1.The purpose of this paper is to show Heidegger s thought of language: the generative transformation is from sage to speaking and from a language that can t be said a language that can be said.讨论了海德格尔的语言之思是从“道说”向“人言”,从“不可说”向“可说”的“生成转换”过程,这一转换过程不是机械的、重复式的“应合”,而是在生成中的转换。
2.The comparison is chiefly made from the following three aspects: Ereignis and Tao;lending an attentive ear to Sage and obtaining Tao by observing;and,transcendental language used to express the unspeakable and the assumption of ideal living condition.以道家思想为参照,通过对“大道”与“道”、倾听道说与观物得道、在说不可说者的超验语言及对理想生存境界的设定等方面的比较,探寻海德格尔语言之思的思想进路。
3.Later he further develops it and understands language as "sage".海德格尔对语言的理解经历了两个大的阶段:在《存在与时间》中,他已开始突破传统的语言观,把语言理解为"话语";后期海德格尔进一步发展了自己早期的语言观,把语言理解为"道说"。

1."It is an illness,' said Dow.道说:“它是一种疾
2."Well, fiddle-dee-dee!""哼,胡说八道!"
3.I'll say you made it all up.我就说是你胡说八道。
4."Let me hear no more," said Napolen.“不要再说了,”拿破伦说道。
5."The album," said Edward sulkily.“画册。”爱德华说道。
6.I love you,@ said Mother.“我爱你,”妈妈说道。
7." There's little choice," I said."别无选择,"我说道。
8.He's talking (a load of) codswallop.他(满口)胡说八道.
9."Yes, sir," said the boy.“是,先生,"仆役说道。
10.`I see,' he commented wryly.‘我知道。’他挖苦说。
11.I don't know,@ says Li Ming.“我不知道,” 李明说。
12.Nonsense,@ laughed the city man.“胡说,”城里人笑道,
13.Mind how you go.(道别时说)您慢走。
14.Just after the level crossing you tell me----?您说刚过平交道……?
15."Why don't you say it?"鸿渐道:“你何妨说。”
16."Don't say it!" she interrupted.孙小姐道:“别说了!
17."Come on, Pa," Rudolph said.“得了,爸,”鲁道夫说。
18.said Minnie, when they were eating."吃饭时敏妮说道。

1.His thought of poetry has the trace of the wander that are the different explanations to poetry:the poetry is the transparent saying of being;the poetry is the building of truth;the poetry is the building of being with words;the poetry is the sing for saying of god;the poetry is the naming for gods;the poetry is the building of existing forever.海氏对诗歌的思考也留下了这条漫游的痕迹,这使他在不同时期对诗歌作出了不同的界说:诗是存在者之无蔽的道说;诗是真理之创建;诗是存在的词语性创建;诗是道说神圣的歌唱;诗是对诸神的命名;诗是持存之创建。
1.Philosophical thinking is always related to language whenever one thinks of or says something about a certain phenomenon or existence beyond the phenomenon.哲学运思总要关涉到语言,无论是对现象或现象背后的存在有所思或有所道说
4)say sth. in various ways说道
1.This thesis first defines Collective Culture and Individual Culture which are for the investigation of the cultural essence and finds that as the Chinese cultural theories for 2000 years,Confucianism belongs to Collective Culture and Taoism belongs to Individual Culture.认定两千年作为中国文化理论形态的儒家学说属群性文化,道家学说属个性文化。
6)tunnel hypothesis"隧道"假说
