切口渗液,wound extravasating
1)wound extravasating切口渗液
2)incisal e ffusion切口积液
3)Human oral mucosal transudate specimens口腔黏膜渗出液
4)CSF incision leakage脑脊液切口漏
1.Methods Clinical data of our 21 patients in recent years with CSF incision leakage were analyzed retrospectively.目的探讨神经外科中较常见并发症脑脊液切口漏的原因与防治措施。
5)incision fat liquefaction切口脂肪液化
1.Objective To investigate incision fat liquefaction after belly operation of prevention and treatment method.目的探讨腹部手术后切口脂肪液化的预防及治疗方法。

1.Block Therapy Treat Liquefied Fat after Gynecological Operation局部封闭防治妇科术后切口脂肪液化
2.Prevention and treatment of 62 patients with fat liquefaction of abdominal incision腹部切口脂肪液化的防治体会(附62例报告)
3.Application of borneol mirabilite after operation incision in the liquefaction of fat.;冰片、芒硝在术后切口脂肪液化中的应用
4.Discuss on Reasons and Treatment of Fat Necrosis in Gynecologic Abdominal Incision妇科腹部切口脂肪液化的原因和治疗探讨
5.Analysis of 21 examples of iodophor combined with infrared ray in curing fat necrosis of the abdominal incision;碘伏联合红外线治疗妇产科腹部手术切口脂肪液化21例
6.The clinical experience of 25 patients of dry gauze absorption method in fat liquefaction of abdominal incision干纱布吸湿法治疗腹部手术切口脂肪液化25例临床体会
7.Prevention of Fat Liquefaction Following Cesarean Section Using Povidone lodine in Obese Pregnant Women:A Clinical Observation of 300 Cases聚维酮碘擦拭切口预防肥胖孕妇术后脂肪液化300例观察
8.The Lipase-catalysed Esterification and Transesterification in Ionic Liquid;离子液体中脂肪酶催化酯化、转酯反应
9.The Experimental Study of Effect of Blood Fat of NXKKFY on Hyperlipemia and Adiposis Hepatica in Rat;脑心康口服液对高脂血症及脂肪肝大鼠血脂影响的实验性研究
10.Suction Lipectomy and Minimal Internal Periareolar Incision for the Treatment of Gynecomastia脂肪抽吸加乳晕小切口治疗男性乳房发育症
11.Clinical experience report for the surgical treatment of nape-fat-pad肿胀麻醉下经小切口剪吸法治疗项部脂肪垫
12.Experimental Study of NaoXinKang on Rat with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Introduced by High Fat Feeding;脑心康口服液对高脂饲养致大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝的实验研究
13.Lipase-Catalysed Acylations in Organic Solvents and Ionic Liquids;有机溶剂和离子液中脂肪酶催化酰化反应研究
14.Resolution of(±)-menthol in ionic liquid catalyzed by immobilized lipase on magnetic microspheres离子液体中固定化脂肪酶催化拆分(±)-薄荷醇
15.One of the microscopic particles of emulsified fat found in the blood and lymph and formed during the digestion of fats.乳糜微粒在血液和淋巴液中发现的乳化脂肪的细小颗粒,在脂肪的消化过程中生成
16.Resolution of (±)-menthol Catalyzed by Lipase in Ionic Liquid;离子液体中脂肪酶催化(±)-薄荷醇拆分的研究
17.Research on the Blood Biochemical Indexes of Cow Suffering from Ketone Disease, Fatty Liver Disease during Perinatology;围产期酮病、脂肪肝奶牛血液生化指标的研究
18.The Studies on Liquid-state Fermentation, Immobilization and Application of Fungal Lipase;真菌脂肪酶的液态发酵、固定化及其应用

incisal e ffusion切口积液
3)Human oral mucosal transudate specimens口腔黏膜渗出液
4)CSF incision leakage脑脊液切口漏
1.Methods Clinical data of our 21 patients in recent years with CSF incision leakage were analyzed retrospectively.目的探讨神经外科中较常见并发症脑脊液切口漏的原因与防治措施。
5)incision fat liquefaction切口脂肪液化
1.Objective To investigate incision fat liquefaction after belly operation of prevention and treatment method.目的探讨腹部手术后切口脂肪液化的预防及治疗方法。

浓氯化钠注射液 ,高渗氯化钠注射液,高张氯化钠注射液药物名称:浓氯化钠注射液英文名:Injection 10% Sodium Chloride别名:浓氯化钠注射液 ,高渗氯化钠注射液,高张氯化钠注射液外文名: Injection 10% Sodium Chloride, Hypertonic saline适应症: 用于脱水症及调节体内水与电解质的平衡。 用量用法: 静脉滴注,临用前稀释,用量与浓度视病情需要而定。 注意事项: 心、肾功能不全者慎用。 规格: 注射剂:1g/10ml,本品为氯化钠的高渗灭菌水溶液。 类别:调节水、电解质及酸碱平衡药