眨眼反射,blink reflex
1)blink reflex眨眼反射
1.Evaluation with blink reflex to early peripheral facial palsy;眨眼反射对早期周围性面神经麻痹的评估价值
2.Methods 12 rabbits were used in the blink reflex experiment to observe the surface anesthetic effect of physiological saline combined with lidocaine hydrochloride(left eye),and verapamil hydrochloriden combined with lidocaine hydrochloride(right eye) on rabbits respectively.方法选取12只家兔,用眨眼反射实验分别观察生理盐水、利多卡因联用(左眼)或维拉帕米、利多卡因联用(右眼)对家兔表面麻醉作用的影响。
2)eyeblink conditioned reflex眨眼条件反射
1.Establishment of classical eyeblink conditioned reflex model in conscious and unfixed guinea pigs and study of related acquisition rule清醒无制动豚鼠经典眨眼条件反射的建立及其习得规律研究

1.Role of Cerebellar D-I Nuclei during Acquisition of the Classically Conditioned Eyeblink Responses in Guinea Pigs;豚鼠小脑齿状—中位核在经典眨眼条件反射建立过程中的作用研究
2.Role of Cerebellular Dentate-interpositus Nuclei during Establishment of Trace Eyeblink Conditioning Inguinea Pigs追踪性眨眼条件反射建立过程中豚鼠小脑D-I核的作用研究
3.Establishment of classical eyeblink conditioned reflex model in conscious and unfixed guinea pigs and study of related acquisition rule清醒无制动豚鼠经典眨眼条件反射的建立及其习得规律研究
4.Effects of different recording methods for orbicularis oculi muscle activity on acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs不同眼轮匝肌活动记录方法对豚鼠痕迹性眨眼条件反射建立的影响
5.Activity of Single Neuron in the Dentate Gyrus of Guinea Pig during the Consolidation of Trace Eyeblink Conditioning;豚鼠海马齿状回神经元在追踪性眨眼条件反射巩固过程中放电活动研究
6.Synaptic ultrastructural changes of cerebellar dentate-interpositus nuclei after acquisition of classically conditioned eyeblink responses in guinea pigs经典眨眼条件反射建立后豚鼠小脑齿状-中位核突触超微结构的变化
7."Simple reflexes include sucking, swallowing, Blinking, scratching, and the knee jerk."简单的反射包括吮吸、吞咽、眨眼、抓痒和膝盖痉挛。
8.Activity of Single Granule Cell in the Dentate Gyrus of Guinea Pig During The Consolidation of Trace Eyeblink Conditioned Responses豚鼠齿状回颗粒细胞在追踪性眨眼条件反应巩固过程中的活动(英文)
9.Role of Cerebellum during the Acquisition and Expression of Classically Conditioned Eyeblink Responses in Guinea Pigs: Comparison of Delay and Trace Paradigms小脑在豚鼠延迟性和痕迹性条件眨眼反应习得和表达过程中的作用研究
10.a conditioned reflex [ response ]【心理】条件反射[反应]
11.Behavior Theory and Conditioning行为学说与条件反射
12.an unconditioned reflex【生理.心理】无条件反射
13.He blinked in the bright sunlight.他在灿烂的阳光照射下眨着眼睛.
14.tertiary conditioned reflex三级条件反射 三级制约反射
15.behind conditioned reflex错后条件反射 错後制约反射
16.trace conditioning reflex痕迹条件反射 遗迹制约反射
17.The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.快速朝眼前移动物体,就会引起眨眼反应。
18.These did occasionally wink a little,葡萄确实也偶尔眨眨眼,

eyeblink conditioned reflex眨眼条件反射
1.Establishment of classical eyeblink conditioned reflex model in conscious and unfixed guinea pigs and study of related acquisition rule清醒无制动豚鼠经典眨眼条件反射的建立及其习得规律研究
3)eye blink response眨眼反应
4)trace eyeblink conditioning追踪性眨眼条件反射
5)Classical eyeblink conditioning经典眨眼条件反射
1.Microinjection of Muscimol into cerebellular dentate-interpositus nuclei affects acquisition of classical eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs;蝇蕈醇小脑齿状-中位核微注射对豚鼠经典眨眼条件反射建立的影响
2.Role of Cerebellum during the Acquisition and Expression of Classically Conditioned Eyeblink Responses in Guinea Pigs: Comparison of Delay and Trace Paradigms小脑在豚鼠延迟性和痕迹性条件眨眼反应习得和表达过程中的作用研究
3.Effects of different recording methods for orbicularis oculi muscle activity on acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs不同眼轮匝肌活动记录方法对豚鼠痕迹性眨眼条件反射建立的影响

眨眼1.眼睛一开一闭。 2.指闭眼,合眼。 3.比喻时间极短。 4.比喻光闪烁不定。