治乱盛衰,vicissitudes of country
1)vicissitudes of country治乱盛衰
1.The Tongjian zhaji comments on the vicissitudes of country,the custom of society and the relationship of nations on the basis of history record in the Tongjian.全书以《通鉴》所书史事为据发表评论,对治乱盛衰、社会风俗、民族关系等问题尤为关注,许多论点反映了作者的通识与创见,其特点是寓通识于创见之中。
2)stability and chaos治乱兴衰

1.A Study of the Ideas of Ancient Thinkers and Statesmen on Social Stability, Chaos, Prosperity and Decline;论中国古代思想家、政治家关于治乱兴衰的思考
2.Discussian on the Turning from Prosperity to Decline During the New Systems of Tian Juan and the Civil Strife of Zhi Ning;试论天眷新制到至宁内乱之兴衰转折
3.The Development of India Party Politics and the Rise and Fall of India National Congress;国大党的兴衰与印度政党政治的发展
4.The Rise and Fall of the Third Way in the West;当代西方“第三条道路”兴衰的政治学分析
5.The Rise and Fall of Modern Publishing Industry of Fujian Province: A Perspective on Political Changes;福建近代出版业的兴衰——以政治变迁为视角
6.On the Social、Political and Cultural Factors Influencing the Rise and Decline of Venice Commerce;论影响威尼斯商业兴衰的社会政治文化因素
7.On the Evolution and the Social-political Causes of the Official Institute of Legal Education from Weijin to Song Dynasty;论魏晋至宋律学的兴衰及其社会政治原因
8.Taokan and the Rise and Fall of the Tao Families and Their Relationship with the Officialdom System;陶侃及陶氏家族兴衰与门阀政治之关系
9.Political and economic analysis of the rise and fall of Huang-lao Thought in the Western Han Dynasty西汉社会黄老思想兴衰的政治经济视角分析
10.Observe the Clinical Efficacy to Chronic Renal Failure Treated with BaoShen XieZhuo Decoction-free Herbal Graininess保肾泄浊免煎剂治疗慢性肾衰竭脂代谢紊乱的临床观察
11.The Studies on the Relationship between the Demographic Fluctuation and the Rise and Decline of Serfdom;人口变动与农奴制兴衰关系的再探讨——中古西欧农奴制兴衰的政治经济学
12.Political Idea and the Rise and Decline of the Market of Central Soviet Area--A Politics Analysis Angle of View;政治理念与中央苏区市场的兴衰——一个政治学的分析视角
13.Political disorder and confusion.政治动乱,政治混乱
14.The Rising and Decline of the Attic Orators and Their Relations with Athens Democracy;试论阿提卡演说家的兴衰及其与雅典民主政治的关系
15.Application of respiratory stimulant combined with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in type Ⅱ respiratory failure complicated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease呼吸兴奋剂联合无创正压通气治疗COPD并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭
16.During the Spring and Autumn Period, the patriarchal clan system begins to falter and political order falls into disarray.春秋时期,王室衰微,诸侯争霸,卿大夫崛起,家臣活跃,宗法制开始动摇,政治秩序陷入混乱。
17.Great nations have risen and declined.大国兴起而又衰微。
18.Every tide hath its ebB兴盛之日必有衰退之时

stability and chaos治乱兴衰
3)Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline治则兴,乱则衰
4)ups and downs盛衰
1.By discussing its ups and downs in history and referring to the life-consciousness of people,we discover that the essence of fairy poem surmounts the limitation of life,and symbolizes the awareness of people in life.通过对游仙诗盛衰变化的历时性考查,同时参照个体生命意识在相应发展阶段上的变化,就可发现游仙主题在本质上是对人生有限的超越,是自我生命意识渐趋觉醒的表征。
5)Rise and fall盛衰
1.Comparative Study of the Reason for the Rise and Fall of Indian National Congress and Mexican Revolutionary Institutional Party;印度国大党与墨西哥革命制度党盛衰根源比较研究
6)rise and decline盛衰
1.The fiction ingeniously implies the major theme of rise and decline, weal and woe through its various plots related to the mirror.“风月宝鉴”是全书的一个大隐喻,书中通过各种与镜子有关的情节巧妙地暗示出“盛衰荣辱”的大主题。

治乱1.安定与动乱。 2.谓治理混乱的局面,使国家安定﹑太平。