1.The Use of Botulinum Toxin A in the Treatment of Palatal Myoclonus Tinnitus;应用肉毒毒素A治疗腭肌阵挛性耳鸣临床分析
2.Intranasal instillation of sufentanil reduces myoclonus induced by etomidate鼻内滴入舒芬太尼减少依托咪酯所致肌阵挛
3.Sufentanil pretreatment reduces myoclonus after etomidate injection舒芬太尼预处理对依托咪酯所致肌阵挛的预防作用

1.Electrophysiological Studies on Myoclonus in Childhood;小儿时期肌阵挛运动的电生理学研究
2.Myoclonus after injection of etomidate:the effect of pretreatment of midazolam咪达唑仑预处理减少依托咪酯所致的肌阵挛
3.Intranasal instillation of sufentanil reduces myoclonus induced by etomidate鼻内滴入舒芬太尼减少依托咪酯所致肌阵挛
4.Gene Mapping and Identification for Osteoporosis and Benign Familial Adult Myoclonus Epilepsy;骨质疏松症和良性家族性成年人肌阵挛癫痫的基因定位和鉴定
5.A case report of subacute dichloroethane poisoning with myoclonus epilepsy as main clinical manifestation以肌阵挛性癫痫为主要表现的亚急性二氯乙烷中毒1例报告
6.Sufentanil pretreatment reduces myoclonus after etomidate injection舒芬太尼预处理对依托咪酯所致肌阵挛的预防作用
7.A sudden twitching of muscles or parts of muscles, without any rhythm or pattern, occurring in various brain disorders.肌阵挛肌肉和部分肌肉的急速抽动,它没有任何节律或方式,存在于各种脑失调症
8.Study of the Relationship of SCN1A Genotype、Clinical Phenotype and the Effect of Treatment in Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy in Infancy婴儿重症肌阵挛癫痫的SCN1A基因型、临床表型与治疗效果三者间的关系研究
9.Comparison of pretreatment with sufentanil and fentanyl in prevention of myoclonus after application of etomidate舒芬太尼与芬太尼预处理预防依托咪酯全身麻醉诱导后肌阵挛的效果比较
10.Efficacy of Pretreatment of Vecuronium Combined with Dilution of Etomidate on Etomidate-induced Myoclonus预注维库溴铵联合稀释依托咪酯减轻依托咪酯全麻诱导中肌阵挛的临床研究
11.An abnormality in neuromuscular activity characterized by rapidly alternating muscular contraction and relaxation.抽筋痉挛,阵挛神经肌肉活动的不正常状态,特征是快速交替的肌肉收缩和放松
12.A sudden reflexive or spasmodic muscular movement.抽搐,痉挛突然反射或痉挛的肌肉运动
13.the relaxation or relief of muscle spasms.放松或减轻肌肉的痉挛。
14.I have got a cramp in my Back.我后背的肌肉痉挛了
15.Relieving or preventing spasms, especially of smooth muscle.减轻痉挛的,防止痉挛的减轻或防止痉挛的,尤指平滑肌的
16.Spasmodic winking caused by the involuntary contraction of an eyelid muscle.脸痉挛由于眼睑肌肉偶然挛缩而引起的痉挛性眨眼
17.A painful muscle spasm, as in the neck or back;a crick.痛痉颈部或背部的痛苦的肌肉痉挛;痛性痉挛
18.Type Ⅰ: contracture of adductors pollicis without thumb web skin contracture.Ⅰ型 :拇指指蹼皮肤无挛缩而拇内收肌群挛缩。

1.The seizure was characterized clinically by absences accompanied by severe bilateral rhythmical myoclonias, often associated with a tonic contraction.目的 探讨肌阵挛失神性癫痫的临床表现、脑电图特点、治疗及预后。
1.Features of clinical and therapy in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: an analysis of 87 cases;青少年肌阵挛性癫87例临床及治疗特点分析
2.Objective To explore the etiology,clinical characteristics,therapy and prognosis of myoclonic epilepsy(ME).结论肌阵挛性癫痫的病因复杂,临床上以肌阵挛发作为主要表现,若伴有其他类型的发作,肌阵挛不容易引起注意,临床工作者应提高对此疾病群的重视。
6)palatal myoclonia腭肌阵挛

挛挛 挛   证名。出《素问·异法方宜论》。曲而不伸之状。常与拘、急并称,如拘挛、挛急,多属筋病。可分虚实寒热四证。虚挛多因血虚不能养筋,治宜补肝血、养筋脉,用四物汤、养血地黄丸等方。实挛由外受风寒,内有实热等所致,治宜外散风寒,内清实热,活血舒筋,用活血通经汤。寒挛则胫逆而痛,筋挛骨痛,治宜通阳散寒,活血通脉,用乌头汤、《千金》薏苡仁汤等方。热挛,即《内经》所谓肝气热则筋膜干,筋膜干则筋急而挛,治宜清热养血,滋阴通络,用生地、当归之属;或六味丸加牛膝、当归等(见《证治准绳·杂病》)。