镇痛治疗,Analgesia therapy
1)Analgesia therapy镇痛治疗

1.Progress in clinical application of analgesic treatment with oxycodone-acetaminophen氨酚羟考酮镇痛治疗的临床应用进展
2.The cure of later period cancer pain in 340 patients340例晚期肿瘤患者镇痛治疗分析
3.Study of the Treatment with Controllable Analgesia on Procedural Pain in Dressing Changes of the Burn Injured Patient;烧伤创面换药操作痛控制性镇痛治疗的研究
4.Balanced Analgesia for Severe Tension-type Headache:32 Cases Report平衡镇痛治疗重度紧张型头痛的临床观察
5.Analgesic effect of radiotherapy in pain caused by metastatic bone tumors:Clinical reprot of 78 cases骨转移癌放射镇痛治疗78例临床效果观察
6.Curative effects of patient controlled epidural analgesia for symptomatic lumbar disc herniation自控硬膜外腔镇痛治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效观察
7.The Clinical Analysis of Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia for Symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniation, and the Influence of Epidural Steriod Injection on Blood-Glucose;自控硬膜外腔镇痛治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床研究及对血糖影响
8.any of various aromatic resinous substances used for healing and soothing.各种芳香的脂状物质,用于治疗和镇痛。
9.The Researchs on the Protocol for Sedation and Analgesia in Treatment of Uterine Fibroids by HIFU;镇静镇痛方案用于HIFU治疗子宫肌瘤的研究
10.Clinical Research on Treatment of Periarthritis of Shoulder with Electric Acupuncture to Double TiaoKou;电针条口穴治疗肩周炎的临床镇痛疗效研究
11.Quyuzhentong Decoction Jiajian Analgesic Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia Clinical Observation祛瘀镇痛汤加减治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛临床疗效观察
12.Clinical observation of the pain and the effect of antalgic therapy after interventional therapy of malignant tumors恶性肿瘤介入治疗后疼痛及镇痛疗效的临床观察
13.Clinical Study of Tianzhen Decoction in Preventive Treatment of Migraine with Blood Stasis and Phlegm Type;天镇汤预防性治疗偏头痛痰瘀证的临床研究
14.Clinical Research on Treating Periarthritis of Shoulder with Point Injected Anti-inflammatory Analgesic Liquid穴位注射消炎镇痛液治疗肩周炎的临床研究
15.Effect of Sanjie zhentong capsule on cytokine secretion in endometriosis patients散结镇痛胶囊治疗子宫内膜异位症效果观察
16.Early treatment for ankylosis of knee joint with arthrolysis under self-controlled analgesia膝关节僵直松解术后自控镇痛下的早期治疗
17.Clinical Study of Treating Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion by Sacral Canal Injection Connected with Analgesia Pump骶管置镇痛泵治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究
18.BACKGROUND: The supplementation of an opioid by a non-opioid analgesic is a widely accepted technique for the treatment of postoperative pain.背景:一种阿片类镇痛药追加一种非阿片类镇痛药是一种公认的术后疼痛的治疗方法。

3)Analgesic/therapeutical effect镇痛/治疗作用
4)Silver spike point (SSP)点刺激镇痛治疗
5)analgesics/therapeutic use镇痛药/治疗应用
6)relieve pain efficacy镇痛疗效
