曲线思维,curved mode of thinking
1)curved mode of thinking曲线思维
1.By analyzing the students compositions, this thesis attempts to analyze the influence of the Chinese curved mode of thinking on ESL writing, especially the writing of English argumentation in an effort to emphasize the transformation of mode of thinking in the process of writing.本文通过学生ESL作文实例尝试分析中国人典型的曲线思维模式对ESL写作,尤其是ESL论说文的写作的影响,以此说明ESL写作时也要注重思维模式的转换。
2.By comparing the curved mode of thinking of Chinese and liner mode of thinking of western people,this thesis attempts to analyze the influence of curved mode of thinking on the writing of English argumentation in an effort to emphasize the transformation of mode of thinking in the process o.本文通过对比中国人典型的曲线思维方式与西方人的直线思维方式,尝试着分析曲线思维对英语议论文写作的影响,以此说明写作时也要注重思维方式的转换。
2)thought curvature思维弯曲
3)Compositional thinking作曲思维
4)linear thinking线性思维
1.Nonlinear thinking gives us a new thinking way about realizing the complicated world.非线性思维为人们提供了认识复杂世界的一种新的思维范式。
2.Iinear communication will cause linear thinking while spreading communication is destined to cause spreading thinking besause of the difference of media s symbol characteristics.广播、电视等媒体在传播过程中,因其各自的媒介符号特征的差异而表现出在类似线性(单一文字或声音)或场性(声音加图像)的传播样态的区别,线性传播必将带来线性思维,场性传播注定诱发场性思维,这样过于直接的推论稍显简单,忽略了受众在接收信息过程中主动处理信息的能动性,易流于“形式决定论”的片面认识。
3.Being bound to the linear thinking,people are likely to make some wrong or improper decisions.囿于线性思维,是许多管理决策失误的重要根源。

1.The thinking methods of linear and non-linear in physics;物理学中的线性思维和非线性思维方法
2.From Linear Thinking to Nonlinear Thinking;从线性思维到非线性思维——当代领导者需要实现的思维方式转变
3.A New Visual Field for Thinking Science: About the Non-linear Thinking Study;思维科学的新视野——关于非线性思维研究
4.The History of the Western HRM Thi nking Mode :From Li near Thought t o Compl exit y Thought;试论西方人力资源管理思维方式的沿革——从线性思维到复杂思维
5.From Linear Thinking to Non-linear Thinking is a Core Demand of Quality Education in Science and Engineering Universities从线性思维到非线性思维:理工科高校素质教育的核心诉求
6.Discussing the Chinese Teaching s Non-linear Thought and Its Strategy;试论语文教学的非线性思维及其策略
7.The Study of Non-linear Thinking and Its Application on Architecture;非线性思维及其在建筑中的应用研究
8.From Linear Thought to Complex Thought--on the application of psychology in management;从线性思维到复杂性思维——兼谈心理学在管理中的应用
9.Scanning the Issue of the Scientific Development View from the Angle of Nonlinear Thinking;从非线性思维视角看科学发展观的提出
10.The Utilization of Non-linear Mode of Thinking in the Edition of TV Programs论非线性思维在电视节目编辑中的作用
11.Organize and Promote Innovation under the Non-linear Thinking--Comment on Briefly the New Several Kinds of Innovation Management at Present;非线性思维下的促发与组织——当前几种创新管理新模式述析
12.On the Nonlinear Dialectic Feature of Modern Totality Thinking;论当代整体性思维的非线性辩证特征
13.Form Linearity to Nonlinearity:Extension of Chinese University Management Thinking从线性到非线性:我国大学管理思维的延伸
14.The Viewpoint of Nonlinearity--Thinking to the 21st Century;非线性观点——通向21世纪的思维
15.Thoughts and Analysis of the Linear Thinking of Chinese Painting;对中国画学线性艺术思维的思考与分析
16.The Practical Reflection on Thinking Clues in Enterprise Management;企业经营管理中思维线索的实践性思考
17.Cultivation of Students Divergent Thinking in the Teaching of Linear Algebra;线性代数教学中学生发散性思维的培养
18.On Linear thinking Mode 0f Chinese Traditional Music and Evolution of Western Counterpoint;中国传统音乐的“线”性思维与西方多声部音乐

thought curvature思维弯曲
3)Compositional thinking作曲思维
4)linear thinking线性思维
1.Nonlinear thinking gives us a new thinking way about realizing the complicated world.非线性思维为人们提供了认识复杂世界的一种新的思维范式。
2.Iinear communication will cause linear thinking while spreading communication is destined to cause spreading thinking besause of the difference of media s symbol characteristics.广播、电视等媒体在传播过程中,因其各自的媒介符号特征的差异而表现出在类似线性(单一文字或声音)或场性(声音加图像)的传播样态的区别,线性传播必将带来线性思维,场性传播注定诱发场性思维,这样过于直接的推论稍显简单,忽略了受众在接收信息过程中主动处理信息的能动性,易流于“形式决定论”的片面认识。
3.Being bound to the linear thinking,people are likely to make some wrong or improper decisions.囿于线性思维,是许多管理决策失误的重要根源。
5)thought channel思维路线
1.This thesis direct against the phenomenon of choosing various methods to study the issue of management studies,the author advanced the thought logic and criterion from three aspects: Thought attitude,thought channel,thought measure.本文针对管理学科问题研究方法多元化选择的现象,从研究者思维这一角度切入,结合前人研究成果,从思维态度、思维路线、思维方法三方面提出研究管理学科问题的思维逻辑和规范,以此来提高管理研究方法解决管理学科问题的效率。
6)liner mode of thinking直线思维
1.By comparing the curved mode of thinking of Chinese and liner mode of thinking of western people,this thesis attempts to analyze the influence of curved mode of thinking on the writing of English argumentation in an effort to emphasize the transformation of mode of thinking in the process o.本文通过对比中国人典型的曲线思维方式与西方人的直线思维方式,尝试着分析曲线思维对英语议论文写作的影响,以此说明写作时也要注重思维方式的转换。

Hesse曲线(代数曲线的)Hesse曲线(代数曲线的)Hessian (algebraic curve)  11油限曲线(代数曲线的)【H台自11(.妙如允.抖e);recc咖,T~aaa,即r药pa一吸ee二o‘二p.助蓝] n次代数曲线(司罗玩水c~)的He丈祀曲线就是其极二次曲线能分裂为两条直线的点的集合,也是第一极曲线的二重点构成的集合.n次非奇异曲线的He丈七曲线是一条次数为3伪一2)、类为3(n一2)(3n一7)的曲线.设介O是这条n次曲线的齐次坐标方程,关丘=刁:f/刁xi刁、,则它的He丈犯曲线的定义方程为 !不:关:五,} }五:关:五31=0. }人,人2人3}特征不等于3时的三次非奇异曲线的H既七曲线与这条曲线交于9个通常拐点.因O.H改e(l 844)而得名. A .E.H困阳。B撰