吸入麻醉药,inhaled anesthetics
1)inhaled anesthetics吸入麻醉药
1.The ED_(50) of inhaled anesthetics determined by multi-flask method on Drosophila melanogaster;分瓶法测定果蝇吸入麻醉药半数麻醉有效浓度
2.It has been proven through numerous that inhaled anesthetics-induced protection against ischemic myocardium exists.大量的基础研究证实吸入麻醉药对缺血心肌有保护作用,在一些临床试验中也得到初步证实,其保护机制复杂,尚未完全阐明,现就其在ATP敏感性钾通道开放、Ca2+超载、氧自由基、细胞因子,一氧化氮等方面的研究进展作一综述。

1.tribromoethyl alcohol三溴乙醇 [吸入麻醉药]
2.The inhaled anesthetic is one of the general anesthetics used widely in clinical practice.吸入麻醉药是临床上常用的一类全身麻醉药.
3.Calculating the venous blood concentration of inhalation anesthetics with a clinical gas analyzer利用麻醉气体监护仪床旁测定吸入麻醉药血药浓度
4.Closed-Loop Control of Anesthesia with Volatile Anesthetics;吸入麻醉药闭环控制用药的可行性研究
5.Selecting and Cloning Relative Genes Sensitive to Volatile Anesthetics in Drosophila Melanogaster;果蝇吸入麻醉药敏感性相关基因的筛选和克隆
6.Pregnancy and Solubility of Volatile Anesthesia;妊娠对吸入麻醉药血/气分配系数的影响
7.Progress of Mechanism of Myocardial Protection by Inhaled Anesthetics卤族类吸入麻醉药心肌保护机制的研究进展
8.Mechanism of Inhalation Anesthetics Induced Neuroprotective Effect吸入麻醉药神经保护作用机制研究进展
9.Application of Volatile Anesthetics on Controlled Hypotension and Spinal Cord Monitoring in Spinal Surgery;吸入麻醉药在脊柱手术中行控制性降压和脊髓功能监测的应用
10.Investigation of Potassium Channels on the Larval Cerebral Neurons of Drosophila Melanogaster with Different Sensitivity to Volatile Anesthetics;对吸入麻醉药敏感性不同的果蝇幼虫中枢神经元钾通道的研究
11.New Mechanisms of Myocardial Protection by Volatile Anesthetics: Inhibition of Neutrophils;抑制中性粒细胞激活:吸入麻醉药心肌保护的新机制
12.The Combined Application of Volatile Anesthetics, Ketamine and Magnesium in Recombined NMDA Receptors;联合应用吸入麻醉药,镁和氯胺酮对NMDA受体的影响
13.Isoflurane Anesthesia Impairs Spatial Memory Recall and Its Related CREB and Egr1 Expression in Aged Mice吸入麻醉药对学习记忆及脑发育影响的基础研究
14.Effects of inhalation anesthetics on myocardial protection in coronary artery bypass grafting:a meta-analysis吸入麻醉药对冠脉搭桥术心肌保护作用的Meta分析
15.Patients inhale a topical anesthetic that numbs their nasal passages and throat.病人吸入一种局部麻醉药,能够麻醉他们的鼻道和喉部。
16.Study on Pharmacokinetics and Effective Evaluation of Propofol TCI Total Intravenous Anesthesia and Combination with Sevoflurane Inhalational Anaesthesia;丙泊酚靶控输注全凭静脉麻醉及复合七氟烷吸入麻醉的药代动力学研究和药效评价
17.Induction of General Anesthesia General anesthesia can be induced by giving drugs intravenously, by inhalation, or by a combination of both methods.全身麻醉的诱导经静脉、吸入或两种方式联合给药都能诱导全身麻醉。
18.A whiff of gas will quickly put you off.你吸一口麻醉气体马上就会进入麻醉状态。

inhalation anesthetics吸入麻醉药
1.Effcets of AMPA on the hypnotic and analgesic effects of inhalation anesthetics;AMPA对吸入麻醉药催眠、镇痛作用的影响
2.Effects of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor on the hypnotic and analgesic effects of inhalation anesthetics;士的宁敏感的甘氨酸受体对吸入麻醉药催眠和镇痛作用的影响
3.Effects of intrathecal injection of NMDA on the analgesia of inhalation anesthetics;鞘内注射NMDA拮抗吸入麻醉药的镇痛作用
3)volatile anesthetic吸入麻醉药
1.The relationship between the analgesic and hypnotic effects of volatile anesthetic and GABA_A receptor;吸入麻醉药镇痛、催眠作用与GABA_A受体的关系
2.Objective To study the r elationship between the volatile anesthetics and GABA A receptor.目的 分析吸入麻醉药乙醚、安氟醚、异氟烷和七氟醚催眠作用与GABAA 受体的关系。
4)inhalational anesthetic agents吸入性麻醉药
5)Inhalation anesthesia吸入麻醉
1.Objective: To observe the absorptivities of anesthetic gas absorber and its effected factors in inhalation anesthesia.目的:观察在吸入麻醉中 ,麻醉气体吸附器的吸附率及影响因素。
2.Objective:To compare the clinical effect of TIVA(PFK)with inhalation anesthesia in laparoscopy gynecolopy operation.目的:比较全凭静脉麻醉(PFK方法)与吸入麻醉两种不同麻醉方法在妇科腹腔镜手术中的临床应用效果。
6)Inhaled anesthesia吸入麻醉
1.Objective To observe the effect of sevoflurane inhaled anesthesia in the clinical application.目的观察七氟醚吸入麻醉在短小手术中的临床应用效果。

吸入麻醉药分子式:CAS号:性质:是一类经气道吸入后产生全身麻醉的药物。它们均是挥发性液体或气体,经气道吸入后,由肺泡毛细血管膜弥散入血,而到达脑组织;阻断其突触传递功能,引起全身麻醉作用。以最低肺泡有效浓度(minimum alveolar concentration;MAC)来反映各药的麻醉强度。麻醉强度更合理的估计是麻醉药物在脑内的浓度,常用MAC与脑/气分配系数的乘积表示,其值愈小;麻醉强度愈大。常用的药物有:氟烷、恩氟烷及异氟烷、氧化亚氮等。