1.CT and MRI Diagnosis of Leukoencephalopathy in Adults;成人脑白质病的CT及MRI诊断
2.Analysis of 108 Cases of Adult Cytomegalovirus Infection;成人巨细胞病毒感染症108例分析
3.Effect of LASIK surgery on adult patients with ametropic amblyopia;成人屈光不正性弱视屈光手术的效果分析

1.Water composes nearly 70 percent of the human body.水构成人体的70%。
2.A similar piece of material, worn by incontinent adults.成人尿布失禁成年人穿着的类似物品
3.responsibility in adult life成人生活责任 成人生活责任
4.A gentleman helps others fulfill good deeds and never helps them in bad deeds君子成人之美,不成人之恶
5.African Adult Education Associatio非洲成人教育协会(成人教协)
6.African Institute for Continuing Educatio非洲成人进修教育学院(成人教育学院)
7.Return to Adult s World:the Object of Adult Education Research;回归“成人世界”:成人教育研究的指归
8.interpersonal maturity scale人际成熟度人际成熟度
9.The guests came in couples.客人们成双成对地来了。
10.an emotionally immature adult.情感不成熟的成年人。
11.A minor under the supervision of a guardian.未成年人在保护人监护下的未成年人
12.The parents of a minor shall be his guardians.未成年人的父母是未成年人的监护人。
13.make personal or more personal.使成为个人的或私人的。
14.Two is company, but three is none.两人成情侣,三人一场空。
15.Every man had his own task to do and did it superbly.人人各司其职,成绩斐然。
16.The living is the dead on holiday .生人在假期也成了死人。
17.Three is none.[谚]二人成伴,三人不欢。
18.Two is company, three is none.二人成伴,三人则否。

1.Calculation of initiative dose of middle epidural blockade in adults;成人中位硬膜外阻滞初量的推算
2.Analysis of Urine Sediment Parameter in Changsha Healthy Adults by UF-100;长沙市健康成人UF-100尿沉渣参数的调查
3.Resistance to Antibiotics Against Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Children and Adults in Hangzhou;儿童与成人感染金黄色葡萄球菌耐药性对比分析
3)Adult human成人
1.[Objective] To isolate, culture, and identify retinal progenitor cells from adult human eyes in vitro.【目的】对成人视网膜前体细胞进行体外分离、培养和鉴定。
2.Objective To study the expression and distribution of leptin and its re-ceptor in adult human submandibular gland.目的 观察成人下颌下腺内瘦素和瘦素受体的表达和分布。
3.To investigate the distribution and chemical character of nestin immunoreactive cell in the hippocampus, we explored systematically the distribution of nestin immunoreactive cells throughout the adult human hippocampus by 331B, 10C2, Rat401 antibody.为探讨成人海马内 Nestin免疫阳性细胞的分布 ,本实验采用 331B、10 C2、Rat40 1、NSE、GFAP、Vimentin抗体对成人海马了进行免疫组织化学研究。

成人1.德才兼备的人。犹完人。 2.成年。 3.造就人。 4.成器,成材。 5.谓妓女初破身。