东扩,Eastern enlargement
1)Eastern enlargement东扩
1.EU s eastern enlargement draws the wild-wide attention in 50s last century.欧盟东扩是欧洲一体化至20世纪50年代启动以来历史上最大规模的一次扩大,给欧盟自身以及国际社会都带来了巨大的影响。

1.A Hard Road of Eastward Expansion:Analysis of the Causes and Prospects of EU s Eastward Expansion;艰难的东扩之路:欧盟东扩的动因与前景分析
2.The Impact on CEECs Inflowing FDI in the Condition of EU Enlargement;欧盟东扩对中东欧国家FDI流入的影响
3.Difference from its attitude to the eastward expansion of NATO, Russia is acquiescence to and in favor of the eastern enlargement of the EU.与反对北约东扩的立场完全不同 ,俄罗斯默许并赞同欧盟东扩
4.The Historical Cause of NATO Eastern Expansion --USSR, US and East Europe 1985~1991北约东扩的历史由来——1985~1991年苏联、美国与东欧
5.The Eastward Expansion of the Euro Area: Analysis in Terms of the View of Middle-Eastern European Countries;欧元区东扩:基于中东欧国家视角的解析
6.Analysis of EU Eastern Expansion s Negative Impact on Central and East European Countries;欧盟东扩对中东欧国家的负面影响分析
7.The impact of NATO enlargement eastward on Russia’s foreign policy.北约东扩对俄罗斯对外政策的冲击。
9.The impact of EU enlargement eastward on Russia’s foreign policy.欧盟东扩对俄罗斯对外政策的冲击。
10.An Analysis of the United States Policy on the Enlargement of the European Union after the Cold War;冷战后美国应对欧盟东扩的政策分析
11.An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of EU Eastern Enlargement on Trade between China and EU;欧盟东扩对中欧贸易影响的实证分析
12.Studies on the Harmonization of Competition Policy During the Process of EU New Round Enlargement;欧盟东扩进程中的竞争政策协调研究
13.Reviewing the Relationship of America and Russia from the Issue of Eastward Expansion of the Missile Defense System;从导弹防御系统东扩问题看美俄关系
14.Analysis on Russia s Strategic Choices Towards NATO s Eastern Expansion;试析俄罗斯应对北约东扩的战略选择
15.NATO Enlargement from its Policies toward Ukraine;从北约对乌克兰政策看北约东扩进程
16.Economic Analysis of EU s Enlargement and China s Countermeasures;欧盟东扩的经济学分析及中国的对策
17.Deepening and Challenge--Analysis of the East Enlargement of Europe Alliance and its Trend;深化与挑战:欧盟东扩及其走向分析
18.The “Micro - security” and Measures in the Process of Eastern Enlargement of European Union;东扩进程中的“微观安全”与欧盟的对策

eastern expansion东扩
1.The Impact of Euro-Union s Eastern Expansion on the Middle Europe and the Foreign Merchants Direct Investment in China and the Countermeasures;欧盟东扩对中欧和我国外商直接投资的影响及应对措施
1.On the Nationalities of EU after its Enlargement;浅析欧盟东扩后的民族构成
2.Following the enlargement of European Union,the enlargement of the Euro area has drawn much attention.欧元区东扩进程日益受到关注。
4)Eastward Expansion东扩
1.The Negative Impacts on the Integration of European Defense Brought by the European Union s Eastward Expansion;试析欧盟东扩对欧洲防务一体化的负面影响
2.This paper analyses the change of Anti-dumping Policy after the EU eastward expansion and its impact on the export of Chinese products;it holds the view that the impacts include more cases that are placed on file and larger amounts are involved.本文分析了欧盟东扩后其反倾销政策的变化以及对我国出口产品造成的影响,认为欧盟东扩后其对华反倾销呈现出立案数量增加、涉案金额趋大等特性。
5)east enlargement东扩
1.An Analysis on the Political Causes of EU s East Enlargement;欧盟东扩的政治动因分析
2.Europe Alliance east enlargement greatly promotes the deepening process of European integration, which centrallyshows that the surpassed state organization power of European Alliance has further expanded and the applied range of majorityvoting system has enlarged.欧盟东扩极大地促进了欧洲一体化的深化,集中表现在欧盟超国家组织权限的进一步拓展以及多数表决制应用范围的扩大。
6)extending to the east and west东扩西进
1.To meet the urbanization of the 21st century,the strategic thinking of developing Pingdingshan city is presented,which is to enlarge the urban framework by “extending to the east and west".21世纪是一个新的城市化世纪 ,平顶山市如何迎接城市化世纪的到来 ,明确的战略思想是“东扩西进” ,加大新城区的框架。
