1.Strategic position of Daliushu water complex in the development of northwest region;大柳树水利枢纽在西北地区发展中战略地位的思考
2.Physical simulation of dynam-relaxed mechanism of rock mass at Daliushu dam site;大柳树坝址岩体松动机制物理模拟研究
3.Dynamic simulation test analysis on destructive mechanism of rock mass at Daliushu dam site of Huanghe River;黄河大柳树坝址岩体破坏机制动力模拟试验分析

1.Analysis on opportunity cost of Daliushu Project in Yellow River;黄河大柳树水利工程开发的机会成本分析
2.The Designing about geological disaster of rock Fall Treatment Work in Daliushu Village of Pingshan County,Hebei Province河北省平山县大柳树村崩塌地质灾害治理设计
3.Secure consideration for earthquake-resisting to Daliushu key water control project after Wenchuan strong earthquake汶川大地震后对大柳树枢纽工程抗震安全性的思考
4.At last, the paper reaches the following conclusion: the DaLiuShu dame site district belongs to the unstable site.最后,本文得出结论:大柳树坝址区属于不稳定场地。
5.Application of Fuzzy Mattematics in Comprehensive Evaluation of Civil Engineering ──For Example Huanghe River Daliushu Dam District模糊集合论在岩土工程综合评价上的应用──以黄河大柳树坝址为例
6.Strategic position of Daliushu water complex in the development of northwest region;大柳树水利枢纽在西北地区发展中战略地位的思考
7.Feasibility study on Daliushu irrigation scheme as a reserve base of commodity grain of China;大柳树灌区作为国家商品粮后备基地可行性研究
8.Discuss on the Advice of Making Daliushu Irrigation Area the Food Base of the Northwest and Even China;把大柳树灌区建成西北甚至全国粮食基地的建议值得商榷
10.Any of several willows having long rodlike twigs used in basketry, especially the Eurasian Salix viminalis and S.purpurea.柳树一种长有可用于编篮的鞭状长细枝的柳树,尤指欧亚大陆植物青刚柳和红皮柳
11.Planted with or abounding in willows.柳树成荫的,多柳树的
12.The willows need to is pollarded.这些柳树需截去树梢.
13.The peach trees were interspersed among the willows.桃树被栽在柳树间。
14.Brought up in town, the boy finds it difficult to separate a poplar from a willow.那男孩是在城里长大的,所以觉得很难区别杨树和柳树。
15.Bring up in town, the boy find it difficult to separate a poplar from a willow那男孩是在城里长大的,所以觉得很难区别杨树和柳树
16.The camels actually knelt down, and he seated himself with a swagger under a small willow tree.骆驼们真跪下了,他自己也大大方方的坐在一株小柳树下。
17."and he took some of the seed of the land, planting it in fertile earth, placing it by great waters; he put it in like a willow-tree."又将以色列地的枝子栽于肥田里,插在大水旁,如插柳树,
18.Willows grow along the river-bank柳树沿着河岸生长。

Daliushu dam site大柳树坝址
1.Analysis of destructive mechanism of rock mass at Daliushu dam site;大柳树坝址岩体破坏机制分析
2.1709, the size of fault F201, whether F3 and F7 have been activated by fault F201 since late-Pleistocene, and relationship between faults in shallow crust and faults in deep crust under Daliushu dam site.本文主要根据《黄河黑山峡河段地震地质补充论证工作报告》1,对黄河黑山峡河段大柳树坝址区主要地震地质问题,包括1709年中卫7?级地震的地表破裂带长度,F201断层的规模,坝址区F3、F7断层晚更新世以来是否被F201断层“牵动”,坝址区不同级别断层的深浅构造关系等主要方面的研究进展作一概要介绍。
3.Taking Daliushu dam site as an example, the failure and deformation characters of in adits of loosened rockmass are studied. 以黄河大柳树坝址为例,对松动岩体硐室围岩破坏变形特征进行了研究,松动岩体具有断裂张开、节理错动、岩体架空、岩石高强度、岩体波速等特征。
3)Daliushu Dam-site大柳树坝址
1.Ground Stress Simulation near Daliushu Dam-site in Heishan Gorge of Yellow River and Estimation of Ground Rupture Risk;黄河黑山峡大柳树坝址区地应力模拟计算及破裂危险性评价
4)Daliushu high dam大柳树高坝
5)Daliushu irrigation area大柳树灌区
6)Daliushu Project大柳树水库
1.The environmental protection benefit model is applied to calculate and analyze the opportunity cost of Daliushu Project in the Yellow River.如果将黑山峡河段保护起来,则需环境保护年效益最少为104 17万元时,才能获得与大柳树水库工程效益相同的效益。
