1.Research on Earth Dam Overtopping and Instability Fuzzy Risk Analysis;土坝漫坝与坝体失稳模糊风险分析研究
2.Study on Earth Dam Overtopping and Instability Risk Analysis and Its Application;土石坝漫坝与坝坡失稳风险分析研究及应用
3.In this paper,the risks of overtopping in the cases of heightening the water level of flood control of Chengbihe Reservoir in Guangxi during the whole flood seasons and different stages are studied using the risk analysis theory of earth dam overtopping.运用土坝漫坝风险分析理论对广西澄碧河水库整个汛期抬高防洪限制水位和分期抬高防洪限制水位运行进行漫坝风险计算与分析,在不降低大坝防洪标准以及水库大坝漫坝风险控制在标准值范围内的前提下提出水库防洪优化调度方案,即水库汛前期以原防洪限制水位185。

1.Research on Earth Dam Overtopping and Instability Fuzzy Risk Analysis;土坝漫坝与坝体失稳模糊风险分析研究
2.Study on Earth Dam Overtopping and Instability Risk Analysis and Its Application;土石坝漫坝与坝坡失稳风险分析研究及应用
3.Analysis of the over-dam inflow flood of the Maanguan reservoir in 2007马鞍关水库07年漫坝情况下入库洪水分析
4.Overtopping Risk Analysis of Earth-rock Dam Based on System Availability基于系统可用度的土石坝洪水漫顶风险分析
5.Numerical model study on break development due to overtopping failure for earth-rock dam土石坝漫顶破坏溃口发展数值模型研究
6.Overtopping Risk Analysis of Reservoir Dam Based on Monte Carlo基于蒙特卡罗方法的水库大坝漫顶风险分析
7.An Overtopping Risk Assessment of Dams Based on Forecast Errors and Wind Waves考虑预报误差和风浪作用的大坝漫顶风险分析
8.Microfacies Characters of Sandy Beach and Bar in Shallow Water Over-lake,with an Example from the Dawangbei Sag大王北洼陷浅水漫湖砂质滩坝沉积微相特征
9.On Plagiotropism Construction of Yi People s Funeral Culture Changes in Liangshan Flatland Regions--Taking Dashitou in Xi De and Manshuiwan in Mian Ning for Example;凉山平坝彝族丧葬文化变迁的斜向性结构研究——以喜德大石头和冕宁漫水湾为个案
10.dam:To hold back or confine by means of a dam."用水坝阻止,用水坝限制"
11.To hold back or confine by means of a dam.用水坝阻止,用水坝限制
12.Day follow even on the winter night.漫漫寒冬夜,白天在后头。
13.diffuse transmittance漫射透光率,漫射透射比
14.adapted to wandering or roaming.适合于漫游或漫步的。
15.Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim漫漫减肥路,抽脂快一步?
16.While these cold nights freeze me dead.每当漫漫寒夜将我冻坏.
17.According to their building material, dams are described as concrete, earth fill, rock fill, hydraulic fill and so on.按照筑坝所用材料,可以把坝称为混凝土坝、填土坝、堆石坝,水力冲填坝等等。
18.Seepage Control Technique of Split Grouting forEarth Dam Body and Levee Foundation土坝坝体与堤坝地基劈裂灌浆防渗技术

overtopping risk漫坝风险
1.Based on studying uncertainties of the water level for flood control, floodwater, wind waves and crest elevation, this paper applies the interval analysis theory to establish the model of overtopping risk of earth dam and gives the calculating methods of overtopping risk interval and threshold.运用区间分析理论,在综合考虑起调水位、洪水、风浪、坝顶高程等方面不确定性的基础上,建立土坝漫坝风险模型,给出漫坝风险区间和风险度计算方法,并对风险度[0,1]采用5级制划分,为漫坝风险评判提供依据。
3)submerged spur漫水丁坝
1.By large amounts of hydraulic model test,the paper analyzed the flow structure around submerged spur,and determined its computation formular of erosion depth for reference.通过大量的水工模型试验对漫水丁坝周围的水流结构进行分析,并确定出漫水丁坝冲刷深度计算公式,经实体工程验证,公式具有良好的精度和可靠性,可作为设计时的参考。
4)inundating the dam by flood洪水漫坝
1.Study on the natural height of one landslide-dam and the possibility of inundating the dam by flood;某滑坡坝天然坝高评价及洪水漫坝可能性分析
5)overtopping risk analysis漫坝风险分析
1.Application study on overtopping risk analysis for Guangxi Chengbihe reservoir by Integrate-FOSM method;“积分-一次二阶矩法”在广西澄碧河水库漫坝风险分析中的应用研究
