1.The effect of nordihydroguaiaretic acid on the blastocyst implantation in mice;去甲二氢愈创木酸对小鼠胚泡植入的影响
2.The Stady of Effect of Interleukin-8 on Mouse Blastocyst Attachment and Outgrowth;体外研究白细胞介素-8在小鼠胚泡粘附和铺展中的作用
3.Expression of interleukin 8 in mouse endometrium during early pregnancy and its effect on blastocyst implantation;白细胞介素-8在妊娠早期小鼠子宫内膜的表达及对胚泡着床的影响

1.The modified blastula that is characteristic of placental mammals.胚泡转化的囊胚,为胎盘哺乳动物的特征
2.But the blastocyst from which it came can continue to develop into an embryo and then a foetus.但它是从胚泡移走细胞能继续发展成为一个胚胎,胎。
3.Embryonic stem cells clump together as a tiny and distinct blob inside fluid-filled balls called blastocysts.胚胎干细胞在叫做胚泡、满流体的球中凝结成一团小而明显的斑点。
4.The technology uses a single cell taken from an eight-cell embryo known as a blastocyst.该技术利用称为胚泡的8细胞胚胎取出的单一细胞。
5.The researchers used fast neutrons to irradiate mouse embryos between the blastocyst stage and the beginning of somite formation.研究人员用快中子照射在胚泡期和体节形成开始之间的小鼠胚胎。
6.Her book points out that giving individual rights to a blastocyst is problematic.她的书中指出给一个胚泡一人权是值得怀疑的。
7.The removal of a single cell from a blastocyst is not a new idea.从胚泡取出单一细胞不是一个新的想法。
8.Some people think that destroying blastocysts is murder.一些人认为破坏胚泡的行为可以以谋杀论处。
10.Construction of LongSAGE Libraries of Mouse Endometrium and Sage Analysis of Differential Gene Expression during Pre-Implantation and Implantation;小鼠胚泡围着床期LongSAGE文库构建及相关基因研究
11.The Effect of Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid on the Blastocyst Implantation in Mice;去甲二氢愈创木酸对小鼠胚泡植入的影响
12.The regulation investigation of the interaction between TACE and TGF-αTACE-TGF-α相互作用参与胚泡着床的机制研究
13.Expression of IGF-1 during Pre and Post Blastocyst Implantation Period in Rat HypothalamusIGF-1在胚泡植入前后大鼠下丘脑的表达
14.Establishment of a Three-dimensional Model of Embryo Implantation in Vitro and Study of the Affecting Factors on Uterine Receptivity胚泡着床三维模型的建立及子宫内膜容受性影响因素的研究
15.Identification and Functional Study of Embryonic and Endometrial Factors Involved in Embryo Implantation Process;胚泡与子宫内膜着床相关基因的筛选及其功能的研究
16.The Optimal Soak Time and Temperature of Germ Recovery for the Modified Dry-Grind Process of Ethanol Production;胚芽回收的最佳浸泡时间和浸泡温度选择
17.Study on Plantlet Regeneration of Paulownia Plants Via Their Somatic Embryogenesis;泡桐体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生研究
18.Embryo Toxicity of Mice Exposure to Combined Benzene and Formaldehyde at Phases of Follicular and Embryonic Implantation卵泡发育期和胚胎植入期苯与甲醛联合暴露致小鼠胚胎毒性

1.Methods: Hatched blastocysts (144 h after hCG administration ) were collected and placed into the wells 10-30 embryos per well.方法:建立小鼠胚泡的体外培养模型,在倒置相差显微镜下观察不同条件下小鼠胚泡在细胞外基质E-选择素上黏附、扩展的改变。
2.Some hormones and cytokines are involved in the regulation of the implantation by regulating functions of the endometrium and the embryo.经与特异性单克隆抗体AH6预保温 ,中和胚泡表面LeY 寡糖后 ,通过RT PCR和免疫印迹方法 ,观察了LeY 寡糖对着床前小鼠胚泡表皮生长因子及其受体的表达和分泌的影响。
3.The effects of oligosaccharide Le Y on expression and secretion of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP1) of embryos were investigated in cultured mouse blastocysts by zymography, immuno-dot blots and RT-PCR after blocking the oligosaccharide on embryo surface with specific monoclonal antibody AH6.以LeY 寡糖特异性单克隆抗体AH6为工具中和胚泡表面LeY 寡糖后 ,通过RT PCR、明胶酶谱法、免疫印迹法等方法 ,在体外研究了着床前小鼠胚泡表面LeY 寡糖抗原与其基质金属蛋白酶 (MMP)、金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子 (TIMP1)的表达和分泌之间的关系。
3)embryo implantation胚泡着床
1.Effects of Jiantai liquid on the expression of estrogen/progesterone receptors in embryo implantation dysfunction mice endometrium;健胎液对胚泡着床障碍小鼠雌、孕激素及其受体的影响
2.Objective: To investigate the effect of 935 MHz microwave electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the embryo implantation of mouse.目的:探讨935MHz微波电磁辐射对小鼠胚泡着床的影响。
3.Objective To observe the influence of acupuncture on embryo implantation in rat model of embryo implantation dysfunction,and to primarily explore its possible mechanisms.目的观察针刺对胚泡着床障碍大鼠胚泡着床的影响,并初步探讨其作用机制。
4)Blastocyst implantation胚泡着床
1.Objective:To explore the expression, distribution, and dynamic change of MMP10 in endometria of early pregnant mouse, with the purpose of providing experimental and theoretical support for the exploration of blastocyst implantation.目的:检测并分析MMP10基因及其蛋白在早孕小鼠子宫内膜组织中的表达及分布规律,探讨其作用机理,为探索胚泡着床机制提供实验基础和理论依据。
5)blastocyst implantation胚泡植入
1.Recently,it was found that it is related with blastocyst implantation,pregnancy maintenance and onset of labor.细胞间粘附分子-1属于粘附分子类免疫蛋白超家族中一个很重要的成员,参与了体内免疫炎症反应及胚泡植入、妊娠维持和分娩的发动。
2.Objective: To explore the expression and role of sLeX in mouse endometrium during the critical period of blastocyst implantation.目的:探讨唾液酸化的路易斯寡糖(sLex)在胚泡植入早期小鼠子宫内膜的表达及作用。
3.Although much progress on the mechanism of blastocyst implantation has been made recently, many key questions are still to be further explored.研究目的及意义胚泡植入是哺乳动物生殖过程中的重要环节,是妊娠的关键。
6)Mice blastcyst小鼠胚泡
