1.Study on extraction of β-amylase from sweet potato;紫甘薯β-淀粉酶水溶剂法提取技术的研究
2.Research on Inhibition Kinetics for Activity of β-amylase by Sorghum Procyanidins;高粱原花青素对β-淀粉酶活力抑制动力学的研究
3.Determination and comparison of activity of β-amylase from the germinated yellow bean;发芽黄豆β-淀粉酶活力的测定与比较

1.Kinetics of β-Amylase-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Corn Starch玉米淀粉的β-淀粉酶酶解动力学研究
2.Optimization of process for beta-amylase on Anti-retrogradation of glutinous rice amylopectin by response surface methodology响应面法优化β-淀粉酶抑制糯米支链淀粉回生工艺的研究
3.Extraction, Purification and Application of β-amylase from Malt麦芽中β-淀粉酶的提取、纯化及应用研究
4.Study on the Immobilization of β-amylase with D301 Macroporous Anion-exchange ResinD301大孔阴离子树脂固定化β-淀粉酶的研究
5.Characterization of codon usage of rice β-amylase genes水稻β-淀粉酶基因密码子使用特性分析
6.Immunocytochemical Location of ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) and β-Amylase in Tuberous Root of Sweet Potato(Ipomoea Batatas Lam.);甘薯块根中ADP-葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶和β-淀粉酶的细胞化学定位
7.Cloning of β-Amylase Gene from B. substitute and Its Expression in E. coli芽孢杆菌β-淀粉酶基因在大肠杆菌中的克隆与表达
8.Selection of Thermostable β-amylase from Soybeans and Its cDNA Expression in E.coli;耐热大豆β-淀粉酶的筛选及其cDNA在大肠杆菌中的表达
9.Preliminary Study of High Maltose Production using Barley Malt Replacing Barley β-Amylase大麦麦芽替代大麦β-淀粉酶生产高麦芽糖的初步研究
10.Study on β-glucanase from Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens;淀粉液化芽孢杆菌产β-葡聚糖酶的研究
11.Roles of β-secretase in the Pathogenesis of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathyβ-分泌酶在脑淀粉样血管病变中的作用研究
12.Effects of Epimedium Flavanoids on β-amyloid in APP695 cDNA-transfected Nerve Cells and on β-secretase Activity in Vitro淫羊藿黄酮对APP695基因转染神经细胞β-淀粉样肽及β-分泌酶的影响
13.Inhibition of β-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme Gene to Reduce β-Amyloid Production in SK-N-SH Cells干预β-淀粉样前体蛋白裂解酶基因减少神经细胞β淀粉样蛋白的产生
14.bacteria diastase[细菌]淀粉糖化酶
15.Expression of β-amyloid precursor protein and β-amyloid protein in brain of rat with aged dementia淀粉样前体蛋白酶与β-淀粉样蛋白在衰老痴呆大鼠脑组织中的表达
16.Soybeanβ- amylase activity increased with seed development and the accumulation of dry composition and decreased with seed germination and composition consuming.随着种子的发育和干物质的积累,β淀粉酶活性也增加。
17.Cloning and Expression of β-glucanase Gene from Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens;淀粉液化芽孢杆菌β-葡聚糖酶基因的克隆与表达
18.Effects of beta-amyloid protein on expression of tyrosine kinase receptor A in neural stem cellsβ淀粉样蛋白对神经干细胞酪氨酸蛋白激酶A表达的影响

1.Advance in Study on Beta-amylase Thermostability in Malting Barley;啤酒大麦β-淀粉酶热稳定性研究进展
2.Optimization of process for beta-amylase on Anti-retrogradation of glutinous rice amylopectin by response surface methodology响应面法优化β-淀粉酶抑制糯米支链淀粉回生工艺的研究
4)β-amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme淀粉样β分泌酶
1.Effect of Hypoxia and Reoxygenation on the protein expression of amyloid precursor protein,a disintegrin and metalloprotease10 and β-amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme;缺氧及复氧对淀粉样前体蛋白、去整合蛋白和金属蛋白水解酶10和淀粉样β分泌酶蛋白表达的影响
5)β-amylase activityβ-淀粉酶活性
1.Differences among barley row types in β-amylase activity and its dynamics during grain development.;大麦籽粒β-淀粉酶活性的棱型效应和灌浆期间的动态研究
2.Effect of environmental mediums on β-amylase activity;环境介质对β-淀粉酶活性的影响
3.Genotypic and environmental variation of β-amylase activity,β-glucan and protein fraction contents in Tibetan wild barley西藏野生大麦β-淀粉酶活性、β-葡聚糖及蛋白组分含量的基因型与环境变异(英文)
6)thermostable β-amylase耐热β-淀粉酶
