无痛分娩,labor analgesia
1)labor analgesia无痛分娩
1.Application of combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia;腰硬联合麻醉在无痛分娩中的应用探讨
2.Objective:To explore the clinical effect of combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia (CSEA) during labor.目的:探讨腰硬联合麻醉用于无痛分娩的镇痛效果及其对分娩的影响。

1.Clinical observation on effect of patient-controlled eqidural administration in the painless parturition.自控硬膜外镇痛用于无痛分娩的临床观察
2.Factors Interference Promotion of Labor Analgesia Technology影响无痛分娩推广的因素分析及临床对策
3.The effects of butorphanol and ropivacaine on patient controlled epidural analgesia during painless labor罗哌卡因、布托啡诺自控硬膜外无痛分娩分析
4.Levobupivacaine Hydrochloric for Painless Labor on Apgar Score and Blood Gas盐酸左布比卡因用于无痛分娩对新生儿评分及血气的影响
5.Comparison of effects of low concentration bupivacaine,lidocaine,and tetracaine solutions in painless childbirth低浓度布比卡因、利多卡因、地卡因用于无痛分娩效果的比较
6.she had a difficult delivery.她难以忍受分娩的痛苦。
7.The Relationship between Quantitative Sensory Testing and the Pain、Analgesia in Labor;感觉定量检测与分娩疼痛、分娩镇痛的关系
9.Effect of guided happiness associated with epidural abirritation during spontaneous delivery导乐分娩联合硬膜外分娩镇痛对自然分娩的影响
10.The Effect of Fetai Head Engaged or Not When Epidural Analgesia is Placed on Labour;衔接是分娩镇痛对分娩方式影响的重要因素
11.The effects of epidural labor analgesia on progress of labor and outcomes of labor硬膜外分娩镇痛对产程进展及分娩结局的影响
12.The Effect of the Degree of Primiparous Anxiety on the Epidural Labor Analgesia and Labor Pain;产妇的焦虑程度与硬膜外分娩镇痛及分娩疼痛的关系
13.A Study of knowledge of labor analgesia and effect on matemal and neonatal with or without epidural labor analgesia;分娩镇痛认知及硬膜外分娩镇痛对母婴近期影响研究
14.Clinical analysis of 50 labor pain relief by epidural anesthesia硬膜外阻滞分娩镇痛50例临床分析
15.a regularly recurrent spasm of pain that is characteristic of childbirth.分娩时的循环,有规律的疼痛。
16.Clinical Study of Doula Delivery Combining with Water Acupuncture导乐分娩联合水针镇痛的临床研究
17.Effect of doula labor for company the whole course and epidural anesthesia on obstetric quality全程导乐陪伴分娩联合硬膜外麻醉分娩镇痛对产科质量的影响
18.Effect of Lamaze Childbirth Method on Emotion of Primiparae拉玛泽分娩减痛法对初产妇分娩过程情绪的影响

painless labor无痛分娩
1.Labor epidural anesthesia (LEA) is a widely used technique for pain relief during labor in recent years and is regarded as the development trend of painless labor.硬脊膜外阻滞无痛分娩是目前应用最广泛的无痛分娩方法之一 ,被公认为代表了今后无痛分娩的发展方向。
3)accouchement sans douleur (ASD)无痛(性)分娩
4)accelerated painless labor (APL)快速无痛分娩
5)labor analgesia分娩镇痛
1.Levobupivacaine with fentanyl for walkable labor analgesia;左旋布比卡因在可行走式分娩镇痛中的应用
2.Effects of ambulatory labor analgesia on fetal oxygen saturation;可行走式分娩镇痛对胎儿血氧饱和度的影响
3.Clinical Analysis Of 50 combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia;50例腰麻—硬膜外联合阻滞麻醉分娩镇痛的临床分析
6)Labor Pain分娩疼痛
1.Objective Labor pain is a common cause of acute pain in obstetrics,yet pain relief and parturient satisfaction are still inadequate in many cases.目的:研究孕妇的定量感觉检测(Quantitative Sensory Testing,QST)特点,观察其与分娩疼痛程度、分娩镇痛效果的关系,探讨其临床应用的可行性,为分娩镇痛个体化提供理论根据,并扩大QST在临床上的应用价值。

精神预防性无痛分娩精神预防性无痛分娩  该分娩法为Lamaze于1951年首创,是将分娩过程用讲课或对话的方式,使产妇充分了解分娩的生理过程,增加产妇对完成分娩的信心,并训练产妇在宫缩时呼吸方法和在宫缩间歇放松全身肌肉的方法,以减轻产痛。我国在20世纪50~60年代使用的无痛分娩法是根据巴甫洛夫的条件反射学说结合按摩的方法,以减轻产妇的痛感。总之通过讲解和指导,耐心护理,可减轻产妇心理障碍,对顺利分娩很重要。