1.Study on glottis and corniculate tubercle with the relationship between them;声门与小角结节及其相互关系的研究
2.Objective:To measure the glottic cross-sectional area, the maximal width of posterior glottis and the angle between bilateral vocal cords in dyspnea degree Ⅰ and Ⅱ caused by adult bilateral vocal cord paralysis, so as to provide quantitative index for dyspnea degree Ⅰ and Ⅱ.目的:测量成人双侧声带麻痹致Ⅰ度和Ⅱ度呼吸困难时声门横截面积、声门后部最大横径和双侧声带夹角的大小,为Ⅰ度和Ⅱ度呼吸困难声门提供绝对量化指标。

1.traumatic obstructive edema of glottis外伤性声门梗阻性水肿
2.infective obstructive edema of glottis感染性声门梗阻性水肿
3.There came a gentle tap on the door.门上有了轻微的敲门声。
4.He opened the door in response to a knock.他应敲门声而开了门。
5.The music hit you as you went in.一进门,乐声震耳。
6."Where the roads go into the town her cry goes out, at the doorways her voice is loud:"在城门旁,在城门口,在城门洞,大声说,
7.Blows rained on the door.敲门声像雨点一样.
8.He banged the door shut.他"砰"的一声猛地关上门。
9.Suddenly strikes a sound of knocking.突然响起一阵敲门声。
10.Soon there came a knock on the door,不久后,他们听到敲门声,
11.There was a knock again.敲门声又响了起来。
12.a knock on the door aroused us.敲门声把我们唤醒了。
13.At last a knock was heard.最后,传来了敲门声。
14.the family hears knocking at the door again.一家人又听到敲门声。
15.Then, there is a knock at the door.接着,传来了一阵敲门声。
16.but was interrupted by a knock at the door.却被一阵敲门声打断了。
17.She woke up with a start when the door slammed.关门声把她惊醒了.
18.Remove the speaker from the door.从车门拆下扬声器。

1.Glottic measurement and vocal evaluation bofore and after adult arytenoidectomy;成人杓状软骨切除术前后声门测量及嗓音分析
2.Expression of Androgen Receptor and Estrogen Receptor in Glottic and Supraglottic Carcinoma of Larynx;雄激素受体和雌激素受体在声门型和声门上型喉癌中的表达
3.Objective To investigate the curative effect and laryngeal functional recovery of the glottic cancer patients by supracricoid partial laryngectomy.目的总结环状软骨上喉次全切除术用于治疗声门型喉癌的疗效以及术后喉功能的恢复情况。
3)soundproof door隔声门
1.It achieved sound result on controling of vibration and noise by comprehensive technologies and mesns sucha as installing vibrtion deadener, configuring vibration deadener and applying soundproof door.以某一商场制冷机组为对象,通过安装减振台,加装消声器、使用隔声门等综合治理技术手段进行振 动和噪声治理,取得了较好的效果。
1.A comparative study on the changes in EGG Parameters before and after voice treatment among cases with vocal nodules;声带小结患者发音矫治前后电声门图参数变化
2.Objective To know that voice acoustic analysis and EGG used in laryngeal carcinoma.目的:了解嗓音声学分析及电声门图在喉癌中的应用,比较分析喉癌患者嗓音声学参数和电声门图(EGG)参数的变化,评价这些参数在该病的诊断和疗效观察中的意义。
1.Analysis of prognostic factors influencing surgical treatment for glottic laryngeal carcinoma of T_3N_0M_0 stageT_3N_0M_0声门型喉癌手术治疗预后因素分析
2.BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: The prognosis of stage Ⅳ glottic cancer is poor.背景与目的:Ⅳ期声门型喉癌预后较差。
3.BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: Cervical lymph node metastasis rate of glottic carcinoma is low.背景与目的:声门型喉癌颈淋巴结转移率不高,颈部处理尚无统一认识。
1.0 software in the multi-media system to conduct synchronizing electroglottograph and acoustic test of vowels like //、/a:/、/i/ pronounced by 137 different roles aged between 20 and 64 and to Compare the results obtained with that of obtained from with healthy voice of common people quality.目的探讨我国京剧艺术不同行当的电声门图和声测试的参数特点。
