1.Hume takes causal notion as the product of mind association,he has negated the objective causality.一般认为,休谟既然把因果观念看成是人心习惯联想的产物,那么他也就否定了客观的因果关系的存在。

1.Flume regards our idea of causal relation as the product of human mind's habitual association.休谟因果观的实质在于把因果关系看成是人心习惯联想的产物。
2.On The Role of Hume s View of Causation in Constructing His System;论休谟因果观对其哲学体系的构建作用
3.Hypothetical Causation, Possibility of Avoiding Result and Objective Attribution Theory假定因果关系、结果避免可能性与客观归责
4.From causality judgment to objective assignment: how to realize the turning;从因果判断到客观归属:转向何以实现
5.The Impulse Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Market;宏观经济因素对股市脉冲效果的分析
6.The objectivity you're looking for is not the objectivity of the breath, but the objectivity of cause and effect.你寻找的客观性,并非是呼吸的客观性,而是因果的客观性。
7.As the logic of Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture, the idea of karma permeates into all the narration of the scripture.因果报应的观念贯穿了整个佛经叙事,因果报应观念成了汉译佛经的叙事逻辑。
8.The landscapes in Huangshan scenic spot are a result of the concerted action of manifold factors.黄山风景景观是多种因素共同作用的结果。
9.The authors examined the effects of norepinephrine in combination with saline infusion in uncontrolled hemorrhage in rats.因此,作者对去甲肾上腺素的复苏效果进行观察。
10.Research for Preparation of NDV HN Gene DNA Vaccine and Its Immunological Effect;NDV HN基因核酸疫苗的制备及其免疫效果的观察
11.Study on the Microcosmic Factors between Stability of Release Agent and Application Effect;离型剂稳定性及其应用效果的微观因素研究
12.The Sexual Ethics in the Concept of Comeuppance Expressed in the Erotic Fictions in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清艳情小说因果报应观念中的性别伦理
13.“The causes and effects” the pattern looks at “the destiny leadership” from the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel the idea;从明清小说“因果”模式看“命运主导性”之观念
14.The Impact of College Students Subjectivity on the Rhythmic Gymnastics Course;大学生主观因素与艺体课教学效果探析
15.On the Causality Theory of criminal law --Based on the Theory of Objection Incrimination;简论刑法中的因果关系学说——基于客观归责理论
16.The Impact of the Tibetan Buddhist Karma Theory On Mongolian Moral Views;藏传佛教因果报应说对蒙古族道德观的影响
17.Efficacy Observation of Artificial Abortion Acesodyne by Combining Using of Meperidine and Lignocaine;哌替啶联合利多卡因对人流止痛的效果观察
18.A Brief study in Chinese Ancient Novels and Traditional Operas;略论中国古代小说、戏曲中的因果报应观念

concept about cause and effect因果观念
1.Theory of Picture or Theory of Language-Games——The analysis of Wittgenstein s intention of Linguistic philosophy through the representation of concept about cause and effect in the Chinese Language;语言图象还是语言游戏——从因果观念的汉语表现看维特根斯坦的语言哲学观
3)microcosmic causality微观因果性
4)the view of causation in Buddhism佛教因果观
5)the viewpoint of relation between cause and effect因果联系观
6)the viewpoint ofretribution因果报应观

八种因果──菩萨八种因果【八种因果──菩萨八种因果】  ﹝出地持经﹞  [一、寿因寿果],寿,即寿命。谓不杀物命,无伤害心,是名寿因。由不杀故,长寿住世,是名寿果。  [二、色因色果],色,即色身。谓施灯明供佛,及以净物施人,是名色因。由施灯明及净物故,则得颜容光泽,身形端正,是名色果。  [三、种姓因种姓果],种,即种类。姓,即族姓。谓舍离憍慢之心,是名种姓因。由离憍慢故,则得生于上族,是名种姓果。  [四、自在因自在果],谓能以床敷卧具,饮食汤药,及种种所须之物惠施于人,令他自在,是名自在因。由惠施故,即得大富大财,大众大眷属,凡所作为,无不遂意,得大自在,是名自在果。  [五、信言因信言果],谓口不妄言绮语,两舌恶口,是名信言因。由离口过,凡所出言,人皆信听,是名信言果。  [六、大力因大力果],力,即力用。谓作大功德,立大誓愿,恭敬三宝,孝养父母,是名大力因。由恭敬三宝等故,即得大名称,大福德,大智慧,有大势力,为一切人之所敬重,是名大力果。(三宝者,佛宝、法宝、僧宝也。)  [七、丈夫因丈夫果],谓乐丈夫法,厌女人法,复能说丈夫法饶益他人,是名丈夫因。由成就丈夫法故,来世即得男子之身,堪为一切功德法器,是名丈夫果。  [八、力因力果],谓于他人有如法之事,随其力能悉往营助,是名力因。由成就力因故,即得少病,少恼,有力堪任修诸善法,是名力果。