1.Determination of Propofol and Thiopental in a 1:1 Volume Mixture by HPLC and Its Chemical Stability;丙泊酚与硫喷妥钠混合液中两成分含量的稳定性观察
2.Dynamic changes of ATPases and NOS activities and NO production at different anesthesia phases of thiopental and propofol anesthesia;硫喷妥钠或异丙酚麻醉不同时期大鼠脑ATP酶和NO合酶活性以及NO生成量的动态变化(英文)
3.Thiopental inhibits preinflammatory cytokines secreted by human mononuclear cells.;硫喷妥钠抑制离体人单个核细胞分泌前炎症性细胞因子

1.Antinociceptive Effects of Propofol and Thiopental on Visceral Pain Evoked by Myocardial Ischemia;异丙酚、硫喷妥钠对心肌缺血性内脏痛的抗伤害作用
2.Efficacy of thiopental combined with fentanyl and low dose of succinylcholine for laryngeal mask airway insertion硫喷妥钠复合芬太尼与司可林对喉罩置入的麻醉效果
3.The effect of thiopental on β-band of quantitative pharmaco-electroencephalogram in convulsion rabbits硫喷妥钠对惊厥家兔定量药物脑电图β频段的影响
4.Effects of anticonvulsant action of Thiopental on δ-band of QPEEG in rabbits硫喷妥钠抗惊厥作用对家兔脑电图δ频段的影响
5.Suggestion on the Infrared Spectrum of Thiopental Sodium in Atlas of Infrared Spectra of Drugs《药品红外光谱集》中硫喷妥钠的红外光谱值得商榷
6.Effects of thiopentone and propofol on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury during pediatric open heart surgery under deep hypothermic circulatory arrest硫喷妥钠与异丙酚在小儿心脏手术深低温停循环期间对脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响
7.Effects of Different Concentrations of Propofol, Thiopental and Midazolam on the Differentiation of Human Helper T Cells in Vitro;体外研究丙泊酚、硫喷妥钠、咪唑安定对人静脉血辅助性T淋巴细胞分化的影响
8.A trademark used for thiopental sodium.喷妥撒用于戊硫代巴比妥纳盐的商标
9.Determination of Tobramycin in Tobramycin Sulfate and Sodium Chloride Injection by HPLC-ELSDHPLC-ELSD法测定硫酸妥布霉素氯化钠注射液的含量
10.sodium amytal异戊巴比妥钠, 安米妥钠
11.Passing liquid cellulose (cellulose xanthate) through a narrow slot into another liquid ( solution of sulfuric acid, sodium sulfate and zinc sulfate),把液体纤维素(黄酸纤维素)从一条狭缝喷出,进入另一种液体内(硫酸,硫酸钠和硫酸锌溶液),
12.Determination of fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether sodium sulphate by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry液相色谱-电喷雾质谱法分析脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸钠
13.The Effect of Spraying Sodium Bisulfite Solution on the growth and Photosynthetic Rate of "Xiangyue" Grape喷施亚硫酸氢钠对香悦葡萄植株生长及光合速率的影响
14.photographic grade sodium thiosulphate, crystalline摄影用酸钠硫代硫酸钠(结晶)
15.ditiocarb sodium二硫卡钠(二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠)
16.Study on preparatin of sodium thiosulfate by sulfur black wastewater用硫化黑废水制取硫代硫酸钠的研究
17.Clinical research on withdrawal and replacement of phenytoin and phenobarbitone in epileptic patients癫痫病人撤换苯妥英钠和苯巴比妥的临床研究
18.formaldehyde sodium hydrosulfite甲醛化连二亚硫酸钠

thiopental sodium硫喷妥钠
1.Relationship between the hypnotic effect of thiopental sodium with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA),glycine and opioid receptors;NMDA、甘氨酸、阿片受体与硫喷妥钠催眠作用的关系
2.Effects of thiopental sodium on ATPase activities in different brain regions of rats;硫喷妥钠对大鼠不同脑区ATP酶活性的影响
3.Anaesthesia of thiopental sodium on nitride oxide synthases activity and nitride oxide dynamic change of rat brain;硫喷妥钠麻醉前后鼠脑NOS活性、NO的动态变化
3)sodium thiopental硫喷妥钠
1.Objective: A role in relieving the propofol injection pain was tested whether an alkalotic condition provided by sodium thiopental (STP) or sodium bicarbonate.5%硫喷妥钠溶液的不同丙泊酚混合液对局部注射痛的缓解作用。
1.Effects of pretreatment with thiopental and midazolam on the differentiation of human helper T cells in vitro;体外比较硫贲妥钠、咪唑安定对成年人Th0细胞分化的影响
5)Buthalitone Sodium;Thialbutone Sodium丁硫妥钠
1.Effect of thiopental sodium on the release of gluamate and γ-aminobutyric acid from rats prefrontal cortical synatosomes;硫喷妥钠对大鼠前额皮层突触体谷氨酸和γ-氨基丁酸释放的影响
2.Objective To investigate of effects of propofol, thiopental and etomidate on pituitaryadrenal functions during the induction stage of intravenous anasthesia with them.方法 :将择期全麻手术病人48例 ,随机分为三组 :Ⅰ组异丙酚组 18例 ,Ⅱ组硫喷妥钠组和Ⅲ组依托咪酯组各 15例 ,在诱导前 (T0 ) ,窥喉插管即刻 (T1) ,插管后 (T2 ) ,5min(T3 ) ,15min(T4 )取外周静脉血 ,用放射免疫法测定血浆去甲肾上腺素 (NE) ,肾上腺素 (E) ,皮质醇 (Cort) ,泌乳素 (PRL) ,生长素 (GH) ,β -内啡肽 (β-EP)水平。
3.ObjectiveTo investigate effects of midazolam, etomidate, propofol and thiopental on contractility and coronary flow of isolated rat hearts.目的研究静脉麻醉药咪唑安定、依托咪酯、异丙酚及硫喷妥钠对离体灌流心脏收缩力及冠脉流量的影响。
