神经系统疾病/病因学,Nerve system diseases/etiology
1)Nerve system diseases/etiology神经系统疾病/病因学
2)Nervous system disease/epidemiclogy神经系统疾病/流行病学
4)neurological disease/chemoinduction神经系统疾病/化学诱导
5)nervous system diseases神经系统疾病
1.Phospholipase A_2 and nervous system diseases;磷脂酶A_2与神经系统疾病
2.Research methodology of nervous system diseases: from system theory perspective;从系统论角度探讨神经系统疾病的研究思路
3.Study on relationship between blood type and nervous system diseases;血型与神经系统疾病关系的研究

1.Clinical Researches of Auditory Neuropathy and the Relationship between Auditory Neuropathy and Other Nervous System Diseases;听神经病及其与神经系统疾病关系的临床研究
2.VEGF and central nervous system diseasesVEGF与中枢神经系统疾病的关系
3.Role of NAIP in neurological diseasesNAIP及其与某些神经系统疾病的关系
4.Relationship between neuronal α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and neurological diseases神经元烟碱α4β2亚型受体与神经系统疾病的关系
5.He is a specialist in diseases of the nervous system.他是位神经系统疾病专家。
6.PICK1 is associated with central nervous system diseasesPICK1在中枢神经系统疾病中的作用
7.Nervous System Complications of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection肺炎支原体感染相关的神经系统疾病
8.Application of Glucocorticosteroid in Neurologic Disease糖皮质激素在神经系统疾病中的应用
9.Perivascular space and neurological disorders血管周围间隙与神经系统疾病(英文)
10.Application of neural stem cells in therapy of nervous system diseases;神经干细胞及其在神经系统疾病治疗中的应用
11.The Positional Cloning of a Complex Nervous System Disease from a Chinese Pedigree;一个神经系统疾病家系复杂疾病基因定位的研究
12.Inquire into the change of platelet parameter of the patient with nervous system disease.目的 探讨神经系统疾病患者血小板参数的变化。
13.Neuro-epidemiological Survey of 6837 Children in Chong-Wen District of Beijing北京市崇文区6837名小儿中神经系统疾病的调查
14.Frozen-section Diagnosis of CNS Diseases An Analysis of 200 Cases200例中枢神经系统疾病冰冻切片诊断分析
15.The Clinical Research on the Chinese Medical Manifestation of "Deficiency of Kidney" of the Disease of Nervous System;神经系统疾病肾虚证中医体征计量诊断研究
16.nutritional diseases of nervous system神经系统营养性疾病
17.metabolic diseases of nervous system神经系统代谢性疾病
18.degenerative diseases of nervous system神经系统变性性疾病

Nervous system disease/epidemiclogy神经系统疾病/流行病学
4)neurological disease/chemoinduction神经系统疾病/化学诱导
5)nervous system diseases神经系统疾病
1.Phospholipase A_2 and nervous system diseases;磷脂酶A_2与神经系统疾病
2.Research methodology of nervous system diseases: from system theory perspective;从系统论角度探讨神经系统疾病的研究思路
3.Study on relationship between blood type and nervous system diseases;血型与神经系统疾病关系的研究
6)nervous system disease神经系统疾病
1.Advances in research on uncoupling proteins and nervous system disease;解偶联蛋白与神经系统疾病的研究进展
2.Application of the zebrafish as a model animal in the research of nervous system disease;模式动物斑马鱼在神经系统疾病研究中的应用
3.Application and Safety of IVIG in Nervous System Disease静脉滴注免疫球蛋白在神经系统疾病中的应用及其安全性

赵心波神经系统疾病验案选赵心波神经系统疾病验案选  医案著作。阎孝诚整理。此书收载儿科名医赵心波所治儿科神经系统疾病31例验案,包括流行性乙型脑炎、病毒性脑炎、脑炎脑病及后遗症、脊髓灰质炎、感染性多发性神经根炎、大脑发育不全、脑挫裂伤、脑外伤后遗症、坐骨神经干损伤、癫痫等10种病。书末附录常用方剂,以及运用赵氏治疗癫痫经验的体会等。1981年由宁夏人民出版社出版。