视界,event horizon
1)event horizon视界
1.From K G Equation and Dirac equation,using 2-D invariant line element, the radius equation and event horizon formula of particles are obtained A simpler method to the research of quantum effect of the scalar and vector particles in black hole with spherical symmetry is singgested.分别从KG方程和Dirac方程入手,利用简化后的二维不变线元,直接给出了粒子的径向方程和视界面方程公式,为研究球对称黑洞中标量粒子和矢量粒子的量子效应提供了一个更简单的方
2.We find that the energy of scalar particles is not only depends on the mass and angular momentum of which,but also is related to the structure of space-time and the variations of event horizon of black hole.利用弯曲时空中标量粒子运动的Hamilton-Jacobin方程,研究Dilaton-Maxwell黑洞周围时空中标量粒子的能量,得到了粒子的能量不仅与粒子的质量、角动量有关,还与黑洞的时空结构及视界的变化率有关。
3.We find that the energy of scalar particles not only depends on the mass and angular momentum of which,but also related to the structure of space-time and the variations of event horizon of black hole.利用弯曲时空中标量粒子运动的Hamilton-Jacbin方程,研究任意加速带电动态黑洞周围时空中标量粒子的能量,得到了粒子的能量不仅与粒子的质量、角动量有关,还与黑洞周围的时空结构及视界的变化有关,给出了黑洞发生自发辐射的能量条件。

1.frontoparallel plane horopter前额平行面双眼单视界
2.Avision mist blurred my vision.雾使我的视界模糊。
3.A spire swam into my ken.一个尖塔滑进我的视界
4.Toby was the hottest property in show business.托比成了影视界的瑰宝。
5.Event Horizons of Auti-de Sitter Space-time;Auti-de Sitter时空的事件视界
6.Understanding in Literary Translation: The Fusion of the Horizon of the Text and That of the Translator;文学翻译理解过程——文本视界与译者视界的融合
7.Wide World Network Video Monitoring Service Technology and Plan;宽视界网络视频监控业务技术及方案
8.The Study of DTV Interface under Interactive Technology;交互技术视角下的数字电视界面研究
9.It seemed the most natural thing in the world for him to pass on to television from the theatre.他从戏剧界转到电视界是最自然不过的事情。
10.He broke into televsion as an actor.他开始打入电视界,当上了一名电视演员。
11.Famous Work Adaptation in the Fusion of Horizons--Lei Yu,from Drama to Teleplay;视界融合中的名著改编——《雷雨》,从话剧到电视剧
12.A Translator s Position under the Notions of Fusion of Horizons & Horizon of Expectation;“视界融合”和“期待视野”概念下译者地位的彰显
13.The new world stared at the old.新世界盯视着旧世界。
14.critical course and depth monitor临界航向与深度监视器
15.walked the Bounds of the property.巡视了大农场的边界
16.perambulate the boundaries of his estate巡视他的庄园地界.
17.user interface design, visual UI, dialogs用户界面设计, 可视用户界面, 对话框
18.Project of the World:On Nietzsche’s Worldview of Perspectivism;世界的投射——论尼采透视主义的世界观

1.Scalar Polynomial Singularity and Horizon in Weitzenbock Spacetime;自平行时空中的标量奇性和视界
2.Research on the Quantum Thermal Effect and Planck Absolute Entropy of the Interior and Exterior Horizon Black Hole Based on Dirac Equation;基于Dirac方程研究双视界面黑洞的量子热效应和普朗克绝对熵
3.Horizon and Hawking Radiation of the Uniformly Rectilinearly Accelercting Rindier Observer with Electric Charge;荷电匀加速度直线运动的Rindler观者的视界和Hawking辐射
3)visual field视界
5)range of vision视野,视界
6)circle of visibility视界、视程圈

视界  黑洞的边界,或称单向膜。对于经典黑洞而言,黑洞外的物质和辐射可以通过视界进入黑洞内部,而黑洞内的任何物质和辐射却不能穿出视界。球状黑洞(史瓦西黑洞)的视界是以引力半径rg为径向坐标值的球面:,式中M为黑洞的质量,G为万有引力常数,c为光速。视界的表面积 A是一个重要的量,对于球状黑洞A=4πr娷=16πG2M2/c4。由于视界具有单向膜性质,黑洞的质量M及其表面积A,是只增不减的。如果两个黑洞发生碰撞而合并成为一个黑洞,那么,合并后的黑洞的表面积将大于原来两个黑洞的表面积之和。因此,黑洞视界的表面积与热力学的熵的概念相近。通常就把黑洞的熵定义为黑洞视界表面积与一常数的乘积。对于有旋转运动的黑洞(克尔黑洞),视界的径向坐标为:      ,式中J是角动量。在G=c=1的系统中,    ,式中α=J/M。当α=0时,r=rg,克尔黑洞就退化为史瓦西黑洞。