巴思妇人,Wife of Bath
1)Wife of Bath巴思妇人

1.A Feminist Approach to the Wife of Bath in Canterbury Tales对《坎特伯雷故事》中巴思妇人的女性解读
2.A Comparative Study of the Wife of Bath of Wang Xifeng in the Perspective of Feminist Care Ethics从女性主义关怀伦理学看巴思妇人和王熙凤
3.The old woman was thin and dumb.这位老妇人长得很瘦弱,而且是个哑巴。
4.The Humanity Charm of a Tragic Life--On Reading Singer′s The Washwoman悲剧人生的人性之光——艾·巴·辛格的《洗衣妇》解读
5.Consideration of Legislative Action on the Protection of Rights of Rural Women in China;对中国农村妇女人权保障的宪法思考
6.Besides the old woman, Finola saw only a dumb dwarf.除了那老妇人外,还有一个哑巴侏儒是菲诺拉唯一可看到的人了。
7.And they slept with her. As men sleep with a prostitute, so they slept with those lewd women, Oholah and Oholibah.人与阿荷拉,并阿荷利巴二淫妇苟合,好像与妓女苟合。
8.A national obsession with the body beautiful may be damaging Brazilian women's health.巴西国人对外表美丽的执着追求可能正在损害该国妇女的健康。
9."Mercédès is at this moment one of the greatest ladies in Paris," replied Caderousse.“美塞苔丝目前是巴黎最出风头的贵妇人之一了。”卡德鲁斯答道。
10.We present below a slightly modernized version of the passage in the prologue, which describes the wife of Bath.下面汉译《坎特伯雷故事集》引子中介绍巴斯妇人的一段。
11.Inevitably in these conditions women held a much more honored position in Sparta than anywhere else in Greece.在这些条件下,斯巴达的妇女自然要比其它希腊妇女占着受人尊敬得多的地位。
12.He has a mistress in Paris.他在巴黎有个情妇。
13.Palestinian Women Initiative Fund巴勒斯坦妇女倡议基金
14.an old man's eagle mind(William Butler Yeats.老人鹰般敏锐的思维(威廉 巴特勒 叶芝)。
15.The Kabala is an ancient Hebrew mystical system of thought.卡巴拉是古代希伯来人神秘思想系统。
16.The Development of Human Thought from Hegel to Feuerbach;从黑格尔到费尔巴哈人学思想的演变
17.Marx Sublation of Feuerbach s Viewpoint on Human Essence;马克思对费尔巴哈人的本质观的扬弃
18.On Cultural Reflections from the Characters of Ba Jin s Cold Night;从《寒夜》中的人物看巴金的文化反思

thinking fondly of the beloved思妇怀人
1.Is the theme of The Husband Out in Labour about thinking fondly of the beloved or the reflectation of the great suffering of the labouring people brought by hard corvee?These two different ideas lie in the different understanding of various statuses of “gentlemen”.《君子于役》的主题是一般的思妇怀人 ,还是借思妇怀人反映当时繁重的徭役带给劳动人民的痛苦 ,这两种观点分歧的根本原因在于对“君子”身份的理解。
3)women missing their husbands思妇
1.According to the identities of the heroines,his poems can be classified into four classes:women missing their husbands,women discarded by their husbands,widows and beautiful women.根据其主人公身份的不同,又可具体分为思妇、弃妇、寡妇和佳人四类。
4)Widow Qing of Ba Kingdom巴寡妇清
1.Analysis of Widow Qing of Ba Kingdom in the view of Zhou Yi and Records of the Historian;“巴寡妇清”史迹之易学观
1.Through contents of Synopsis of Golden Chamber and Treatise on Gold Pathogenic Diseases,discuss cause and pathology of Zangzao,basis of selecting herbs and consisting of formulae,the question "Why do women often catch Zangzao?" and clinical uses of herbs which treat Zangzao by Zhang Zhongjing.脏躁常发于"妇人",是由于妇人月经、产后每每失血而易于血亏阳虚致生脏躁。
6)the remote man and the waiting woman游子思妇
