动脉二氧化碳分压,partial pressure of carbon dioxide
1)partial pressure of carbon dioxide动脉二氧化碳分压
1.Effect of partial pressure of carbon dioxide on critical closing pressure and effective cerebral perfusion pressure in heathy volunteers;动脉二氧化碳分压对健康志愿者脑循环临界关闭压、有效脑灌注压的影响
2)Arterial Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide动脉血二氧化碳分压
1.Clinical Significance of Low Arterial Partial Pressure of Oxygen and Low Arterial Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis;肝硬化患者低动脉血氧分压和低动脉血二氧化碳分压的临床意义

1.Effects of CO_2 Pneumoperitoneum on the PaCO_2 and BIS in Laparoscope Cholecystotomy Patients during Propofol Anesthesia二氧化碳人工气腹对动脉血二氧化碳分压和脑电双频指数的影响
2.Comparison of partial pressure of end-tidal CO_2 and partial CO_2 pressure between different stages in patients receiving non-bypass orthotopic liver transplantation肝移植患者术中各期动脉血二氧化碳分压与呼气末二氧化碳分压变化的比较
3.arterial-alveolar carbon dioxide difference动脉血-肺泡气二氧化碳分压差
4.The Change of PaCO_2 during Anesthesia and Recovery Time of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy;腹腔镜胆囊切除术麻醉期间及苏醒期动脉血中二氧化碳分压的变化
5.Blood gas analysis showed the following: pH7.556.PaCO2 4.7kPa(35.6mmHg)"血气分析:pH值7.556,二氧化碳分压4.7Pa (35.mmHg)"
6.Comparison of the measuring methods for the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood-gas analysis血气分析中二氧化碳分压测定方法比较
7.alveolar-arterial oxygen difference肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差
8.C02 replaces oxygen on hemoglobin molecules.二氧化碳在血红素分子中取代了氧
9.Significance of Intramucosal Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide Changes in Blood and Gastrointestinal Tract of Newborn Infant with Critically Ill危重症新生儿血液及胃肠道二氧化碳分压变化的意义
10.pulsed carbon dioxide lasers脉冲二氧化碳激光器
11.Role of endogenous carbon monoxide/heme oxygenase (CO/HO) system in the development of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension内源性一氧化碳/血红素氧合酶体系在缺氧性肺动脉高压形成中的作用
12.measurement of the pH level and the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in arterial blood; important in diagnosis of many respiratory diseases.有关动脉血中的氧气和二氧化碳的浓度以及ph值水平的测量;尤其对诊断呼吸疾病很重要。
13.high pressure co3 laser高压二氧化碳激光器
14.The Clinical Research for Arterial Blood Gas and Hemodynamic after Insufflation CO_2 in Laparoscopy;腹腔镜胆囊切除术二氧化碳气腹对动脉血气和血液流变学影响的临床研究
15.carbon dioxide combining power of plasma血浆二氧化碳结合力
16.Significance of Change of Gastric Mucosal Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide in Rabbit Model with Septic Shock感染性休克兔胃黏膜二氧化碳分压变化的意义
17.Correlative Research on Arterial Oxygen Partial Pressure and Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Rat;低氧运动大鼠血清血管内皮生长因子与动脉血氧分压的相关研究
18.Transcutaneous CO_2 and transcutaneous O_2 monitoring in neonatal intensive care unit经皮二氧化碳分压及氧分压监测在新生儿重症监护室中的应用

Arterial Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide动脉血二氧化碳分压
1.Clinical Significance of Low Arterial Partial Pressure of Oxygen and Low Arterial Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis;肝硬化患者低动脉血氧分压和低动脉血二氧化碳分压的临床意义
3)arteriovenous PCO2 gradient动静脉二氧化碳分压差
1.The correlation of PaCO_2 and plasma fibrinogen degration products in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;慢性阻塞性肺病患者血二氧化碳分压与血浆纤维蛋白降解产物的相关性
2.The Change of PaCO_2 during Anesthesia and Recovery Time of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy;腹腔镜胆囊切除术麻醉期间及苏醒期动脉血中二氧化碳分压的变化
1.The variation of PaO2 and PaCO2 2 in hypertension patients receiving exercise;高血压病人定量运动前后氧及二氧化碳分压的变化
2.The daily quantity of sputum excretion,PaO2,PaCO2 and the recovery time of temperature and blood ro.方法将108例COPD患者随机分为医用振动排痰机组(简称机械组)和人工叩击组(简称人工组),比较2组患者排痰治疗7天前后日排痰量、氧分压(PaO2)、二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)及体温与血常规恢复正常的天数。
3.Objective: To investigate the complications and relationship of the quality of life(QOL) with PaCO2 in patients with COPD.目的:探讨慢性阻塞性肺病的合并症及二氧化碳分压与生命质量的相关性,以全面了解COPD患者的病情及预后。

动脉血二氧化碳分压动脉血二氧化碳分压arterial blood partial pressure of carbon dioxide,PaCO2 血浆中溶解的CO2分子所产生的压力。正常值:动脉血为4.66~5.99kPa,与肺泡的PaCO2相同。PaCO2是反映呼吸性酸碱平衡的重要指标:PaCO2增高提示肺泡通气不足,可能为呼吸性酸中毒或代谢性碱中毒的呼吸代偿;PaCO2降低,提示肺泡通气过度,可能为呼吸性碱中毒,或代谢性酸中毒的呼吸代偿。