1.Imaging analysis of pleomorphic adenomas of the minor salivary glands of the palate;腭部涎腺多形性腺瘤的影像学分析
2.Objective To report the experiences of minor median sternotomy for congenital open heart surgery.目的评价正中切口手术应用于先天性心脏病手术的效果。
3.Objective:To summarize minor incision chemical cholecystectomy.目的:总结临床上行切口化学性胆囊切除的经验。

1.Goat, Goat, Goat, Goat羊,羊,羊,
2.Low noise, libration, power consuncption.、整机噪声、动、耗比
3.A bird, a bird. It's a bird.鸟,鸟,这是一只鸟。
4.Small circle, small circle, small circle, big circle.圈、圈,圈、大圈,
5.A small pitcher.罐,的罐或壶
6.A calf/lamb/goat bleats.牛/羊/山羊叫。
7.Mi&n stack size:最堆栈大(&N):
8.2, 3, 1, 2, 3, pony, pony... 2 3 1 2 3马步 马步 ……
9.oh, bee, bee, bee, bee, bee!噢,蜜蜂,蜜蜂。
10.a litter of pigs [puppies]一窝猪 [狗]
11.Colt:a young male horse.雄驹:雄性马.
12.A small ship or ship's boat.船,型船只或船上
13.A small bunch or bundle, as of straw, hair, or grass.捆,把,束,如禾秆、头发和草等
14.a small farmer, trader, shopkeeper, company, etc农场主、 本商人、 店主、 公司
15.There are only a small bed, a small desk and a small chair in the room.那里有一张的床、桌子和一把的椅子。
16.There are still dogs, lions, tigers, monkeys, elephants, zebras, bears, .... I like the handkerchiefs very much, let alone my son.还有狗、狮子、老虎、猴子、象,斑马,熊……。
17.cut away in small pieces.一块一块的砍掉。
18.He jumped his pony across the brook.他使马驹跳过了河。

1.Early adoption a chemokine receptor antagonist Met-RANTES suppressing acute rejection of small bowel allograft in rats;大鼠肠移植早期应用趋化因子受体拮抗剂抑制移植物急性排斥反应
2.Effect of enteral rehabilitation therapy on graft structure in rat small bowel transplantation;肠康复治疗对促进移植肠结构修复作用的观察
1.The nature of"xi"(细)with the meaning of"xiao"(小)in the Xiang dialect;湘语“细”兼有“”义的真实面貌
2.On the Term "Heng xiao li" in the Zhouyi of Silk Manuscript by the Distinctions between Characters Xiao and Shao;从帛书《周易》“”“少”的区分释“亨利”
3.This essay attempts to use "Markedness Theory" as a guide,researching on the Modern Chinese "da" and "xiao" from three levels of symmetrical and asymmetrical phenomena in lexical,phrases and syntax,to make a detailed description of asymmetrical situations and conclude the reason of asymmetry.本文试图以标记理论为指导,对现代汉语中“大”和“”在词汇、短语和句法三个层面的对称和不对称现象进行考察,细致描写出不对称的情况,并总结出不对称的原因。
1.Distribution and the ratio change of G and D cells in developing mouse stomach;发育中鼠胃G、D细胞的分布及比值变化
5)Small, small, small, The squirrel is small.小,小,小,松鼠
6)Size of Test Plot小区大小

xiaopiti小Trachybaptus ruficollis;little grebe 目科小属的1种。又名水葫芦,因体形短圆,在水上浮沉宛如葫芦而得名。主要分布于古北界和东洋界。体较小,翅长约100毫米;前趾各具瓣蹼;上体(包括头顶、后颈、两翅)黑褐而有光泽;眼先、颊、颏和上喉等均黑色;下喉、耳区和颈棕栗色;上胸黑褐色、羽端苍白色;下胸和腹部银白色;尾短,呈棕、褐、白等色相间(见图[小外形]外形" class=image>)。平时栖息于水草丛生的湖泊食物以小鱼、虾、昆虫等为主。性怯懦,常匿居草丛间,或成群在水上游荡,一遇惊扰,立即潜入水中。在芦苇丛中营巢。一窝卵4~8枚。中国有3个亚种最常见的为普通亚种(Trachybap-tus ruficollis poggei),分布于中国各地,北起东北,南至台湾和海南岛,西达甘肃、四川及云南西部。                 郑作新