临床麻醉学,Clinical Anesthesiology
1)Clinical Anesthesiology临床麻醉学
1.Methodological Evaluation of Clinical Randomized Controlled Trials in Clinical Anesthesiology;临床麻醉学随机对照试验方法学分析
2.Objective To explore the methods of improving the quality of teaching in clinical anesthesiology practice.方法结合临床实践,阐述临床教师全面提高自己的思想、业务素质、医德医风和实施规范化、科学化临床教学方法对提高临床麻醉学实习教学质量的必要性和有效性。

1.Improving Teaching Quality in Clinical Anesthesiology Practice提高临床麻醉学实习教学质量的探讨
2.Practice and experience of clinical anesthesiology teaching for medical foreign students医学留学生临床麻醉学教学实践与体会
3.Anesthesia and entropy,to think and understand clinical anesthesia with philosophy麻醉与熵:哲学地思考和理解临床麻醉
4.Exploration on how to improve quality of clinical teaching of anesthesiology in interns提高实习生临床麻醉教学质量的探索
5.Clinical Institute Narcotic Assessment (CINA scale)临床麻醉药品评估量表
6.Exploration on setting up anesthesiology clinical skill simulation training center麻醉学临床技能模拟训练中心建设的探索
7.Application of advanced simulation system in anesthesiology clinical skill training高端模拟系统在麻醉学临床技能训练中的应用
8.Cultivating Students Clinical Thinking Ability in Teaching of Clinical Anesthesia Practice;临床麻醉实习教学中对学生临床思维能力的培养
9.The inhaled anesthetic is one of the general anesthetics used widely in clinical practice.吸入麻醉药是临床上常用的一类全身麻醉药.
10.Application of Cerebral State Index for Assessment of Anesthetic Depth;麻醉深度指数用于麻醉深度监测的临床研究
11.Clinical Observation of Cerebral State Index in Monitoring Anesthesia Depth with the Patients Undergoing General Anesthesia;麻醉深度指数用于全麻手术期间麻醉深度监测的临床观察
12.Comparison of the Anesthetic Result of Lumbar Qi Point Anesthesia,Lumbar shu Point Anesthesia and Local Anesthesia腰奇穴麻醉与腰俞穴麻醉局麻临床对比试验研究
13.Significance of cerebral state index used in patients undergoing general anesthesia麻醉深度指数用于全麻手术期间麻醉深度监测的临床评价
14.Clinical Study on Anesthesia of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) Surgery;冠状动脉旁路移植术麻醉的临床研究
15.Investigation of Anaesthetics for Clinical Applications in Wild Animals;麻醉药在野生动物中的临床应用调查
16.The Clinical Study of Narcotrend in Monitoring the Depth of Sevoflurane AnesthesiaNarcotrend监测七氟醚麻醉深度的临床研究
17.Clinical analysis of the lower respiratory tract infections after anaesthesia麻醉后发生下呼吸道感染的临床分析
18.Clinical analysis of 117 cases of topical anesthesia for phacoemulsification表面麻醉下超声乳化术117例临床分析

The Journal of Clinical Anesthesilolgy临床麻醉学杂志
3)clinical anesthesia临床麻醉
1.This article introduces clinical anesthesia s importance, anesthesia machine s structure and function principles, points out that contemporary anesthesia s development could not leave out medical physics.本文通过对临床麻醉的重要性、麻醉机的结构和功能原理介绍,指出现代麻醉学的发展离不开医学物理学,物理学的基本知识和技术在麻醉学中处于重要的地位,发挥着举足轻重的作用。
2.According to the requirements of clinical anesthesia teaching,we focus on the clinical practical questions,emphasize the integration of theory with practice,strengthen the cultivation of students quality,and encourage students to develop clinical thinking ability.根据临床麻醉教学的需要,在教学中以临床实际问题为中心,注重理论联系实际,加强学生自身素质的培养,鼓励学生形成正确的临床思维能力。
4)Anesthesia Information Management System麻醉临床信息系统
1.Key technologies in Anesthesia Information Management System;麻醉临床信息系统的几个关键问题
5)Clinical Institute Narcotic Assessment (CINA scale)临床麻醉药品评估量表
6)clinical anaesthesia information system临床麻醉信息系统
1.During the application of clinical anaesthesia information system,in virtue of informationization platform,the 251th hospital of PLA has enlarged the system and has made further application of it,such as operation nursing record and operation information archiving electronically.解放军第251医院在应用临床麻醉信息系统的过程中,借助良好的信息化平台,对系统进行了拓展和更深一步的应用,增加了手术护理信息记录,并实现了手术信息的电子归档,使临床麻醉信息系统更好的为临床服务。
2.Explains the structure and characteristics of clinical anaesthesia information system, involving the preoperative management, operative management, postoperative management and department management etc.本文阐述了我院临床麻醉信息系统的结构和特点,它含盖了手术麻醉的术前管理、术中管理、术后管理及科室管理多项功能,系统的应用促进了麻醉学科和医院信息化的建设与发展。

麻醉学麻醉学anesthesiology 是医学领域中的一门新兴学科。是一门研究临床麻醉、重症监测治疗、急救复苏、疼痛治疗的综合性学科。经过近百余年的发展,目前已是近代医学中的重要临床学科。它集中了基础医学、临床医学、生物医学工程以及多种边缘学科中有关麻醉的基本理论和工程技术,形成较完整的具有本专业特点的理论和技术体系。