1.The scope of small fossil fuel-fired power units planned to be cut down,the phase-out progress in 2007 as well as a number of actual examples of.阐述了关停小火电的范围、2007年关停进度以及建设节能、高效、环保型大火电机组若干示例

1.sample quote sample quote sample quote sample quote sample quote sample quote sample quote sample quote示例引号示例引号示例引号示例引号示例引号示例引号示例引号示例引号
2.A Demonstration on Developing WEB Application by Power Builder;PowerBuilder开发WEB应用示例
3.The following graphic is an example of the AP Summary Page下图显示的就是 AP 汇总页的一个示例
4.An example of the DS0 Status Page is shown below.DS0 状态页的一个示例显示如下.
5.The following graphic is an example of an Alarms Page:下图显示的是告警页的一个示例
6.You have opened a sample document from the Projects sample document library. It is intended to provide a brief overview of how this sample document library might be used.您已经从项目示例文档库中打开示例文档。此文档提供如何使用示例文档库的简要概述。
7.The Sample Viewer is not able to display the contents of this text file.示例查看器无法显示此文本文件的内容。
8.Example: Display mail from my friend in the New Item Alert Window示例: 在“新邮件通知”窗口显示我朋友发来的邮件
9.Annex A (informative):Examples of international environmental guiding principles附录A(提示性附录):国际环境指导原则示例
10.The Study of Chinese Text Representation and Classification Based on Multi-Instance Learning基于多示例学习的中文文本表示及分类研究
11."Best sample rate converter: provides best quality sample rate conversion but slowest performance."最佳示例速率转换程序: 提供质量最高的示例速率转换,但运行最慢。
12.The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.如果您将示例复制到空白工作表中,可能会更易于理解该示例
13.soldier's drill position,standing upright with feet together and arms stretched downwards(used esp in the expressions shown)立正的姿势(尤用于以下示例
14.A manifestation, as of one's feelings.表示表露,例如感情
15.generic subprogram instantiation类属子程序说明例示
16.An Instance of Restricted Representation for U_q(sl_2);U_q(sl_2)的限制表示的例
17.CISTI & DTIC:Case Analysis & RevelationsCISTI和DTIC:案例分析与启示
18.Blue, for example, is peaceful, and yellow is brash.例如,蓝色表示宁静,黄色表示急躁。

1.A demonstration of communicative approach to oral business English teaching;外贸英语口语交际法教学的示例
2.A demonstration of query application of mul.文中对多媒体数据库系统的一个重要特性———查询进行了探讨,包括:在多媒体数据库中查询技术遇到的新问题、用户查询需求的描述方法,重点介绍了示例型查询系统和查询结果的表示方法,以及目前多媒体数据库应用的一个实例。
3.The article mainly has function in language teaching process: accumulation function,demonstration function,initiation function.选文在语文教学过程中的作用主要有:积累作用,示例作用,引发作用。
1.The essay proposes that it should strengthen application statistic analysis of organization code database,then it summarizes some statistic analysis examples according to part management needs.文章提出应加强基于组织机构代码数据库的应用统计分析,并根据部分管理需求,总结了一些统计分析示例
2.Giving examples is a common feature of teaching practice in classroom interaction.通过示例的方式来解决教学中的疑点、难点是课堂教学过程中的一项常规手段。
3.This paper focuses on discussing how to deal with and interact keys to subject on web,which analyzes,sorts and gives some examples to explain.本文对网上交互式题目答案的处置与交互进行了分析归类、示例说明 ,并对远程开放教育中要进行的资源建设给予积极评价。
5)programming demonstration编程示例
1.Through programming demonstration,the comparison between domestically produced Wuhan "Central China" numerical control system and Japan "FANUC" numerical control system thread cutting composite cycle instruction " G76" has been carried on.以编程示例的方式,对国产的武汉"华中"数控系统与日本"FANUC"数控系统的螺纹切削复合循环指令G76进行对比,明确二者之间的区别与联系,避免使用时出现错误。
6)case representation实例表示
1.In order to shorten assemble time caused by unreasonable design and assembly planning, a method of assembly case representation based on disassembly tree was proposed.不合理的设计和装配规划会延长装配时间,为此,提出了基于分解树的装配实例表示方法,给出了基于分解树的装配结构表示和装配规划方案表示。
2.On the basis of case based reasoning the research focuses on the key techniques in assembly sequence planning, including block assembly information model, index structure of case library, case representation based on object oriented technology, similarity degree algorit.针对船体装配工艺设计自动化程度低,影响船舶建造周期和质量问题,设计了分段装配计算机辅助工艺规划(CAPP)系统,重点研究了基于实例推理(CBR)方法的装配顺序规划中的关键技术,包括分段装配信息模型、实例组织的索引结构、面向对象的实例表示、推理过程中的实例相似度计算方法以及基于遗传算法的装配顺序匹配等内容。
