1.Preliminary Research of the Therapeutic Window in Hypoxic-Ischemic Damage in Piglets:A Comparison of 1HMRS and HSP70;新生猪缺氧缺血脑损伤治疗时间窗初探:~1H MRS与HSP70对照研究
2.Detecting Cerebral Hypoxia-Ischemia of Newborn Piglets Using Spatially-Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy;近红外空间分辨光谱技术及其对新生猪脑缺氧缺血的检测
3.The Influence of Carbon Dioxide Pneumoperitoneum on the Hemodynamic and Ventilatory Function in the PigletsCO_2气腹对新生猪血液动力学及呼吸功能的影响

1.The observation of the ECoG changes in newborn piglets with HIBD;新生猪缺氧缺血性脑损伤皮层脑电图的变化
3.The Influence of Carbon Dioxide Pneumoperitoneum on the Hemodynamic and Ventilatory Function in the PigletsCO_2气腹对新生猪血液动力学及呼吸功能的影响
4.Comparison of the models of acute hypoxia and hypoxic-ischemia in newborn piglets新生猪急性缺氧与缺氧缺血模型的比较
5.Study of Endothelin Level and Brain Injure in Newborn Piglet with Hypoxic Ischemic EncephalopathyET与新生猪缺氧缺血性脑损伤关系的探讨
6.Changes of Eelectroencephaphysiology in Newborn Piglets with Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Damage During Selective Moderate Head Cooling Therapy;选择性头部亚低温治疗新生猪缺氧缺血性脑损伤脑电生理的变化
7.Experimental Study on Promoting Angiogenesis of Ischemic Myocardium with Gene of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Swines;BFGF基因促猪缺血心肌血管新生的研究
8.Productive System of on High Quality Swine in Qitai County of Xinjiang;新疆奇台县优质瘦肉猪生产体系建设
9.Studies on the Immune Ability of Zailikang on Pig;仔痢康调节新生仔猪免疫机能的研究
10.Effect and Mechanism of Glycyrrhetinic Acid on Growth in Neonatal Pigs;甘草次酸对新生仔猪生长的影响及其机理研究
11.The idea of putting pig parts in people is not a new one; physicians have long used porcine heart valves and hormones in people.把猪器官放在人体内的想法并非新创意,医生很久以前就开始在人身上用猪心脏瓣膜和猪激素。
12.Pampered Porkies Get a Better Start in Life (2002/11/25)小猪受宠睡水床 开始健康新生活 (2002/11/25)
13.Nutritional Effects of Lactose in Artificial Rearing Neonate Piglets;人工饲养新生期仔猪的乳糖营养效应研究
14.Effects of Two New Feed Additives on Performance of Growing Finishing Pigs;两种新型饲料添加剂对肉猪生产性能的影响
15.Examination of Raw Pork s Fresh Degree and Appraisal of Raw Pork s Storage Quality;生鲜猪肉新鲜度的检测及贮藏品质评价
16.Any of various mammals of the family Suidae, which includes the domesticated pig as well as wild species, such as the boar and the wart hog.猪猪科动物的各类哺乳动物,包括家养猪及野猪和疣猪等野生猪
17.Nutritional and Physiological Effects of Whole-Body Protein Turnover in Neonatal Pigs;新生期仔猪整体蛋白质周转的营养生理效应研究
18.A Basic Experimental Study of Neonatal Mini-pig Hepatocytes for Usage in Bioartificial Liver;新生实验小型猪肝细胞用于生物人工肝的基础实验研究

Neonatal pig新生仔猪
1.Small intestinal development and expressions of some genes in the small intestinal mucosa of neonatal pigs;新生仔猪小肠生长发育及肠黏膜部分基因的表达
2.Fifteen neonatal pigs were killed and sampled on newborn(day 0),day 3 and day 7 after birth,respectively.选择新生仔猪15头,分别于出生当日(0 d)、出生后3 d及7 d屠宰取样,制作肝脏电镜切片进行组织学分析,并测定肝脏中DNA、RNA含量及常规生化指标。
3.The experiment was carried out to study the effects of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) on development of pancreas and stomach in neonatal pigs. 本试验研究了子宫内发育迟缓对新生仔猪胰腺和胃发育的影响。
3)newborn piglets新生仔猪
1.Effects of dietary zinc level on reproduction performance of gestation sow and serum parameters of sow and newborn piglets were studied.试验研究了不同日粮锌水平对母猪繁殖性能、母猪和新生仔猪血清参数等指标的影响。
2.5kg birth weight were used to study the influence of initial feeding-time on absorption of PIgG in those newborn piglets during postnatal period in 48 hours on the bottle-feeding condition.5kg的大白猪()×内蒙黑猪(♀)杂交F1代新生仔猪,于出生后的不同时间开始饲喂一定浓度的外源PlgG后对其吸收的影响进行了研究。
4)newborn piglet新生仔猪
1.Effect of casein hydrolysate on the functional development of proteometabolism in the liver of newborn piglets;酪蛋白酶解产物对新生仔猪肝脏蛋白质代谢功能发育的影响
2.Studies on commercial producing process of K_(88)ac-ST_(1)-LT_(B) trivalent gene engineering inactivated vaccine against colibacillus diarrhea of newborn piglets;新生仔猪大肠埃希氏菌性腹泻K_(88)ac-ST_1-LT_B三价基因工程灭活疫苗生产工艺的研究
3.Advance on molecular biological study on causal agents of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in newborn piglets;新生仔猪产肠毒素性大肠埃希氏菌致病因子的分子生物学研究进展
5)neonatal piglet新生仔猪
1.Studies on developmental changes of lipid metabolism in neonatal piglets;新生仔猪脂类代谢功能发育性变化的研究
6)Piglet Model新生猪模型

长生猪【长生猪】  佛教把“杀生”列为第一重戒,主张以慈悲的精神保护、拯救人和一切动物的生命,谓之“护生”。“护生”被认为是功德无量的。释迦牟尼在前世,曾有“舍身饲虎”的壮举。过去,有些寺院中豢养“长生猪”、“长生牛”,以示佛门慈悲之意,好生之德。《太平广记》卷一百引唐·牛肃《纪闻》:“唐开元十八年,京菩提寺有长生猪,体柔肥硕,在寺十余年,其岁猪死,僧焚之,火既烬,灰中得舍利百余粒。”又如清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录一》载:一猪见邻翁“辄嗔目狂吼,奔突欲噬”。邻翁怒极,打算买下这头猪杀了吃,忽然猛省:这大概就是佛门所说的“夙冤”吧!邻翁便以高价买下这头猪,再把它送到寺院中作为“长生猪”。后来,邻翁再去见这头猪,猪竟俯首贴耳,作亲昵状。此外又有“长生牛”。宋·洪迈《夷坚丙志·长生牛》谓,宋代绍兴年间曾下令禁屠,将牛牵入佛寺作“长生牛”,养数年方死。(李明权)