1.Present Situation and Future Reduction Strategy of Municipal Refuse in China;我国城市生活垃圾现状分析及未来削减的建议
2.The experiments indicate that the waterhammer due to separated cavities collapsing at two points can be reduced by intercepting air,or installing elevated-dropped board or,adopting them simultaneously,but the range of pressure reduction and eparation length is distinct.试验表明 ,泵系统瞬变过程中在两处断流处单独注气 ,或在系统末端仅设置升降式拍门 ,或同时进行注气和拍门操作 ,都可削减两处的断流弥合升压 ,但削减压力的幅度及各处断流的长度不同 :单独采用注气措施对削减系统首端的断流弥合水锤压力最有效 (aA ≈ 0 。
3.The results showed that,it was the cooperation of biological and abiological actions that caused the reduction of runoff contaminants.采用模拟城市绿地和降雨系统装置研究城市绿地对径流雨水污染物的削减作用,通过对降雨过程及降雨后装置内土壤微生物数量、生化作用强度及土壤性质的分析,初步研究了城市绿地对雨水径流污染物的削减作用机理。

1.cut or reduce(sth)drastically大幅度裁减或削减(某物)
2.The school was confronted with a reduced Budget.学校面临削减预算。
3.write off 5000 for depreciation of machinery因机器折旧削减5000英镑.
4.slash prices [taxes, salaries]大幅削减价格 [税金,薪水]
5.Maybe it needs cutting.也许真需要削减呢。
6.We must cut our expenses.我们必须削减开支。
7.Fifty welders were declared redundant.已公布削减五十名焊工.
8.Shopkeepers have been asked to bring down their prices.人们要求店主削减售价。
9.strategic arms reduction talks (START)削减战略核武器会谈
10.They were forced to cut back production.他们被迫削减生产。
11.Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty 1991.7.31)美苏削减战略武器条约
12.The government is going to trim welfare programs.政府将削减福利项目。
13.trim the fat from the budget从预算中削减大的部分
14.2.1 Reducing coal use and switch to clean energy(一)煤炭替代和削减方案
15.We were asked to pare down our budget.我们被要求削减预算。
16.The school budgets trimmed back considerably.学校预算大幅度削减
17.Many people protested the budget cuts.许多人反对预算削减
18.He found that the reinforcement in the slab is curtailed.他已发现板内钢筋削减

1.Inevitable Reduce of Hardcopy Periodicals and Its Operating Practice;纸版期刊削减的必然性及操作实践
2.The net biomass yield in test reactor reduced from 0.采用两段式膜生物反应器作为原生动物哺育系统 ,培养富含原生动物的污泥 ,然后将其定期接种于普通活性污泥中 ,利用原生动物对细菌的捕食原理 ,达到削减剩余污泥量的目的。
4)Cut back on削减,减少
5)cut back on……=cut down on……削减(缩减)……
6)reduction targets削减指标
1.Study on distribution of reduction targets based on DEA model;基于DEA模型的区域削减指标分配研究
