1."Sayable" is one dimension of expressible thought; "unsayable" expresses what is not "sayable" dimension of thought."可说"是语言表达思维的一个维度,而"不可说"表达"可说"思维之外的其他维度。
2.Language expression can be termed "sayable" and non-linguistic expression "unsayable".语言符号的表达称为"可说",非语言符号的表达称为"不可说"。

1."Sayable","Unsaybale" and Language Non-instrumental Features“可说”、“不可说”与语言非工具性
2.Do not lie on any account.无论如何不可说谎。
3.Can this convince the majority of the people?这可不可以说服多数人?
4."In that case, messire," she continued, 'will you of your courtesy explain to me-"“这样的话,相公,您可不可以给我说一说……
5.But the third said, @No, no. Don't tell him such a thing.但老三却说:“不可,不可。不要对他说这样的话。
6.You say you will not do it, But I say you shall do it.你说你不做这事,但是我说,你非做不可。
7.To say that he was displeased is an understatement, ie He was furious.说他不高兴是重事轻说(他已怒不可遏).
8.You say you will not do it, but I say you shall do it你说你不做这事, 但是我说, 你非做不可。
9.Faith, I know not what to say.不瞒你说,我可不知道应当怎么说。
10.In other words, while we have to improve the people's livelihood, we must not try to do too much, and while we have to make some allowance for it, we must not make too much.就是说,人民生活不可不改善,不可多改善; 不可不照顾,不可多照顾。
11.His excuse sounds unconvincing.他说的理由好像不可信.
12.It may also be said that rational,也可以这样说,不明智的、
13."This is serious business," he said."这可不是闹着玩的,"他说。
14." I'm not like that," said Leymarie."我可不那么想,"莱马里说。
15.Don' t go back on your word.可别说了不算数啊!
16."Such remarks demand a fine of one glass!"说这种话非罚一杯不可
17.The doctor said he must not lift heavy weights.医生说他切不可抬重物.
18.I won' t have you say such things.我可不许你说这样的话。

speak the unspeakable说不可说
3)"Tao can not be interpreted"道不可说
4)the unspeakable不可说的
1.They especially pay attention to the unspeakable.冯友兰与维特根斯坦都对“可说的”和“不可说的”之间的区分以及这种区分的哲学意义有清楚的认识,而且尤其关注“不可说的”。
5)the expressible不可言说
1.It expounds three series of relations which are important for the understanding of the thoughts of Chinese sages of the past: 1) the relation between the wisdom of life and the knowledge of experience; 2) the relation between the expressible character of thought and the inexpressible character of thought; 3) the relation between the personal practice and the realm of spirit.作者认为,理解中国先圣的思想,应当注意三个问题:一、生命智慧与经验知识;二、不可言说与可以言说;三、个性体验与心灵境界。
6)to say and not to say"可说与不可说"之说

不可说【不可说】 (术语)真理可证知,不可言说,涅槃经说四种之不可说,天台以明四教之理。(参见:四不可说)