疼痛敏感度,Pain sensitivity
1)Pain sensitivity疼痛敏感度
1.Introduction Recent studies have shown that pain sensitivity(pain threshold and pain tolerance)which varies widely from individual to individual,can predict postoperative pain and analgesic consumption after surgery.目的探讨全麻病人术前疼痛敏感度与气管内插管、切皮反应的关系,为全身麻醉的个体化给药提供参考。
2.Objective: To investigate whether preoperative pain sensitivity predict patients, stress response and opioids consumption during anesthetic intubation and skin incision.目的:探讨全麻患者术前疼痛敏感度与气管插管、切皮应激反应的相关性,为全身麻醉的个体化用药提供参考。

1.Study on the Relation between the Preoperative Pain Sensitivity and Postoperative Analgesic Consumption;术前疼痛敏感度与术后镇痛药消耗量的相关性研究
2.Preoperative Pain Sensitivity: A Feasible Way to Predict Patients Responses during Intubation and Skin Incision;术前疼痛敏感度与气管内插管、切皮反应的相关性研究
3.Preoperative Pain Sensitivity Predict Patients' Stress Responses during Intubation and Skin Incision术前疼痛敏感度与气管插管、切皮应激反应的相关性研究
4.measuring sensitivity to pain or pressure.测量疼痛或压力敏感度的仪器。
5.sensitivity to pain, light, heat对疼痛、 光、 热的敏感
6.To suffer extreme pain or great anguish.痛苦感到巨大疼痛或极度痛苦
7.Unless the patient has a very sensitive bowstring sign, no pain is felt in the popliteal fossa region.除非病人感觉过敏,通常在?窝区没有疼痛。
8.There is occasional, transient, nondescript pain, or sensibility during mastication.咀嚼时,有偶发的、暂时的、不可言状的疼痛或敏感。
9.Study on the Mechanism of Masseter Muscle Hyperalgesia Induced by Psychological Stress in Rats心理应激致大鼠咬肌疼痛敏感及其机制的研究
10.When pain is unremitting, dramatic changes follow: spinal cord neurons become hypersensitive and start firing in response to weak stimuli.当疼痛持续不消时,会造成显著的变化:脊髓神经元变得极度敏感,对微弱的刺激也产生放电反应。
11.Genetic and Nongenetic Factors Associated with Pain Sensitivity and Postoperative Fentanyl Dose;影响疼痛敏感性和芬太尼镇痛剂量的遗传和非遗传因素研究
12.Inflammation of a muscle, especially a voluntary muscle, characterized by pain, tenderness, and sometimes spasm in the affected area.肌炎肌肉的炎症,尤指随意肌,症状是感染区的疼痛、敏感和有时痉挛
13.It may also release brain endorphins, reducing sensitivity to pain and boosting endurance and pleasurable sensations.它还能分泌内啡肽,缓解疼痛敏感性,增强耐受力和快感。
14.suffer acute pain, embarrassment, remorse, etc感到剧烈的疼痛、 极度的尴尬、 深深的懊悔等
15.The pain is more or less constant, ofmoderate intensity, and f requently is described asa persistent pulling, gnawing, or aching discomfort.疼痛或多或少是经常性的,呈中等强度,并常被描述为持续性牵引感、痛或疼痛不适。
16.The pain is more or less constant, of moderate intensity, and frequently is described as a persistent pulling, gnawing, or aching discomfort.疼痛或多或少是经常性的,呈中等强度,并常被描述为持续性牵引感、咬痛或疼痛不适。
17.Something that hurts; a pain, an injury, or a wound.痛苦,伤口使人感到疼痛的东西;疼痛,创处或伤口
18.insensitive to pain, cold, etc对疼痛、 寒冷等无感觉

painful sensibility疼痛敏感性
4)perception of pain疼痛感受
1.Objective To study the relationship between the perception of pain during parturition and endogenous opioid peptide (EOP) levels, and interactions of EOPs.结论血清强啡肽A1-13升高可削弱第二产程产妇的疼痛感受,β-内啡肽和亮啡肽有协同作用。
5)pain degree疼痛程度
1.Objective To study influence of pain degree of elder cancer patients on their quality of life (QOL) and to analyze its influencing factors,so as to provide data for improving the QOL of the elder patients.目的探讨老年癌症疼痛(以下简称癌痛)患者疼痛程度对生活质量的影响,分析其影响因素,为提高老年癌痛病人生活质量(qualityoflife,QOL)提供依据。
6)moderate pain中度疼痛
1.Objective To study the cruative effect and side effect of Tramcontin(release controlled Trammal tablet)on moderate pain of the advanced stage cancer patients.目的 探讨奇曼丁 (曲马多缓释片 )对晚期癌症中度疼痛的疗效及其副作用。

起爆敏感度起爆敏感度sensitivity to initiation q Iboo mlngondu起爆敏感度(sensitivity to initiation)炸药在外界能量作用下,发生爆炸反应的难易程度。炸药敏感度的高低对炸药的加工制造、运输、贮存和安全使用都具有十分重要的意义。敏感度过高的炸药,加工和使用极不安全。相反,敏感度过低的炸药,需要很大的起爆能力才能起爆,给爆破施工带来很大麻烦。爆炸不完全或拒爆的炸药也是个不安全因素。 测定炸药敏感度的方法很多,矿山常用的方法有:(l)爆炸能感度测定法。测定炸药在爆炸能作用下发生爆炸难易程度,一般用保证炸药起爆的极限药量和殉爆的最大距离来表示。称量0.59或1.09的受试炸药,装人铜皮雷管壳内,在其上装人起爆药,用导火索引爆。根据铅板穿孔大小来判断受试药是否爆炸。通过增减起爆药的药量,即可测出该炸药起爆的极限药量。极限药量小,表明该炸药对爆炸能感度高;反之,则低。殉爆距离试验法,见殉爆。(2)冲击波感度测定法。测定炸药在冲击波作用下.发生爆炸的难易程度的方法。采用隔板试验法。由主动药包爆轰产生的冲击波,经过惰性隔板衰减使冲击波强度刚好能够引起被动药包爆轰,以隔板的厚度来表示被动药包对冲击波的敏感度敏感度指标为(n一澎)2,n为被动药包能100%爆轰的最大隔板厚度,、’为被动药包l(}()环不爆轰的最小隔板厚度。隔板材料可为塑料或金属,其厚度的误差不超过一。.2一+。.smm。这种方法对于冲击感度较低的矿用炸药最为适用。