预注法,Priming principle
1)Priming principle预注法

1.Influences of Priming Technique on the Onset Time and Recovery Time-course of Cisatracurium in Adults预注法对成人顺式阿曲库铵起效及恢复时相的影响
2.empirical waterflood prediction method注水效果的经验预测法
3.Preparation for pre-registration and registration of REACH;REACH法规预注册和注册准备(一)
4.Note on the convergence of AOR and 2PPJ iterative methods预条件AOR和2PPJ迭代法收敛性的注记
5.Research on Prediction of Shrinkage for Injection Molded Parts;注塑成型制品收缩率预测理论与方法的研究
6.Methods of Stimulation Prediction and Messure Programming;增产增注措施效果预测与规划方法研究
7.Exploitation Indexes Forecast of Low-permeability of Immiscible Hydrocarbon Flooding Reservoir;低渗透油藏注烃气驱油开发指标预测方法研究
8.Prevention of Pain and Evaluation of Effect and Technology on Propofol Injection;预防异丙酚注射痛的效果和方法学的评价
9.How to Cope with Pre-registration of REACH Issued by EU;石油和化工产业如何应对欧盟REACH法规预注册
10.Precaution Against the Stopped up Pipes Accident during Piles Construction and Its Treatment;钻(冲)孔灌注桩堵管事故的预防措施和处理方法
11.Injection Strategy Study and Effectiveness Forecast of Aonan Oilfield Ao 157 Block敖南油田敖157区块注水方法研究及效果预测
12.The surface Pre-grouting Method of Shicao Coal Mine Vice-shaft石槽村煤矿副井井筒地面预注浆施工方法
13.A New Forecasting Method for Production with Changing of Water-cut at the Water Flooding Stage一种注水阶段考虑含水率变化的产量预测方法
14.Calculation Method of Surface Pre-grouting Result Inspection and Measurement for Mine Shaft Sinking立井井筒地面预注浆效果检测的计算方法
15.Prediction Method for Bearing Capacity of Cast-in-Situ Single Pile钻孔灌注桩单桩竖向承载力预测方法研究
16.To doom or condemn beforehand.注定预先注定或宣判
17.The Effect of Different Rocuronium Priming Methods on the Onset Time of Vecuronium--The Clinical Research of Shortening Priming Interval;罗库溴铵不同预注方法对维库溴铵起效时间的影响——缩短预注间隔的临床研究
18.protective inoculation预防接种 [注射]

pre-grouting method预注浆法
3)Lanz-pearlite process铸型预热浇注法
1.Objective To investigate the effect of Vecuronium, Atrocurium andRocuronium applied with priming and to evaluate the clinical feasibility of priming.目的:研究预注法对维库溴铵、阿曲库铵和罗库溴铵肌松效应的作用,评价预注法应用于临床的可行性。
5)Craig water-flood prediction method克雷格注水预测法
6)empirical waterflood prediction method注水效果的经验预测法

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