1.Tolerance/dependence liaility also appears during chronic opioid administration.吗啡是临床常用的强效阿片类镇痛药,临床应用中可出现恶心、呕吐、镇静、瘙痒、便秘、尿潴留、呼吸抑制等不良反应,长期应用易出现耐受和依赖

1.The study group was those had tolerance and dependence on opioid drugs.③实验组为均对阿片类药物形成耐受和依赖
2.Electrophysiological Mechanism of Opioid Withdrawal in SON Neurons in Brain Slices from Morphine Tolerant and Dependent Rats;吗啡耐受和依赖大鼠视上核神经元阿片戒断的电生理机制
3.Effects of agmatine metabolite putrescine on morphine analgesia,tolerance and dependence胍丁胺代谢产物腐胺对吗啡镇痛、耐受和依赖的影响
4.Chronic paraldehyde intoxication results in tolerance and dependence.慢性副醛中毒能导致耐受性和依赖性。
5.Effects of low dose naloxone on morphine-induced tolerance and dependence in rats小剂量纳洛酮对吗啡致大鼠依赖和耐受的影响
6.Study on the Mechanisms of Phosphorylation in Morphine Tolerance and Dependence;吗啡耐受依赖的蛋白磷酸化机制研究
7.The Effects of Chinese Medicine, Guiyuan Tablets on Morphine Tolerance, Withdrawal and Behavioral Sensitization;中药复方制剂—归元片对吗啡耐受、依赖和行为敏化的影响
8.Comparative studies on the proteomics of Rifampin-dependent and-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis结核分枝杆菌利福平依赖株与耐受株差异蛋白的筛选与鉴定
9.acknowledge praise or accept credit.接受人们的表扬或依赖。
10.Effects of Gamma Knife Surgery on NMDA Receptor and Voltage-dependent Sodium Current of Rat Cortical Neurons;伽玛刀照射对大鼠皮层神经元NMDA受体和电压依赖性钠电流的影响
11.Expressions of Glucocorticoid Receptor α and β in Lesions of Facial Steroid-dependent Dermatitis面部激素依赖性皮炎皮损中糖皮质激素受体α和β的表达及意义
12.Effects of progesterone on morphine-induced conditioned place preference and levels of μ-receptor in hippocampus and striatum孕酮对吗啡精神依赖大鼠海马和纹状体中阿片受体水平的影响
13.Proof of Properties of Function Dependencies and Multi-Valued Dependencies with Operator函数依赖和多值依赖性质的算子化证明
14.The direct dependency graph(DDG),direct dependency matrix(DDM),dependency relation matrix(DRM),degree of direct dependency(DDD) and minimal cover(MC) were defined.然后定义了直接依赖图、直接依赖矩阵、直接依赖度、依赖关系矩阵和最小覆盖等概念。
15.Effects of Walking on the Serum Adiponectin and Endothelium-dependent Vasodilation in Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance;健步走对糖耐量减低患者脂联素和内皮依赖性血管舒张功能的影响
16.One that depends on the protection of another.受人庇护者依赖他人保护之人
17.Effects of κ-Agonists on Dependece of Opioidκ-受体激动剂在阿片依赖中的作用
18.Dopamine D_2 Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Alcohol Dependence多巴胺D_2受体基因多态性与酒依赖

morphine tolerance and dependence吗啡耐受和依赖
3)Morphine dependence/tolerance吗啡依赖/耐受
4)opioid tolerance and dependence阿片耐受与依赖
5)dependence receptor依赖性受体
1.TypeⅠtransmembrane receptors such as DCC(Deleted in Colorectal Cancer)and UNC5H have been considered to belong to the so-called dependence receptor family.依赖性受体是目前肿瘤研究的热点,作为跨膜受体蛋白为细胞内外信息传递提供重要的途径。
6)dependence and addiction依赖和成瘾
1.Opioid abuse can cause dependence and addiction accompanied by neurological impairment.阿片滥用能引起依赖和成瘾,并伴有神经损伤。
