咽喉痛,sore throat
1)sore throat咽喉痛

1.Excuse me, from yesterday on, sth has been wrong with my throat.请原谅,从昨天起,我的咽喉痛得很厉害
2.Doctor, I am worried about my sore throat. I cough all the time, and I have lost my voice.医生,我非常担心我的咽喉痛。我不停地咳嗽,并且说不出话。
3.scratchy throat沙哑的喉咙,刺痛发痒的咽喉
4.P:My throat has been dry and slightly painful when sallowing even the saliva.咽喉很干,甚至咽唾液时轻微疼痛。
5.This tells you an infection is on its way.咽喉肿痛是感染发生的信号。
6.Pharyngitis, Toothache, Tinnitus, Headache and Dizziness, Ulcers in the Oral Cavity and in the nose, acute ophthalmia, and constipation.咽喉肿痛,牙痛耳鸣,头痛眩晕,口鼻生疮,爆发火眼,大便不通。
7.I managed to articulate, at cost of great pain to my aching throat.我使劲说出口来,不顾我受伤的咽喉的剧痛。
8.The most common aderse eents reported were throat pain, nosebleed, and feer.最常见的副作用报道为咽喉疼痛、鼻出血和发热。
9.Phamacodynamic Studies of FuXuan Capsule虎玄咽喉胶囊的镇咳、祛痰及抗炎镇痛作用
10.Yes. My throat hurts.是的。 我的咽喉疼。
11."One name for rabies, hydrophobia ("fear of water"), comes from painful throat contraction on trying to swallow. "狂犬病又称恐水病,是因为吞咽时喉部收缩而疼痛。
12.I have a headache and a sore throat.我头也痛、喉也痛。
13.Of, relating to, located in, or coming from the pharynx.咽的,咽部的咽的、与咽有关的、位于咽喉处的或来自于咽喉的
14.The portion of the pharynx just above the larynx.咽喉喉部上方的咽的一部分
15."Excruciating pains Begin in the throat and radiate to the ears or down the neck, with or without a trigger (e.g., sneezing, yawning, chewing)."剧痛起于咽喉,放射到耳,或沿颈部下行。疼痛可自然或经诱发(例如喷嚏、呵欠或咀嚼)而产生。
16.Carl, does your throat hurt?Carl,你喉咙痛吗?
17.He took the man by the throat.他扼住那个人的咽喉。
18.Let me see your throat.让我看看你的咽喉。

throat pain咽喉疼痛
1.Observation and nursing care of throat pain of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients undergoing radiotherapy treated with fentanyl skin paste;芬太尼透皮贴剂治疗鼻咽癌放疗病人咽喉疼痛的观察及护理
3)swelling and pain in throat咽喉肿痛
1.Diagnosis treatment of trauma of throat;急诊咽喉外伤的救治体会
2.An Evaluation on the Effects of Health Care Education For the Chronic Inflammatory Diseases in Throat among the Teachers of Primary School;防治小学教师咽喉慢性炎症性疾病及健康教育效果评价
3.A Clinical Investigation on the Therapeutic Effect of Treating Method of Clearing Heat and Draining Precipitation on the Inflammatory Lesions in Nose and Throat;清热泻下法治疗鼻咽喉炎性疾病的临床观察
1.Objective To ascertain the extracting technology of fauces aerosol inhalation by experiment.目的通过试验确定咽喉雾化剂的提取工艺。

妊娠咽喉痛妊娠咽喉痛 妊娠咽喉痛   病证名。见《胎产心法》。多因孕妇阴虚火旺,或感受时邪,火热随胎气上攻,发为咽喉痛。治宜降火驱邪。方用东垣凉膈散(薄荷、黄芩、黄连、栀子、连翘、桔梗、甘草)。