小型肉牛
6)Roast veal烤小牛肉

白切牛肉原料:牛腱子肉600克,白酱油25克,红辣椒丝20克,味精1克,香菜段5克,香油25克,蒜蓉10克,精盐1克,葱段10克,姜块5克,八角2枚,黄酒10克。做法:1、将牛腱子肉洗净,漂去血水,用沸水烫—次,放 锅中,加清水淹没,置旺火上烧沸,撇去浮沫,加黄酒、八角、姜块(拍松)、葱段、精盐,盖严盖,移至小火上煮至酥烂,以筷子可以戳穿为好,端下锅晾凉,取出牛肉。2.将牛肉切成薄片,整齐地排在平盘中,将白酱油、味精、香油同放碗中调匀,浇在牛肉片上,撒上香菜段、红辣椒丝、蒜蓉,即可上桌。特点:牛肉色泽灰白,原汁原味,酥烂香鲜。