指称论,Referential Theory of Meaning
1)Referential Theory of Meaning指称论
1.Comparative Research on Mohist and Aristotelian Referential Theory of Meaning;墨家与亚里士多德指称论思想的比较研究
2.The referential theory of meaning enjoys a very long history in both Chinese and western philosophy of language.意义的指称论在中西方都有悠久的历史渊源。

1.Comparative Research on Mohist and Aristotelian Referential Theory of Meaning墨家与亚里士多德指称论思想的比较研究
2.Referential Theory Russell s Critical Development of Frege s Viewpoints;罗素在指称论上对弗雷格的批判和继承
3.Exploration of the Reference Theory of Meaning of Modern British and American Philosophy of Language;关于现代英美语言哲学的指称论的考察
4.A Study on Russell's Referential Theory of Meaning-Being Different from the Argument of Indication and Substance罗素意义指称理论述评及与《指物论》之比较
5.Seminar on the Alleged Transnational Criminal指称的跨国公司罪犯问题讨论会
6.Reinterpreting Speech Act Theory: From Reference to Construction;言语行为理论的再解读:从指称到构建
7.On the Same Signifier with Different Signified of the Word "Pedestrian" in Ancient Books;试论古籍中“行人”一词的同称异指现象
8.On the Anaphoric Function of the Demonstrative Pronouns Zhe(这) and Na(那) Referring to the Events;试论“这”“那”指称事件的照应功能
9.Theory of Description,Direct Denotational Semantics and Two-Dimensional Semantics传统描述、直接指称与二维语义理论
10.The (Non)referential Use of Nominals in the Early Speech of Mandarin-speaking Children;论普通话儿童言语中早期名词短语的指称和非指称使用
11.From Russell to Strawson-On the Development of Theory of Referring;从罗素到斯特劳森——简论指称理论的发展
12.A Study on Referring Expressions in English Newspaper Headlines from Accessibility Theory;从可及性理论看英语新闻标题的指称表达
13.Relevance-theoretic Interpretation of Bridging Reference in Chinese Discourse;基于关联理论的汉语语篇桥接指称阐释
14.Framing and third person pronouns in deep anaphora;框架理论对第三人称代词深层回指的解释力
15.The Study of Kripke s Reference Theory in the Context;语境视阈中克里普克指称理论的考察与反思
16.The Theory of Empty Categories and the Identification of Empty Categories in Chinese;空语类理论和汉语空语类的辨识与指称研究
17.Reference and description;试析弗雷格和罗素关于指称理论的观点
18.Personal Deixis in Eliot s The Waste Land;人物指称与现代诗歌语义重构——论艾略特的《荒原》

reference theory指称理论
1.Historically, the turning of Pragmatics originated from the "strategic" failure of reference theory in traditional semantic research.历史地讲,语言哲学中的"语言学转向"始于指称理论在传统语义学研究中"战略性"的失败。
3)the referential theory意义指称论
4)causal theory of reference因果指称理论
1.Related to this, Putnam proposes a series of points such as the theory of division of linguistic labor, the causal theory of reference and scientific essentialism, which have had a strong impact on Anglo-American philosophy and won a high reputation for him.普特南的意义理论是对传统语义学的反叛 ,它否定了将意义看作可由心灵把握的固定对象并以其决定指称的做法 ,主张指称决定意义 ;与此相关 ,他提出了语言劳动分工、因果指称理论、科学本质主义等一系列主张 ,在英美哲学界激起强烈反响 ,赢得了很高的声誉。
5)Western reference theory西方指称理论
1.During the creation and development of traditional Chinese logic, an important problem throughout is the relationship between Ming(term or concept) and Shi(objective being), and the Western reference theory also occupies an important position in the Western logic history. 中国古代逻辑学在其产生、发展的过程中,贯彻始终的一个重要问题就是名实关系问题,而西方指称理论在西方逻辑史上也占有重要地位。
6)On the Reference of a Sentence论语句的指称

称论1.称述;评论。 2.犹称道。