术后低氧血症,Postoperative Hypoxemia
1)Postoperative Hypoxemia术后低氧血症
1.Postoperative hypoxemia has large side clinical effect on vital organs such as the heart,lungs and brain,even causes serious accident perioperative period.术后低氧血症是麻醉手术后患者早期最常见的并发症之一。

1.The Analysis of Relativity Factors to Hypoxemia after CABG;冠脉搭桥术后低氧血症的相关因素分析
2.Clinical significance of applying blood oxygen saturation monitor for monitoring hypoxemia in patients after undergoing abdominal operation血氧饱和度监测仪用于腹部术后低氧血症监测的临床意义
3.Study on the effect of sustained inflation on hyoxemia preventing for patient after esophageal operation控制性肺膨胀改善食管癌术后低氧血症病人氧合的疗效探讨
4.Nursing for patients with low blood oxygen content after heart operationtreated by woundless double passive pressure ventilation心脏病术后低氧血症病人无创双正压通气治疗的护理
5.A extubation method of preventing cleft lip and palate hypoxemia after general anesthesia in children预防唇腭裂小儿全麻术后低氧血症的一种拔管方法
6.the complication conclude hypoxia,low-BP,tube-put mistake;术中并发症主要有缺氧、低血压、导管误放等 ;
7.Clinical Research on Hypoxemia in Patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting冠心病围手术期低氧血症相关因素分析
8.Nursing Care for Four Patients with Severe Hyponatremia After Heart Operation4例心脏手术后并发严重低钠血症患者的护理
9.The Nursing of Hyponatremia Following Transsphenoidal Surgery of Pituitary Adenoma经蝶垂体瘤手术后低钠血症的观察与护理
10.Arterial hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia maybe induced by tracheal suction.吸痰可导致低氧血症和组织缺氧。
11.A Study of the Relationship of Hyponatremia to Plasma ANP、ALD and ADH after Transsphenoidal Surgery of Pituitary Adenomas;经蝶窦垂体腺瘤术后低钠血症与血浆ANP、ALD和ADH关系的研究
12.The clinical analysis on a case of chloroacetic acid poisoning complicated with hypoxemia氯乙酸中毒伴低氧血症1例临床分析
13.The Analysis of Releated Factors for Hyponatremia after Transsphenoidal Pituitary Adenoma Ectomy经蝶入路垂体腺瘤切除术后低钠血症的相关因素分析
14.Clinical intervention study of low molecular heparin (LMH) and coagulopathy in critical post-surgical patients with infection外科术后重症病人感染时凝血紊乱及低分子肝素钠干预研究
15.The treatment and prevention of hypocalcemia after thyroidectomy(Clinical analysis of 80 cases)甲状腺癌手术后低钙血症的预防及处理(附80例临床分析)
16.Serial Studies on Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Hyperoxia Solution Against Hypoxemia;高氧液对低氧血症防治作用的系列研究
17.The Influences of Hypoxemia on BNP of Patients with Normal Heart Function;低氧血症对心功能正常患者血浆脑钠肽的影响
18.Clinical characteristics of hyponatremia after craniocerebral injuries in 36 patients颅脑损伤后低钠血症36例的临床观察

Meal-induced hypoxemia餐后低氧血症
1.This article summarizes the possible risk factors, mechanisms, and feasible countermeasures of meal-induced hypoxemia in patients with COPD.本文主要介绍COPD患者餐后低氧血症的易患因素、发生机制及可行的应对措施等,以利于COPD患者餐后低氧血症的进一步研究。
1.The treatment of Acute Left Heart Failure and Hypoxia with Non-invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation;无创正压通气抢救急性左心衰并低氧血症的临床观察
2.Effects of Hypoxia on Coronary Flow Reserve Determined by Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography;低氧血症对心肌声学造影评定冠脉储备的影响
3.Therapeutic effect of hyperoxia solution by intravenous infusion on hypoxia in rabbits during one-lung ventilation;静脉输注高氧液治疗家兔单肺通气期间低氧血症
1.Observation on two different ways of oxygen inhalation to correct hypoxemia of patients with basal fracture;两种给氧方式纠正颅底骨折病人低氧血症效果观察
2.Clinical research on hypoxemia in patients after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting;不停跳冠状动脉旁路移植术后低氧血症的临床研究
3.Postoperative hypoxemia after lung resection:time course and risk factors;肺切除术后低氧血症的发生规律及危险因素分析
1.Research about the relationship between anoxemia and HGB,GHB in patients with cor pulmonale;肺心病患者低氧血症与血红蛋白及糖化血红蛋白关系的研究
6)hypotonic hypoxemia低张性低氧血症

低氧血症低氧血症hypoxemia 各种原因引起的动脉血氧分压(PaO2)小于12.0kPa,老人可小于10.6kPa。原因很多,包括中枢神经系统疾患,支气管、肺病变等。因低氧血症程度、复发的速度和持续时间不同,对机体影响亦不同。临床可见脑缺氧症状轻者,表现兴奋、烦躁,重者昏迷、全身抽搐。缺氧时可致心律失常,心率增快、心排血量增加等心血管系统症状。