植物神经系统,Autonomic Nervous System
1)Autonomic Nervous System植物神经系统

1.plant neurophysiology植物神经系统生理学
2.Plant Intelligence Classifying System Based on Integration of Expert System and Neural Network;基于专家系统和神经网络集成的植物智能分类系统
3.neurotransmitter system神经介质系统 神经传导物质系统
4.autonomic agent自主神经系统作用物
5.a stimulant for the central nervous system.中枢神经系统的刺激物。
6.The Chemical Markers of Plant Lectin B4 in the Enteric Nervous System of Mice植物凝集素B4在小鼠肠神经系统初级传入的化学标记
7.Prophylaxis and management of neuropsychiatric complications after liver transplantation肝移植术后神经精神系统并发症的预防和治疗
8.Neurochemical Systems in the Central Nervous System in Basic Neurobiology.20-24.基础神经生物学中的中枢神经系统的神经化学系统》.20-24.
9.Any of the sciences, such as neuroanatomy and neurobiology, that deal with the nervous system.神经科学诸如神经解剖学和神经生物学这类研究神经系统的科学
10.reproductive systems, plant生殖系统(植物的)
11.autonomic reflex epilepsy植物神经反射性癫痫
12.skinregetative reflex皮肤植物性神经反射
13.Design of Implanted Central Nerve Recovery System and Its Stimulation Circuits;植入式中枢神经恢复系统及其刺激电路的设计
14.Biomechanical Properties of Glial Cells and Neurons in the CNS;中枢神经系统神经胶质细胞和神经元的生物力学性质
15.histophysiology of animal neuro-systems动物神经系统组织生理学
16.The sentox nerve gas that was released into the air duct system contains a corrosive agent神经毒气通过通风系统掺杂腐蚀物
17.an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal).瘟血动物神经系统上的急性病毒性疾
18.of or relating to the biological study of the nervous system.属于神经系统生物学研究或与之相关。

vegetative nervous system drugs植物神经系统药
4)Sympathovagal system植物神经系

植物神经系统植物神经系统vegetative nervous system  又称“自主神经系统”,是内脏运动神经。根据形态和功能的不同,自主神经可分为交感神经和副交感神经两部分。